Sunday, July 16, 2006
Ultimate guide to playing Pac-Man

Pac-Man, maybe the definitive arcade game. Certainly one of the game to which the industry owes the "golden years of arcade", an arcade boom during the 1980's and the growth of the games industry as such.
More importantly to us though, Pac-Man is the game which represents everything that's good about gaming (any kind of gaming) and nothing that is bad. It's easy to grasp but hard to master. Addictive and stuffed with pure unadulterated gameplay. Frustrating but always having you come back for more. Never boring and always tense, even for the best players. Always giving you the impression that you can master it but never quite letting you get there.
There are many great Pac-Man players out there but only one did eventually play the perfect game, and it took over 20 years of gamers around the world trying: On July 3rd 1999 Billy Mitchell scored 3,333,360 reached level 255 at which point the game locks up with the first life and became the worlds best known arcade player. Class!
Teenage mothers see pregnancy as a 'career move'

Teenage girls who get pregnant are deliberately "planning" to become mothers in the belief that a baby will improve the quality of their lives.
An extensive study published today reveals that girls as young as 13 are making a "career choice" by deciding to have children, since they see parenting as preferable to working in a dead-end job.
The findings from the Trust for the Study of Adolescence challenges the assumption that schoolgirl mothers are all irresponsible adolescents who are ignorant about using contraception. The revelation that teenage girls are actively choosing motherhood is backed up by official figures obtained by this paper which show that nearly a quarter of pregnancies to under 18s are second children.
The research will have huge implications for government policy, which gives little acknowledgement to the fact that some girls see motherhood as the right decision for them. Britain has highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe, with an estimated cost to the Government of at least £63m a year. The parts of the country that have most teenage births are areas of poverty and high unemployment; girls from low-income families are 10 times more likely to become teenage mothers than those from affluent backgrounds.
Filtering porn on library computers to be determined by committee

A decision on whether to filter pornography from all public library computers has been sent to a yet-to-be created ad hoc committee with no time table for making a recommendation.
Supervisor Ray Carroll had pushed for the county to filter all computers after a television news team showed him footage of people viewing pornography on library computers.
After his motion to filter all pornography failed for lack of a second, he voted against sending it to the committee, calling it an attempt to kill the issue.
Supervisor Ann Day also voted no.
But a majority of supervisors said they want to defer to the expertise of librarians, First Amendment lawyers and law enforcement.
In the meantime, the county plans to spend $40,000 on privacy screens to prevent passers-by from seeing what computer users are looking at. Library Director Nancy Ledeboer had said that was her preferred solution.
In other business, the supervisors approved a 6 percent increase in sewer rates now and another 6 percent increase to go into effect six months from now. The Wastewater Management Department had wanted a series of four 10 percent increases over two years.
Porn victims urged to report matter to relevant agencies

Girls who may have been forced into pornography are being urged to come forward and report their experience to the police or the Ministry of Human Services & Social Security or any civic organisation that deals with such matters.
While representatives from the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) and Help & Shelter have received no such reports, they yesterday told Stabroek News that those persons who may have suffered at the hands of unscrupulous persons should not be afraid to come forward.
Permanent Secretary in the Human Services Ministry, Trevor Thomas yesterday also told Stabroek News that his ministry had not received any reports of girls being forced into pornography.
However, both Thomas and the representatives of the GHRA and Help & Shelter acknowledged seeing reports on this in recent editions of the Kaieteur News. They said while the matter is a sensitive one the victims should be encouraged to report their experiences to the relevant authorities.
The reports stated that young girls had been blackmailed or drugged into making lewd films by sons of rich businessmen.
Porn shop employee stabbed

A FEMALE adult shop employee has been stabbed with a syringe after going outside to investigate a disturbance, police have said.
A spokeswoman said the attack occurred yesterday outside the DNK Adult Shop on Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche, in Brisbane's north, between 6pm and 6.30pm (AEST).
The 34-year-old shop attendant had gone outside to investigate noise caused by a woman outside the shop.
When she was outside the woman walked up to her and stabbed her in the right thigh with what was believed to be a syringe.
The offender walked away down Lutwyche Road towards the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
She was described as about 23 years old, Caucasian with a fair complexion, slim build and long brown wavy hair.
Disabled mom avoids jail after sex act with son

An Edmonton mother who performed sex acts with her six-year-old son to satisfy a master she met in a bondage chat room on the Internet has avoided jail time.
The disabled woman, 38, was sentenced Friday to two years less a day to be served in her home after pleading guilty to charges of sexual interference and distribution of child porn.
She was ordered to undergo treatment and counselling and perform 60 hours of community service.
The woman has cerebral palsy and uses a motorized wheelchair. A psychologist's report said the woman's condition made her willing to "submit to the wishes of another person in order to feel accepted and loved." The woman was living with her common- law husband -- the father of her son -- when she began in 2001 visiting a chat room for people interested in a bondage-discipline-sadism-masochism lifestyle.
She met an Ottawa man calling himself Thomas and became his slave. At fi rst she balked when Thomas started talking sexually about children, but she feared Thomas would abandon her.
He sent her sex toys and they had cybersex using a webcam.
At fi rst, her task was to make up stories that involved sex with children and he sent her images of child porn. Police retrieved about 80 pictures of child porn on her computer depicting nude girls, some having sex with adults.
Accused of making teen girl his sex slave

A National Park Service employee lured a 13-year-old girl to his Staten Island apartment, raped her and then made her a sex toy for up to 10 other men, authorities said yesterday.
The girl, a Mexican immigrant, told investigators the abuse occurred almost weekly for 18 months until June 6.
"He was a predator," a law enforcement source said of the 60-year-old suspect, Angel Nazario. "He sought the little girl out and took advantage of her."
The girl and her mother were collecting recyclable cans at Fort Wadsworth in the Gateway National Recreation Area, hoping to earn a few dollars, when Nazario allegedly walked up to them.
"Would you like to make a little money?" Nazario asked, according to the law enforcement source. "I need a cleaning lady, and your daughter would be perfect."
Authorities said the mother agreed, thinking the girl had landed a legitimate job. Sources said the girl received cash during the course of the abuse and never told her mother about the attacks. Earlier this month, the teen finally told a church counselor, who contacted police.
Nazario, who the source said had a supervisory position with the Park Service, allegedly attacked the victim in his apartment in the Gateway National Recreation Area.
Sex technology pushes boundaries

Things are getting even hotter for the coupling of sex and technology. Adult video games are taking off. Intricate online multiplayer worlds that revolve around sex are blossoming.
"We're looking at the market and saying there's a whole lot of violence, and not much sex," says Brad Abram, president of, the developer of, an online "game" revolving around sex and porn star Jenna Jameson. "I look at it and say, sex is the last frontier in video games. They've done shooting to death. You can't make tennis or hockey much better. Now everyone is trying to do sex."
The commercial promise is so alluring - and the interest so high - that the industry held its first Sex in Video Games conference in June, in San Francisco.
This new horizon, though, stretches beyond video games and online worlds.
Sex toys, computers and cellphones have formed fresh bonds that thrust the "sextechs" to new heights of carnal ecstasy. Tiring of just chatting in chat rooms? Stimulate your partner - or some anonymous person - from afar, using keyboard commands and sex toys. Want to give your girlfriend a little something extra with that text message? You can.
At, "You can do everything there you can do at traditional dating sites - put up pictures, search by attributes and locations," says Amir Vatan, founder and president of the Westlake Village, Calif., company. You also can use video and audio on the site.
Chessboard for plaza incites life-size battle

When John Cutler came up with the idea of putting a big chessboard with 2-foot-tall pieces in the Mill Valley plaza, he thought of children and grandparents bonding over the game as the locals milled happily about, sipping cappuccinos or licking ice cream cones. It would, he thought, be an ideal addition to one of the Bay Area's most admired town squares, bringing it even closer in form and function to the great public plazas of Europe. He didn't expect the town to turn against him. The idea -- warmly received when it was approved by the Mill Valley Parks and Recreation Commission two years ago -- has thrust him into the middle of one of the biggest controversies in years to hit this wealthy suburb at the base of Mount Tamalpais. With the City Council to consider on Monday whether to approve the proposal, residents and merchants, schoolchildren and even chess players have come out against what they call the "giant chessboard." They have denounced it as a boondoggle that would ruin Mill Valley's cozy plaza by disrupting pedestrians and interfering with frolicking children. Cutler, whose project would be privately funded but maintained at city expense, has been pilloried by opponents as a City Hall insider who is bullying city officials into approving an idiotic whim. "If Shakespeare was alive, he'd have a good time writing what a farce this is," said Suzy Cumming, co-chair of the recently formed "Save Our Plaza" campaign, which purports to have collected more than 1,000 signatures, including 42 local merchants, opposing the chessboard. "It's that preposterous." The city recently built a cardboard mock-up of the chess set on the plaza, but within 24 hours it had been ripped up and covered with graffiti.
Bacteria made to sprout conducting nanowires

The discovery that a wide variety of bacteria can be persuaded to produce wire-like appendages that conduct electricity could prove vital to the development of more efficient biological fuel cells.
Bacteria that use sugars and sewage as fuel are being investigated as a pollution-free source of electricity. They feed by plucking electrons from atoms in their fuel and dumping them onto the oxygen or metal atoms in the mixture. The transfer of the electrons creates a current, and connecting the bacteria to an electrode in a microbial fuel cell will generate electricity, although not necessarily very efficiently.
A species of bacterium called Geobacter sulfurreducens, which dumps electrons onto metal, has previously been persuaded to grow nanowires to make contact with distant atoms (see Subterranean bugs reach out for their energy). A deficit of metal atoms in the close vicinity of the bacteria can cause a bottleneck, so the proliferation of nanowires allows the bacteria to consume more fuel, potentially boosting the current produced by a microbial fuel cell.
Now a study by Yuri Gorby of Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in Washington State, US, and colleagues reveals that several other kinds of bacteria produce similar nanowires.