Tuesday, June 27, 2006
5 Top Rejection Lines and Their Real Meaning
1. I’m not attracted to you in that way. (You are the ugliest dork I’ve ever laid eyes upon.)
2. I’m concentrating on my career. (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)
3. I’m celibate. (One look at you and I’m ready to swear off men altogether.)
4. Let’s be friends. (I want you punish you by having you stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with.)
5. My life is too complicated right now. (I’m waiting for a rich guy to come along and take care of me.)
2. I’m concentrating on my career. (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)
3. I’m celibate. (One look at you and I’m ready to swear off men altogether.)
4. Let’s be friends. (I want you punish you by having you stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with.)
5. My life is too complicated right now. (I’m waiting for a rich guy to come along and take care of me.)
Carve-up killer grandmother seeks mercy

A NEW South Wales grandmother who skinned and cooked her de facto husband will plead with a court to overturn her life sentence - because she is a woman.Abattoir worker Katherine Knight, who liked to wear feminine Laura Ashley clothes and is known in jail for her demure behaviour, is the only woman in Australia jailed for the term of her natural life. She lodged her appeal against her sentence from maximum security Mullewa soon after she was jailed in 2001 for the macabre murder of John Price. But the case has floundered while lawyers tried to come up with convincing arguments for why Knight, 50, should ever be released from jail. Her solicitor, Peter Katsoolis, refused to comment on the grounds of her appeal, due to be heard this week in the Court of Criminal Appeal. But it is understood it involves innovative grounds, including that she is a woman. "Her appeal has been lodged for years but she hasn't been able to come up with some new grounds. She's been shopping around the lawyers," said someone close to the case.
The Story Of Dick’s Wiener

This is the story of an anniversary. No, not a wedding anniversary or some company's anniversary. This is likely the strangest and most bizarre anniversary you have ever heard of. This is the hot dog anniversary for Richard Carroll of Milliken.
Five years ago, on July 4, Carroll was grilling some hot dogs for a family gathering, and he dropped one of them on the ground. Josh Severin, a family member, quickly picked it up, and instead of merely brushing the hot dog off and putting it back on the grill as most men would do (remember the 5-second rule), he stuck it, lengthwise, on the radio antenna on Carroll's pickup truck.
That hot dog, after five years, after 80,000 miles, after rain and storm and sleet and hail, is still on that antenna. And it's not a pleasant sight.
It's shrunken, this wonder hot dog, and it has turned black and kind of fuzzy and hard.
Man says he's on heroin to avoid jury duty

A man made a mockery of the justice system when he tried to get removed from a jury pool in a death penalty case by claiming he is a heroin addict and a killer, a judge said.
Benjamin Ratliffe, 21, of Columbus, was charged with contempt of court and obstruction of justice and ordered to spend a night in jail.
Ratliffe filled out a questionnaire form for potential jurors and professed to having a "bad jonesin' for heroin." When asked if he had ever fired a weapon, he wrote, "Yes. I killed someone with it, of course. Right."
Ratliffe doesn't believe in the death penalty and wanted to be excused from the trial, said his attorney, Scott Weisman.
Opening today: the world's first Kiss Coffeehouse in Myrtle Beach. I guess there will be more. But if there eventually would be one in Amsterdam, woul

Opening today: the world's first Kiss Coffeehouse in Myrtle Beach. I guess there will be more. But if there eventually would be one in Amsterdam, would it be a Coffeehouse or a Coffeeshop?
Drunken cop does cabaret in public

An inebriated Deputy Superintendent of Police created a big hullabaloo by taking off his uniform and dancing nude in front of people on a busy road in Allahabad.
The incident occurred at Johnsonganj crossing where the officer, R.P. Singh, down with many pegs of whiskey, started teasing young women. He seemed out of his senses as he was jumping like a monkey and roaring like a lion before pouncing on passing women. His awful behaviour terrified many passers-by.
Not content with this rowdyism, the officer further shocked the public by taking off his pants, showing his organ although covered with underwear. He then went a step further when someone in the crowd shouted, "Sahib cabaret bhi kariye”. (Sir, please perform a cabaret also!)
Suspect arrested wearing girls' stolen clothing

A paroled sex offender accused of stalking a pair of 12-year-old girls at a campground was arrested after being seen wearing some of their stolen underwear and other garments and could face federal charges, authorities said.
Douglas Lee Lumsden, 46, of Grand Rapids, was being held in the Lake County Jail on a parole violation in lieu of $100,000 bail. He was arrested following a brief police chase.
Federal authorities had not decided whether to charge Lumsden with crimes other than parole violations. He served 10 years in prison after being convicted of criminal sexual conduct and had 10 more years of parole remaining, the Pioneer of Big Rapids reported Friday.
There was no answer Friday to calls placed to a telephone number listed under the same name in Grand Rapids.
Sperm Tester Wanted

Online sex toy retailer LoveHoney.co.uk is advertising what could be the most unusual job ever. The company is searching for a sexually active couple who will be prepared to test a new pill designed to change the taste of semen.
The pill, which is taken as a twice-a-day for 30 days, claims to mask the traditionally salty taste of male ejaculate with a refreshing apple-like flavour. Successful applicants will take the pill for 30 days and will use an online blog to provide a blow-by-blow account of how the taste of their partner's sexual fluid changes.
"A payment is offered," says LoveHoney test organiser Ali Carnegie, "But this is really a job that people should do for love rather than money."
Couples who are interested in the position can apply by completing the Sperm Tester application form on the LoveHoney Web site.
The test product is 100% vegetarian. Both straight and gay couples are encouraged to apply.
www.LoveHoney.co.uk is the UK’s leading women-friendly online sex toy retailer, forging the way for women to buy sex toys confidently, comfortably, and at the lowest prices in the UK. Brother site www.CockLocker.co.uk continues to do the same for gay men the world over. For further details on either site see below.
For more information please contact Ali Carnegie on 01225 318881 or ali@LoveHoney.co.uk
Americans' circle of close friends shrinking

Americans are more socially isolated than they were 20 years ago, separated by work, commuting and the single life, researchers reported on Friday.
Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had "zero" close friends with whom to discuss personal matters. More than 50 percent named two or fewer confidants, most often immediate family members, the researchers said.
"This is a big social change, and it indicates something that's not good for our society," said Duke University Professor Lynn Smith-Lovin, lead author on the study to be published in the American Sociological Review.
She said it indicated people had a surprising drop in the number of close friends since 1985. At that time, Americans most commonly said they had three close friends whom they had known for a long time, saw often, and with whom they shared a number of interests.
Ties to a close network of friends create a social safety net that is good for society, and for the individual. Research has linked social support and civic participation to a longer life, Smith-Lovin said.