Saturday, June 17, 2006
Police respond to alarm, find pot-growing operation

A Suisun City man was arrested on drug charges Thursday night after police responded to an alarm call at his house and discovered what they said was a marijuana growing operation in a building on his property.
Stephen Carr, 26, was booked into Solano County Jail on suspicion of possession and sales of marijuana.
Suisun City Police were called to the house in the 600 block of Charles Way just before 6 p.m. Thursday due to an alarm sounding.
Upon arrival, police said, they found the front security screen door locked, but the front door itself partially open. A check of the other exterior doors found the side garage door to be unlocked, police said. As they performed a security check, officer entered the garage and could smell a strong odor of marijuana, they said.
Located inside the garage was a large supply of hydroponic equipment including several grow-lamps and reflectors and also some marijuana smoking paraphernalia, police said.
Porn-surfing Oregon Worker Exposes 2,200 Taxpayer IDs

More than 2,200 Oregon taxpayers' identities were stolen by a keylogging Trojan horse that infected a state PC after an Oregon Department of Revenue worker browsed porn sites, officials admitted this week.
The identities included Social Security numbers, names, and addresses, and were transmitted to an unknown hacker by the keylogger, said the Department of Revenue in an online FAQ. According to the DOR, its anti-malware filters didn't pick up the Trojan because it was so new that anti-virus vendors hadn't yet created detecting signatures.
No taxpayer financial data was lost to the keylogger, the DOR claimed.
Although the part-time worker's PC was infected in early January, the keylogger went undetected until May 15, when an audit of its hard drive was conducted after the employee was found downloading pornography during work hours and fired.
Monday, Oregon's DOR began notifying taxpayers whose identities were exposed, and on Wednesday Governor Ted Kulongoski (D) promised that the state would pick up the tab for credit monitoring and other protective services.
"I want the citizens of Oregon to know that we are taking every possible action to ensure that the people affected by this breech receive immediate notification, and that the State of Oregon will do everything possible to guard against any further compromise of their personal information," Kulongoski said in a statement.
Green goo globs up Great Lakes

Back in the 1960s, foul gobs of algae along Great Lakes shorelines made swimmers and sunbathers miserable before a crackdown on phosphorus pollution repelled the invasion.
Now, the algae are mounting a comeback and controlling it may be tougher this time, according to the Michigan Environmental Council, an umbrella organization for a host of environmental and public interest organizations in the state.
"The nightmare may be poised to repeat itself," the council said in a statement accompanying a report released Wednesday.
Algae blooms have been on the rise since the mid-1990s in parts of all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior, whose icy waters are not as hospitable to the slimy aquatic plants.
The problem has worsened recently and is particularly severe on shallow, warm Lake Erie, experts said.
Rob Zombie Writing The New Halloween Movie

Ideas included a prequel that would explain Michael Myers' life, a straight-up sequel, and even a movie where Myers would meet Hellraiser's Pinhead.
But, Rob Zombie recently signed up to write/produce/direct the next Halloween movie, and none of those ideas will happen. Instead, he will put his own twist on the film, making it a remake/prequel of sorts.
According to the blog on Zombie's MySpace profile, he has said of his vision, "Okay here's the real deal for those of you who are confused. As I said yesterday I am not making Halloween 9. That series is done, complete, over. But what I am doing is starting totally from scratch. This is the new Halloween. Call it a remake, an update, or whatever, but one thing for sure is this is a whole new start a new beginning with no connection to the other series. That is exactly why the project appeals to me. I can take it and run with it. I talked to John Carpenter about this the other day and he said, go for it, Rob. Make it your own.' And that's exactly what I intend to do."
Bob Weinstein is clearly happy with Zombie's decision to work on the film." Rob Zombie is a gifted musician and performer as well as a talented filmmaker. His vision for this new Halloween' is spectacular and I am thrilled to be collaborating with him and to work closely with Malek Akkad to continue the legacy built by his father, the late Moustapha Akkad."
But, Weinstein isn't the only one who's happy. Zombie's manager Andy Gould, who was also the producer of Zombie's other two films, said, "I am thrilled to be working again with Rob and with Dimension Films on such an iconic project that will reinvigorate Halloween' and Michael Myers in a truly terrifying new way."
No other details have been released as of yet. However, the film is set to be released in October 2007
Hostel 2

If you didn't get your gore fix from Hostel, then you'll be happy to know that a sequel is in the works. Eli Roth, the film's writer/director, has told MTV that he's in the process of writing Hostel 2.
This time around the film will focus on three girls, which was an idea suggested by Quentin Tarantino." They're studying in Italy for the summer, and they get lured, and they go back to well, we're going to go back to a lot of familiar places," said Roth.
Even though this time the hostel will be in Italy, it looks like it's related to the first because Roth has revealed that the original Slovakian hostel is part of a chain!" It's all part of the organization; they've got the whole thing set up all over the place, and they have different scouts. We're going to learn a lot more about how it all works. In Hostel 2,' you're really going to see the ins and outs of the whole organization and how they get people and kill them."
Guess what Paxton, played by Jay Hernandez, will be back for the sequel. Apparently he didn't learn his lesson in the first film and will find himself sucked right back into the whole thing.
"Jay has a few less fingers, so it might be difficult for him to blend in," said Roth. "But yeah, he's not out of the woods yet." How will it start? Well, the sequel will begin where the original left off.
"Hostel 2' is going to start literally with the next cut, and you're going to see [Paxton] at the same time. You'll see that he's totally messed-up from the experience. It's completely wrecked him, and his life is in ruins."
Roth hopes to start shooting the film in August and plans to release it in January 2007.
I never really thought that people would actually read this blog or especially that they would leave comments on it so I wasn’t really checking the comment section until today when I went to watch the bloodhound gang video I posted on Wednesday and noticed a comment on it left by Korson. I was amazed that someone not only would leave a comment on my blog but that it wasn’t someone leaving me hate mail. I promptly went through every post I had put up and read every comment that had been left over time and I couldn’t believe the positive responses I have gotten from people it is really wonderful to know that people enjoy reading this blog I have changed the settings so that any time a comment is left it will send me an email so I will be sure and read it and if anyone would like to contact me personally I can be reached at I have also added a new section to my links called friends of the asphole for anyone who would like to have there blog added to my links. So to Korson, Springoddess and the rest of you who take the time out of your busy lives to read my blog and leave the wonderful comments that you have left I thank you from the bottom of my heart it means a lot to know you enjoy reading my blog.
10 Of The World's Worst Pick-Up Lines

1. Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?
2. I'm new in town, could I have directions to your house?
3. You have to tell me your name, because last night in my dreams, I could only call you 'baby'...
4. I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your Bed Rock...
5. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
6. At the office copy machine "Reproducing eh? Can I help?"
7. Hi I'm conducting a feel test of how many women have pierced nipples...
8. Hi, the voices in my head told me to come and talk to you...
9. I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you...
10. Have you ever played naked leap frog?
5 Embarrassing Sex Mishaps To Avoid

Mishaps happen; but when they are sexual mishaps it can feel like a giant spotlight is shinning on you with the whole world watching. The key is to figure out how to recover from them. Knowing which mishaps to cover up, smooth over and make light of is essential to the game.
Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar

The federal Conservative government says it won’t lay a hand on the Lactation Station Breast Milk Bar. A Toronto performance artist is offering the public an opportunity to sample human breast milk, in the spirit of wine tasting, and the lesbian single mother is using a $9,000 grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to help get the creative juices flowing. That’s the kind of avant garde stuff that used to make Conservative MPs paw the earth in opposition.
Woman's severed head found at fatal crash scene

A severed female head flew from a pickup truck early Thursday during an accident that killed a woman and her child on a busy Boise road.
The head, which landed on the roadway after the crash, is unrelated to the accident, but is likely connected to a slaying in nearby Nampa, said Lynn Hightower, a Boise police spokeswoman.
"It was one of the more horrific and complex crime scenes on memory," Hightower said. "A woman and her child killed in a crash, and a severed head from an earlier homicide: It's nothing short of bizarre and tragic."
Hightower said the pickup driver, Alofa Time, was transporting the severed head in his vehicle when the accident occurred.
Boise Police arrested Time, 51, of Nampa, at the accident scene. Time, who did not sustain any significant injuries in the crash, was arrested for investigation of two counts of second-degree murder.