Friday, November 03, 2006
Squirrels go nuts on crack

SQUIRRELS are getting hooked on crack cocaine — hidden by addicts in gardens.
They are digging up the stashes and eating the mega-addictive drug, which comes in small chunks. Several have been spotted behaving bizarrely in Brixton, South London, since a police blitz against pushers and users. One resident said: “My neighbour said dealers had used my garden to hide crack. “Just an hour earlier I’d seen a squirrel digging in the flower-beds. “It was ill-looking and its eyes looked bloodshot, but it kept on desperately digging. It seems a strange thing to say, but it seemed to know what it was looking for.” Other residents have seen squirrels become unusually aggressive. The RSPCA said: “These animals are big foragers. They are attracted by smell and will dig up what they fancy. “If a squirrel did open a bag of crack and start consuming it there is no doubt it would die pretty quickly.” Crack squirrels are a recognised problem in America. They are common in parks used by addicts in New York and Washington DC. They have been known to attack park visitors in their search for a fix.
Cheney: Water torture is OK

Vice President Dick Cheney has confirmed that U.S. interrogators subjected captured senior al-Qaeda suspects to a controversial interrogation technique called "water-boarding," which creates a sensation of drowning.
Cheney indicated that the Bush administration doesn't regard water-boarding as torture, and allows the CIA to use it. "It's a no-brainer for me," Cheney said at one point in an interview.
Cheney's comments, in a White House interview Tuesday with a conservative radio talk show host, appeared to reflect the Bush administration's view that the president has the constitutional power to do whatever he deems necessary to fight terrorism.
The U.S. Army, senior Republican lawmakers, human rights experts and many experts on the laws of war, however, consider water-boarding cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment that is banned by U.S. law and by international treaties that prohibit torture.
Republican Sens. John Warner of Virginia, John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have said that a law Bush signed last month prohibits water-boarding. The three are the sponsors of the Military Commissions Act, which authorized the administration to continue its interrogations of enemy combatants.
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Pubic Hair Dye

Introducing the first safe color specially formulated for the hair down there.
Colors naturally, covers gray, and enhances to match your glorious locks above.
Whether you're blonde (be a true blonde now!), radiant auburn, brunette, or black,
our easy-to-use, no-drip formula gives you the perfect
finishing touch.
From now on, when you highlight or color your hair, don't forget your betty color for the hair down there.
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Mother Says Daughter's Class Picture Was Doctored

A local family is outraged by a school photo. When the pictures came back from the studio, a seven-year-old girl’s image appeared to have been doctored to give her cleavage.
The debate is whether the photo just has a very strange shadow or it's been digitally altered by someone.
“It's just bad. It's horrible. She's my baby, not for somebody to look at her like that. She's seven, she's not an adult,” said the girl’s mother, Jenn Truhe.
Truhe cries when she thinks about her daughter’s school picture in disbelief about the class photos she received on Tuesday.Full Story Here
Scarlett sings! And she sings well!

I was a bit surprised to read gossip today that sultry actress/recently elected image of perfection Scarlett Johansson is heading into the recording studio to make an album entitled Scarlett Sings Tom Waits. (At press time, we were still waiting for Johansson's rep to respond to our request for confirmation of the story.) Not that she's the first pretty actress to want a recording career as well; there's an entire batch of L. Lo's and J. Lo's who have that realm covered. My interest comes, rather, from her choice to cover songs composed by the enigmatic Waits.
Anyone who heard Johansson belt it out during a guest appearance on SNL last year, or who has heard her rendition of Gershwin's "Summertime" recorded for a charity album, you have to admit, the girl's got something. Her solid yet ethereal voice is quite lovely. I'm just not sure how it will sound interpreting Tom Waits' trademark swaggering raspy growl and elusive lyrics. And what songs will she sing? Classic Waits? Or his more experimental fare?
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Borat's Top 10 Tips for Sexytime

I like you? I like sex! Here I make my tops 10 checkings list for Americans mens on sexytime.
10. History of retardation in family: It important before make sexy time, to be sure there little or no historys of retardation in her family.
9. Yellow hairs: Everyones, even an Uzbeki, knows that woman has smaller brain than man. Some mens do not know, woman with yellow hairs has smallest brain of all.
8. Get vcr: sexy time womens love look on vcr with videotape cassette tape.
7. Is she shapeshifter? There is clever plastics surgeons in US and A look close on woman's head to checking she have not had remove of jew horns.
6. Erotic physique: If woman do have bosom that is not droop sufficient this can be remedy by attach rocks for 6 month. Miss Kazakhstan Karylgash Atmekova do this and now have beautiful pair that make dangle 1.3 metre.
5. Strong Physique. If you can carry a woman against her will for more than 5 mile she no good and will be too weak for pull plow in winter.
4. Make smell nice: Ladies like very much man who stench attractive. Ensure pungent chram by not wash at least 15 days before datings.
3. Moustache: Ladies like very much big moustache. I wishing mine was more—I was tease about it at school—it did not grow until I was 8 year old.
2. Use Protection: Do not make a sexytime without precaution against disease. A jar of gypsy tears worn around neck will prevent from infect by Herpes and Gonnoreas.
1. Prostitution: Check if woman have ever be a prostitute. It can obvious bring great shame to your family if she have not.
Warning over vodka snorting fad

The Alcohol Problems Advisory Service in Derby said people were snorting the spirit through a straw or from a thin glass tube.
Bar owners have told BBC that the trend is on the rise amongst some drinkers in the city, particularly students.
Officials have warned the activity can lead to long-term health damage.
Nose damage
Bar staff said some people were "in tears" after trying the trend, while others reacted so quickly they were seen falling to the floor as a result of snorting the alcohol.
Nick Tegadine from the Alcohol Problems Advisory Service said pubs, clubs, bars and should get together with the authorities to robustly clamp down on the problem.
"It will get you drunk more quickly than drinking vodka, which of course is why some people do it but over time it will damage your nose.
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New Jail Dress Code: Bras Now a Must

Revealing tops are out and bras are now a must for women visiting prisoners at the Vanderburgh County Jail. Jail officials imposed a new dress code policy after several incidents in which women visiting the jail exposed themselves to male prisoners.
The new policy, posted at the jail's front desk, states that women cannot wear halter tops, sleeveless dresses and shirts, see-through garments, revealing dresses, and shorts cut higher than 2 inches above the knee.
Spandex and "extremely tight fitting" jeans or pants also are frowned upon.
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'Acid' As A Cure For Alcoholism

Battling the bottle? Some medical experts have a controversial remedy: They're looking at the merits of 'LSD' as a cure for alcoholism.
Imagine this. You are hooked on alcohol and you want help getting off the booze. You go to your doctor, and he or she says, "Drop some acid."
That's right. LSD, the infamous drug of choice for many hippies in the 1960s and '70s. Lysergic acid diethylamide, the drug that caused hallucinations or "tripping," was, of course, outlawed, giving it immeasurable street cred in its time, before fading away as flower-painted bodies grew into gray-flannel suits.
So, in the 21st century, why would a respected medical doctor even consider prescribing LSD as a wonder drug to help cure alcoholism?
And will it actually happen?
The answer, like an LSD trip, is elusive, but some in the scientific and medical community are beginning to discuss the possible merits of acid for this generation. Erika Dyck, an assistant professor at the University of Alberta, Canada, researches and teaches the history of medicine.
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Young shoppers want to pay with chip in skin

Some customers are willing to have microchip implants as a means of paying in stores, a report out today says.
Teenagers are more open to the idea of having a high-tech shopping experience, the Tomorrow's Shopping World report suggests.
Around 8 per cent of 13 to 19-year-olds were open to the idea of microchip implants while 16 per cent wanted trolleys to be fitted with SatNav systems.
This compared to just 5 per cent and 12 per cent respectively for adults asked the same questions. Two thirds of teenagers and 62 per cent of adults questioned for grocery think tank IGD's report wanted self-scanning systems at shop check-outs.
Some 7 per cent of people in both age groups were willing to use biometric iris or retina recognition payment systems.
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School Coach Allegedly Taped Sex With 14-Year-Old

A local basketball coach, who taught at three different Christian schools, was behind bars Friday, accused of taking advantage of a 14-year-old student who trusted him.
Buck Lanham is charged with videotaping himself having sex with one of his students. He is in the Orange County jail after police arrested him at Orlando Christian Prep School.
Administrators at the school said they were organizing a meeting with all of the parents for Monday night, where they will explain what they know about the coach's arrest. But, they said, no one will ever be able to explain why someone would do what he's accused of doing.Full Story Here