Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ex-Henry coroner draws suspended sentence

Former Henry County Coroner Robert Scott Troxell received a suspended sentence Monday on charges that he last year arranged to pay a Muncie woman to have sex with him in front of her children, Troxell, 35, now of Muncie, reached an agreement with prosecutors that called for him to plead guilty to attempted vicarious sexual gratification, a class D felony, in exchange for three years supervised probation, including six months on electronic home detention. Troxell also must undergo sex education and sex therapy, complete 100 hours of community service with the Indianapolis Urban League and Community of Love -- agencies that work with the underprivileged and HIV positive -- and register as a sex offender for 10 years. Delaware Circuit Court 5 Judge Wayne Lennington warned Troxell, a former New Castle funeral home director, that any future violations would result in his sentence being served in prison rather than on probation. The ex- coroner admitted in court to arranging through an Internet chat room to meet a woman at a Muncie motel June 27, 2005, and pay her $750 to have sex with him in front of her children. The woman notified police, who arrested Troxell when he arrived at the southside motel with $750. He resigned as coroner a few days later. "By the grace of God these children were not exposed to a traumatic experience that could've lasted a lifetime," Lennington said. From the witness stand, Troxell said very little during Monday's hearing and did not give a public statement of remorse.
Judge ordered to watch 'Jerry Springer Show'

A British Court of Appeal judge on Tuesday ordered a trial to settle a dispute between distributors of "The Jerry Springer Show" and a company claiming the program became too strong for local tastes. In effect, the Court of Appeal ordered a Commercial Court judge to watch samples of the show. Flextech Television, which provides 10 channels of programming for British cable operator NTL Inc., contends it was entitled to cancel its "Springer" deal with Universal Studios International because it became impossible to air some episodes without violating British broadcasting rules. Flextech entered into a contract in 1998 that committed it to "Springer" as long as the show was running in the United States. By 2001, Flextech contends, the "vast majority" of episodes contained content that was unsuitable for daytime viewing and did not comply with the Independent Television Commission code. Universal contends the content changed little over the years. In his ruling, Lord Justice David Neuberger referred the case to the Queen's Bench Commercial Division of the High Court for trial.
Accused murderess admits lack of love for daughter

Accused child killer Suzuka Hatakeyama has admitted she did not love the daughter she has confessed to shoving off a bridge to her death, police said. Hatakeyama, 33, facing charges Monday for the murder of 7-year-old elementary school boy Goken Yoneyama, faces additional charges over the death of her daughter, Ayaka. Hatakeyama has admitted to shoving her 9-year-old offspring from a high bridge into a river. Investigators have disclosed that Ayaka's body was riddled with internal hemorrhaging, but they are unsure when it happened. Hatakeyama, meanwhile, is opening up to investigators about the circumstances surrounding Ayaka's death, police said. "I had no love for Ayaka," police quoted Hatakeyama as saying. "She was a nuisance." The Akita District Public Prosecutors Office is due to indict Hatakeyama for Goken's murder on Monday. Police initially wrote off Ayaka's death as an accidental drowning, but it now appears likely the child's mother will face charges over it.
'Morbid Curiosity' Given As Motive For Killing Teen

Morbid curiosity was given as the motive by one of two suspects charged with killing 16-year-old Ashton Glover, KPRC Local 2 reported Monday. Matthew McCombs arrived in Fort Bend County Monday afternoon after he waived extradition from Michigan, where he and Sean Brown were captured while trying to cross the U.S.-Canada border into Ontario. McCombs and Brown, both 18, were charged with murder in the death of Glover on Wednesday. "McCombs has given a statement," Fort Bend County Sheriff Milton Wright said. "We think the statement, at this point, is pretty accurate because it's collaborated by some of the facts that we have." Wright said McCombs implicated Brown in the killing but admitted to pulling the trigger. "The pistol that we recovered in the search warrant at McCombs' house is indeed the murder weapon," Wright said. "Mr. McCombs pulled the trigger (with a) 22-32. It's an old model replica, a frontier model, an old pistol. You can still buy ammunition for it, I think, but those guns have been out of production for some time." He said that McCombs stole the gun from a friend's grandmother's house in Kerrville. Wright did not elaborate on the statement or motive in order to not jeopardize the case. He also would not say why Glover was the victim. "I'll have to stop with the statement made -- morbid curiosity. Of course, there's more answers to that, but, after conferring with the district attorney and others, they requested that we not go beyond that," he said.
How to Avoid Honor Killing in Turkey? Honor Suicide

For Derya, a waiflike girl of 17, the order to kill herself came from an uncle and was delivered in a text message to her cellphone. “You have blackened our name,” it read. “Kill yourself and clean our shame or we will kill you first.”
Derya said her crime was to fall for a boy she had met at school last spring. She knew the risks: her aunt had been killed by her grandfather for seeing a boy. But after being cloistered and veiled for most of her life, she said, she felt free for the first time and wanted to express her independence.
When news of the love affair spread to her family, she said, her mother warned her that her father would kill her. But she refused to listen. Then came the threatening text messages, sent by her brothers and uncles, sometimes 15 a day. Derya said they were the equivalent of a death sentence.
Consumed by shame and fearing for her life, she said, she decided to carry out her family’s wishes. First, she said, she jumped into the Tigris River, but she survived. Next she tried hanging herself, but an uncle cut her down. Then she slashed her wrists with a kitchen knife.
Hot times in the Ice Age

Last year German archeologists found the 14th piece to a jumble of 13 fragments of siltstone, leading them to reassemble one of the earliest representations of male sexuality — and possibly the world’s first dildo. It is dated at roughly 28,000 years, and considering the trouble I have getting dated at a mere 44, I congratulate it. I might have better luck if I had a rock-solid 8 inches, as this thing has, but then, mine has never shattered into 14 pieces. Of course, no one has ever used mine to shape flints with, as certain markings on this one indicate, and gods help them if they do. At about 8 x1 inches of highly polished inches, the thing is a pleasant size and texture, and its etched markings “leave little doubt as to its symbolic nature,” according to a report on BBC news. The article offers nothing additional to support the assertion by experts that “its life size suggests it may well have been used as a sex aid by its Ice Age makers,” but with such a thing laying about the cave, who could resist? I just hope they warmed the thing by the fire before use. It was the Ice Age, after all, and we all know what happens when you touch moist body parts to freezing-cold objects.

A bizarre animal was discovered in Ohio last week -- a kitten was born with two faces. The kitten was born Wednesday morning, Columbus television station WCMH reported. It has two mouths that meow in unison, two noses and four eyes that have not opened yet, the station said. "I was playing outside in the rain. Once I came in, I saw a two-faced cat my mom was picking up. That's how I knew there was a two-faced cat," said Charles Roberts, the cat's owner. Roberts said he hasn't decided on a name for the kitten yet, but said he wants to name it Tiger. There are two other kittens from the litter, but there was only one cat born with two faces. Charles said that the fact that the kitten has two faces does not bother him. What did bother him is that the kitten did not nurse at first. He said later that the kitten began nursing. "I think he's cute, but I don't think he's going to live because he hasn't been chewing," Roberts said. Dr. Shane Bateman with The Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital said a two-faced kitten is extremely rare and there's no real explanation as to why it would have happened.
Store Clerk Accused Of Putting Dishwashing Liquid In Juice

A store clerk who was said to be unhappy over not being promoted was arrested Monday on charges he spiked bottled grape juice with dishwashing liquid and caused more than 40 people to fall ill at a church communion service.
The contaminated juice was bought at the CVS drugstore where Wendell Woodroffe worked, police said.
Woodroffe, 28, was charged with 22 counts of assault and 22 counts of assault on a victim 60 or older. He was jailed on $50,000 bail.
More than 40 people became ill during the Feb. 5 service at Calvary Baptist Church, a short distance from the drugstore in this wealthy community. Five people were treated at hospitals for nausea and vomiting. People who drank the juice reported a burning sensation in their throats.
We'll always have Paris

She's dismissed as an airhead heiress and the queen of trashy modern celebrity. But is there an enduring icon behind the glitzy blonde facade? Giles Hattersley meets Paris Hilton First, a confession. Four years ago, Paris Hilton, the hotel heiress and porn star manquée, was my flatmate. She was in London to star in my best friend’s horror movie, Nine Lives, and for several weeks filled our spare room with Gina shoes, Juicy tracksuits and a miasma of sickly Guerlain perfume. It was like having a Barbie to stay — albeit one with a taste for hard liquor and dubious men. The partying was wild. The hangovers were chronic. Everything was pink.
We’ve spoken a few times since, but then we drifted. Well, I say we. I stayed put, while Hilton morphed from D-list cutie to A-list megastar. All of a sudden, she had a television show, a book deal, a record contract and, before long, perfumes, handbags, sunglasses and lingerie all bore her legend. A former boyfriend released a video of their pedestrian lovemaking (1 Night in Paris), Camille Paglia weighed in on her cultural significance and Hilton joined that cast of ghouls who feature weekly in Heat magazine. But where was that warm, witty girl who always made a point of emptying the dishwasher? She’d gone — apparently replaced with a dumb sex maniac who loves going down on camera before heading out to bitch-slap some rival skinny girl in the club toilets.