Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Free Drugs With Purchase

Large quantities of drugs were found inside merchandise from at least two Home Depot stores in Massachusetts, and authorities are investigating, police said Wednesday.
A contractor late last week discovered two 50-pound "bricks" of marijuana wrapped in plastic bags inside a bathroom vanity he had purchased at a Home Depot store in Tewksbury, said Chief of Detectives Lt. Dennis Peterson.
The estimated street value of the marijuana is around $145,000, Peterson said.
Similar incidents have occurred in other parts of the state.
A plumber purchased a vanity in western Massachusetts on Monday in which he later found 3 kilograms of cocaine and around 40 pounds of marijuana, with a total estimated street value of $250,000, according to the Southwick Police Department.
David Ludwig, 19, pleads guilty to murdering girl's parents

A man pleaded guilty Wednesday to murdering his 14-year-old girlfriend's parents and was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.
David Ludwig, 19, admitted killing Michael and Cathryn Borden inside their home in Lititz, Pennsylvania, on November 13.
The parents were shot in the head following an argument over Ludwig's relationship with their daughter, Kara Beth.
Ludwig pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, reckless endangerment, statutory sexual assault and a firearms violation. He told police he shot Michael Borden in the back of the head, a crime witnessed by Kara's sister.
After making the plea deal, Ludwig was immediately sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the murder charges, plus 91/2 to 19 years on the other charges.
Top 10 signs you're flat broke
1. American Express calls and says: "Leave home without it!"
2. You wash your toilet paper
3. You're formulating a plan to rob the food bank.
4. You've rolled so many pennies, you've formed a psychic bond with Abe Lincoln.
5. Long distance companies don't call you to switch anymore.
5. You look at your roommate and see a large fried chicken in tennis shoes.
6. At communion you go back for seconds.
7. You finally clean your house, hoping to find change.
8. You think of a lottery ticket as an investment.
9. You give blood everyday... just for the orange juice.
10. McDonald's supplies you with all your kitchen condiments.
2. You wash your toilet paper
3. You're formulating a plan to rob the food bank.
4. You've rolled so many pennies, you've formed a psychic bond with Abe Lincoln.
5. Long distance companies don't call you to switch anymore.
5. You look at your roommate and see a large fried chicken in tennis shoes.
6. At communion you go back for seconds.
7. You finally clean your house, hoping to find change.
8. You think of a lottery ticket as an investment.
9. You give blood everyday... just for the orange juice.
10. McDonald's supplies you with all your kitchen condiments.
Principal shot in the ass

A student who was expelled from a San Anselmo high school last fall returned for graduation ceremonies and shot the principal with a pellet gun as the principal handed out diplomas, police said.
William Castle, 18, allegedly hid in the bushes in a creek area behind the stage on Friday night and shot Don Drake, principal of Sir Francis Drake High School, San Anselmo police spokeswoman Julie Gorwood said.
Police say Castle admitted to shooting his former principal as a "prank" and intended to hit him in his backside. Instead, the pellet clipped Drake's thumb.
"He told police that his intent was to fire a pellet in my ass and then walk off and feel better about it,'' said Drake, who said he quickly realized he had been shot by a pellet gun, but continued to hand out the last few diplomas to graduating seniors. After some final words to the Class of 2006, Drake said he walked off stage and told police he'd been shot.
San Anselmo police were at the graduation to help with traffic when an anonymous caller phoned the Police Department with a tip that a former student planned to shoot the school's principal.
Hot For Teacher

Austin High School Art Teacher Tamara Hoover has shown her students a lot...Including her boobs...and now she may get fired for it...
The Austin School Board voted last night to begin the termination process for Mrs. Hoover. Officials say she should not have appeared topless on-line. She has been on paid leave since May 19th...and this morning on her My-Space account, she defends the pictures as art and not pornography.
Man traumatised by bad language what a FUCKING PUSSY

A Telstra worker traumatised by bad language in the office has won a compensation claim.
The man was treated for anxiety and depression after his bosses told him to get his "arse" and "bum" on a seat, a tribunal has heard.
Sivanadian Perananthasivam has been awarded medical expenses and workers' compensation for almost three months off the job because of emotional distress.
He was upset and weepy, and then later suffered migraines and nightmares and had a fear of answering the phone after he was sworn at, intimidated and branded a disgrace to his work team, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal was told.
Green Day Saves A Little Girls Life

It's not often that rock and roll saves your life, but Ruby Wilson should thank Green Day after their artwork kept her safe from a dangerous hand grenade.
Ruby, 12, from Halifax, was clearing leaves when she found the device, and recognised it from a picture on her Green Day t-shirt.
Her dad saw her with the grenade, told her to put it down and called the army, who then blew it up. It's thought Ruby's garden was once the site of a weapons factory.
upskirt photo in the yearbook

The 2006 edition of the yearbook at Phillipsburg High School showed a little bit more than school spirit, and now is a tad thinner for it.
School officials ripped a page out of hundreds of students' yearbooks because it contained a photograph that showed a student's underwear.
The picture on page 224 showed a female student wearing a skirt and sitting on a desk during a play; a bit of her underwear could be seen.
``The picture was questionable,'' said school superintendent H. Gordon Pethick. ``It's the best way I can describe it.''
Pethick said a relative of the student asked for the picture to be removed, so officials took it out of hundreds of copies of the yearbook.
Pethick said the page was being reprinted without the questionable picture and students will receive the replacement within a month or so.
Some students at the Warren County school were upset by the removal of the pages, The Express-Times of Easton, Pa., reported in Tuesday's newspapers. Besides the offending photo, seven other drama pictures and nine pictures from a pep rally that were on the same page and its other side were removed.
``First of all, people paid for these. They belong to the students,'' Phillipsburg High School senior Katie Rockware told the newspaper. ``They are expensive. It's like them saying, 'Excuse me, can I just destroy your personal property?' I thought it was so ridiculous.''
World's oldest condom
The oldest surviving condom in the world has gone on display in an Austrian museum.
The reusable condom dates back to 1640 and is completely intact, as is its orginal users' manual, written in Latin.
The manual suggests that users immerse the condom in warm milk prior to its use to avoid diseases.
The antique, found in Lund in Sweden, is made of pig intestine and is one of 250 ancient objects related to sex on display at the Tirolean County Museum in Austria this summer.

The reusable condom dates back to 1640 and is completely intact, as is its orginal users' manual, written in Latin.
The manual suggests that users immerse the condom in warm milk prior to its use to avoid diseases.
The antique, found in Lund in Sweden, is made of pig intestine and is one of 250 ancient objects related to sex on display at the Tirolean County Museum in Austria this summer.