Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Angered Hussein Makes 'Kids In The Hall' Reference During Trial

It was a tense scene in an Iraqi courtroom Tuesday as a Kurdish villager retold the story of the attack of his village perpetrated by forces of Saddam Hussein.
"Congratulations, you are in a cage, Saddam," witness Ghafour Hassan Abdullah said as he stared at the ousted president.
Hussein later lashed out at "agents of Iran and Zionism" in the courtroom, called them "flatheads," and vowed to "crush all their heads." He then proceeded to close one eye and, using his thumb and pointer finger, made the motion of crushing the heads of various people in the courtroom. "I'm crushing your head," he madly chanted all the while.
"Crushing your head" is a reference to the character Mr. Tyzik from the Canadian sketch comedy show 'The Kids in the Hall.' This show ran from 1989 to 1994 on CBC, CBS, and HBO and can now be seen in reruns on Comedy Central.
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You Know Your House is Too Small When...

When your house is too small, you need to be really creative in using your space intelligently. It's not unusual to hear of folks trapped in tiny cramped living spaces to find ingenious ways to use the available space. I have heard of folks trying to use their shower (and their shower rods) as extra closet space and having shelves above every door.
But there comes a time when you realize that rather than trying to squeeze a little more utility, you really should focus instead on finding the means to move to a bigger place.
For me, I would recognize my place was too small if the Double Space Kitchenette was something I would find useful.
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Street Prices of Cannabis, Ecstasy and Cocaine at an All-time Low

The price of cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis and other drugs is at an all-time low, clearly indicating that efforts to stem the spread of illegal drugs on Britain's streets are failing.
The data, based on a survey of more than 2,300 people last year, shows that cannabis resin sold for an average of £43 per ounce, down from 2004's figure of £45 - and a big drop from the 1994 average price of £120 per ounce. Even at this low price, the profit margin for the dealer remains high, at 169 per cent.
The annual survey of drug prices, to be released by the charity Drugscope this week, shows how prices remain low.
Cocaine, sold for around £44 a gram, is one of the less profitable drugs, with a profit margin of around 95 per cent.
Britain's continuing "pill-popping" culture, particularly in its clubs, is indicated by the falling price of an ecstasy tablet, which is usually bought for less than £3.
Amphetamines are also down in price, and cost an average of £9 a gram - yielding a 237 per cent profit margin.
Heroin was one drug that went up in price - from £38 a gram in 2004 to £58 a gram last year. Its profit margin more than doubled, to 152 per cent.
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Don't get confused

The morning shower is a complicated discipline. Sometimes you need a helping hand in pinpointing just where to lather up next.
Our Arse/Face Soap will introduce some much needed hygiene into the mornings ablutions, telling you in no uncertain terms exactly where to stick the soap next.
Now even the most non-morning of people should be able to suss this one out. No matter where you usually wash first, this soap will fit neatly into your cleansing routine and keep each side of the soap separate.
Those years of washing your face with the same side of the soap that's been responsible for lathering up your behind are over.
Our Arse/Face Soap is lightly perfumed and comes in a pack of two. Its striking black and white colour scheme means it's easy to keep tabs on while in the bath.
After all, you wouldn't want the 'Face' side accidentally coming into contact with your, ahem, other side, would you?
Click Here
Man Denied Alcohol Tosses Molotov Cocktail Into Store

Baltimore City police are searching for a man they said threw a Molotov cocktail inside a west Baltimore store.
Police said a man entered the J&H Liquor Store on Frederick Avenue and attempted to purchase alcohol. When the owner of the store asked for identification, police said the man became combative, began yelling obscenities, and spitting and hitting Plexiglas inside the store.
Moments later, police said the man left the store, but threw a Molotov cocktail back into the store.
Anyone with information about the man is asked to call the Arson Unit at 410-396-2645.
Grieving wife sliced off willy

A WIFE aged 65 chopped off her dead husband’s willy in hospital — so she could keep it in a pickling jar as a souvenir.
Uta Schneider used a butcher’s knife to hack off the “treasured” manhood. She wrapped it in foil and put it in a lunchbox — next to gherkins.
But she was spotted by a nurse and arrested in Stuttgart, Germany. She is accused of mutilation.
Uta was wed to Heinrich, 68, for 35 years.
She told police: “It was his best asset and gave me so much pleasure.
“I wanted to pickle it for eternity — he would have wanted it. We called it his joystick. I wanted it to remember him by.”
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New Kevin Smith Horror Flick (NOT Jersy Girl 2)

Kevin Smith, known for his cult comedy classics such as the ever-popular Clerks, has decided to go in a little bit of a new direction. He plans to tackle the horror genre.
Smith has revealed that his intentions are to come out with an upcoming horror flick.' Next up I want to do a horror movie. I just think it would be kind of interesting for me at least to go left. I've made seven comedies, or variation thereof, and some people would argue that none of them are funny. But it would be nice to make a horror movie. An intentional horror movie, not like Jersey Girl. It's a genre that I grew up watching on VHS and on cable when I was a kid.
Even though it's what he's known for, don't look for the movie to have any kind of comedic undertones.' No jokes and stuff, not like Scary Movie 4. There are people that do that really well, like Edgar Wright with Shaun of the Dead, but I don't want to make a comedic one, I want to make a straight-forward horror movie.
It looks like Smith doesn't know just yet exactly what the film's details will entail. But he does have an idea of what he'd like to do with it.' It'll be a bit of slasher, but I'm kind of looking more at you remember that movie Race With The Devil? It's more kind of in that vein. Or Wicker Man. Something in that vein where it's creepy and unsettling more than gore.
Whatever he does, it'll probably be good. We'll let you know when we learn any of the film's details.