Sunday, June 18, 2006
Family death plot boy gets life

A 16-year-old boy has been jailed for life, with a minimum tariff of 15 years, for murdering his younger sister as part of a bid to kill his family.
The boy was 14 when he set fire to his family home in south London.
The Old Bailey trial heard he described plans to kill his family so he could be adopted by rich parents, in a note entitled Operation New Life.
His sister died from smoke inhalation while his brother survived being battered over the head with an axe.
His parents and 16-year-old sister escaped from the fire.
The Old Bailey heard the boy said he was not popular because he did well at school and was a "Goth" who wore dark clothes.
His English teacher told police he was a model pupil who was expected to do well.
His parents described him as "a bit of a loner", but said he was very easy-going and fun to be with.
But the prosecution described a "chilling" list of things to do written a few weeks before the attack in April 2004, and found under his bed after the fire.
New York subways were 45 days away from an al-Qaeda cyanide gas attack

Al-Qaeda terrorists came within 45 days of attacking the New York subway system with a lethal gas similar to that used in Nazi death camps. They were stopped not by any intelligence breakthrough, but by an order from Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman Zawahiri. And the U.S. learned of the plot from a CIA mole inside al-Qaeda. These are some of the more startling revelations by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ron Suskind, whose new book The One Percent Doctrine is excerpted in the forthcoming issue of TIME. It will appear on early Sunday morning.
U.S. intelligence got its first inkling of the plot from the contents of a laptop computer belonging to a Bahraini jihadist captured in Saudi Arabia early in 2003. It contained plans for a gas-dispersal system dubbed "the mubtakkar" (Arabic for inventive). Fearing that al-Qaeda's engineers had achieved the holy grail of terror R&D — a device to effectively distribute hydrogen-cyanide gas, which is deadly when inhaled — the CIA immediately set about building a prototype based on the captured design, which comprised two separate chambers for sodium cyanide and a stable source of hydrogen, such as hydrochloric acid. A seal between the two could be broken by a remote trigger, producing the gas for dispersal. The prototype confirmed their worst fears: "In the world of terrorist weaponry," writes Suskind, "this was the equivalent of splitting the atom. Obtain a few widely available chemicals, and you could construct it with a trip to Home Depot – and then kill everyone in the store."
Yearbook shows photos of students drinking and using illegal drugs

North Central High School officials are revising policies that govern student publications after a page in the 2006 yearbook promoted drug and alcohol use, Superintendent James Mervilde said this week. Students violated at least three school board policies in creating page 39 of the yearbook, which showed students drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco products and using illegal drugs, Mervilde said. Captions suggest that the activities were a positive experience. No faces were visible in the photos. The superintendent said he had received many calls from parents and does not believe the page represents the values of the district.
He also said, however, that he believes some people unfairly used the incident to tarnish the reputation of Washington Township Schools. The page has received widespread media attention, and been a topic on talk radio. “I regret the fact that some people have used this unfortunate publication ..... to draw broad inferences about Washington Township,” Mervilde said. “I don't think we’ve dropped our standards. I don't think we’ve lessened our moral standards in any regard. I think what we have here is an error, a bobble. ”Mervilde said students’ actions in this case clearly went against rules set forth by the school board:
- District policy prohibits student expression that promotes substances harmful to student health and that encourages illegal activity.
- District character values require the district to encourage responsibility and lawful behavior.
- The district’s human relations policy requires that students treat one another with respect.
Mervilde said Principal CEQuandt and publications adviser Tom Gayda will be drafting new guidelines for student media to ensure that they follow those board policies.
Board members said they had disapproved of the yearbook, as well. “The board was displeased with what they saw, also,” Board Vice President Lori Schlabach said. “I’m confident things are moving the right direction now.”
Men Who Cook cooking up annual event to help battered women

Christine was an elementary school teacher. She was also a victim of domestic abuse. She had sought shelter at a Milwaukee area domestic abuse center and had received counseling from the Regional Domestic Abuse Services in Oshkosh. She had gotten out of the abusive relationship, was divorcing her husband Alan Schambow and was putting her life back together.
As is often the case in domestic abuse, Schambow feigned remorse and contrition in hopes of getting Christine to come back to him. His reconciliation attempts failed. Christine thought she was finished once and for all with the abusive relationship. But on April 8, 1990, Schambow lured Christine to the Eldorado Marsh on the guise of returning their daughter after his regular visitation. In the ultimate act of domestic abuse Schambow bludgeoned her to death with a tire iron. Schambow was convicted of first-degree intentional homicide and was sentenced to life in prison.
Getting Into the Porn Industry

individuals, both female and male, fantasize about becoming a porn star, or somehow finding a way to get into the Porn Industry. Some folks want to be in front of the camera as actual porn stars, while some just want to be involved with porn productions and become an "insider".
Now that the Internet has flourished, it's become another avenue into porn for those seeking entry. Let's look at some of the different routes one might travel in their quest to be involved with the world of porn.
For reasonably attractive females with nice figures, it's relatively easy. Knowing someone already in the Industry might facilitate their journey into porn, otherwise they'll need to do some Internet research to find and contact an agent or manager, preferably a reputable one in the Los Angeles area where most porn productions take place.
6 Common Sex Myths

Myths about sex are rife in our society. They occur because people pass off partial information as fact. Or, just as often, they have no information and invent sexual facts -- using their common sense or fantasy sense -- as they go along. It would be quite amusing if sexual satisfaction weren't at stake.
The facts get mixed up because ”experts” often change their minds or can’t actually agree, such as in the case of the female G-spot -- some experts still aren’t convinced and some of them are women. I will put to rest a few common misconceptions about sex that are due to their proximity to fact.
How To Take Sexy Pictures Of Your Girlfriend

So your girlfriend dreams of being the next Cindy Crawford. That isn't as hot as if she dreams of being the next Jenna Jameson (just for you), but at least she wants to look really, really good so she'll get the attention she craves. You turn into a drooling dog when you see a really hot girl walking down the street so you'll feel 10-feet-tall when you walk into a place with a hottie on your arm.
Share your honey with the rest of the world -- at least the looking part. Whether you want to enter your girlfriend or wife in the "Is She Hot?" contest or just want some nice pics for your private enjoyment, you can learn to shoot her like one of the pros. Well, sorta.
Every week, Xposed brings you some new stunner. The majority of our pictorials have been shot by an ultrahip L.A. fashion photographer named Nadia Pandolfo. She has an eye for making hot women look even hotter. We asked her to share some tips on how the average guy can photograph his girlfriend and turn out decent images.
Fans lose trousers to gain entry

Football's governing body has explained why up to 1,000 Dutch fans watched a World Cup tie wearing no trousers.
Around 1,000 fans arrived for the Ivory Coast tie in their traditional bright orange trousers - but bearing the logo and name of a Dutch brewery.
To protect the rights of the official beer they were denied entry, so the male fans promptly removed the trousers and watched the game in underpants.
Fifa said an attempt at an "ambush" publicity campaign was not allowed.
Fifteen major companies have paid up to $50m (£27m) each for the right to be official partners at this World Cup.
The American firm Anheuser Busch, which makes Budweiser, won the exclusive right to promote and sell its beverage in the stadiums and other venues.
There has been a wider resentment in Germany that a US brewery has the exclusive rights in a country which prides itself on the quality of its beer and has very strict laws governing its composition.
Woman guilty of killing therapist husband

A jury found California housewife Susan Polk guilty of second-degree murder Friday in the stabbing death of her wealthy psychologist husband.
Polk showed no emotion as jurors returned the verdict shortly before noon Pacific Time after deliberating for four days. Sons Gabriel and Adam, who testified against her, also showed no emotion when the verdict was announced.
It was a surprisingly decorous end to a circus-like, 14-week trial in which the defendant acted as her own lawyer.
Polk, 48, faces 16 years to life in prison. In California, a conviction of second-degree murder means jurors found the killing was intentional but not premeditated.
She was 14 when she met Felix Polk, who was her therapist. She was 24 when she married him.
During the trial, jurors heard bizarre testimony from the defendant about psychics, secret agents and the daily physical abuse Polk claimed to have endured during a relationship that spanned three decades.
10 Lies Pornographers Tell

1. Porn stars are breaking into the mainstream. You’re not cast as the stripper who dances naked at the bachelor party and then has a coat hook put through the back of her head while she’s fucking the star because you have potential as a character actress. You’ll get offered ‘Third junkie hooker’ because junkie hookers one and two get to keep their clothes on and there’s a line of real actresses out the door fighting to do those parts, and getting a five episode story arc on CSI doesn’t count when they’re using your noteriety for free publicity. The mainstream’s happy to inject a little pornster sex-appeal when they need it, and know most are so desperate for mainstream recognition they’ll take $250 for a twelve hour day as long as they don’t have to screw anyone.
2. Teens. Women are only teenage and legal for two years. Tiffany Teen’s been online since 2003 and if you think that she was eighteen when she started… wanna buy a bridge? You can’t really fault women who exploit the borderline-pedophile market but seriously, when was the last time you saw a real teenager in a pink mini-skirt and pigtails?
3. Sluts. Despite what it says on the box, if you call a woman – even a porn performer - a nasty cum-drinking bitch when your not having sex with her, she’s probably going to knee you in the nuts. The tubby mommies-boys and misogynists who market porn want you to think the way they view women is how women in porn see themselves. Try calling a performer a ‘dirty cock-socket’ at a trade-show if you think it is, in fact, true. Watch your head.