Thursday, June 15, 2006
Nurse Admits Molesting Comatose Child, Court Papers Say

A nurse told investigators he touched the genitals of a comatose girl under his care at Children's Hospital "to see if he liked it," according to court documents unsealed Tuesday.
Christopher Alan Irvin, 32, pleaded not guilty in April to charges he molested the 4-year-old patient and trafficked in child pornography on the Internet.
An affidavit filed by San Diego police said that during an interview with officers Irvin admitted touching the girl's genitals on two occasions but "didn't get sexually aroused, so he decided he was not interested in children."
Irvin also told investigators he had downloaded child pornography to his computer, the affidavit said.
Irvin's lawyer, Deputy Public Defender DawnElla Gilzean, declined to comment Tuesday. At a hearing on Monday, she expressed concerns that releasing the affidavit would jeopardize Irvin's safety in jail, but did not appeal to keep the documents sealed.
15-year-old girls can marry

A 15-year-old girl can enter into a common-law marriage in Colorado, a state appeals court ruled Thursday. Younger girls and boys may also be able to marry.
While the three-judge panel stopped short of setting a specific minimum age for such marriages, it said they could be legal for girls at 12 and boys at 14 under English common law, which Colorado recognizes.
The ruling overturned a lower-court judge's decision that a girl, who is now older than 18, was too young to marry when she was 15. The panel said there was no clear legislative or statutory guidance on common-law marriages, and that Colorado courts have not determined an age of consent.
Colorado is one of 10 states, plus the District of Columbia, that recognize common-law marriage, which is based on English law dating back hundreds of years.
Falsely jailed nanny sues makers of hidden camera

A Peruvian nanny who was arrested after police viewed hidden camera video recordings that appeared to show her shaking a five-month-old baby is suing the recording system's manufacturer.
Claudia Muro, 32, alleges that distorted camera footage wrongfully led to her arrest in 2003 and imprisonment. She spent two years awaiting trial before prosecutors dropped the case over concerns about the tape. The lawsuit was filed against Boca Raton-based Tyco Fire & Security, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Fans killed for cheering too much

Thai police are searching for a gunman who shot and killed two soccer fans at a beach resort after complaining they were cheering too loudly during a broadcast of Italy's World Cup opener against Ghana.
The two men, both Thais, were watching Italy's 2-0 win over Ghana at a restaurant Monday at the Thai beach resort town of Pattaya, and erupted in roars when Italy scored its first goal.
A man seated at a nearby table asked them to quieten down, prompting a heated argument during which the man pulled out a handgun and shot the football fans at point blank range.
20 year old turtle trapped in 6-pack ring

You should always cut those plastic six-pack rings before throwing it away, here’s why: a turtle in the Ozarks is terribly deformed by living trapped in one of the rings. Let this be a lesson for your kids not to litter.
He’s doing OK but they are worried about his lungs. They don’t appear normal on x-rays. But hey, he’s 20 years old. This must have happened years ago as he was growing.
Old People Are Happy

Back when he was 20 years old in 1965, rock star Pete Townshend wrote the line "I hope I die before I get old" into a song, "My Generation" that launched his band, the Who, onto the rock 'n' roll scene.
But a unique new study suggests that Townshend may have fallen victim to a common, and mistaken, belief: That the happiest days of people's lives occur when they're young.
In fact, the study finds, both young people and older people think that young people are happier than older people -- when in fact research has shown the opposite. And while both older and younger adults tend to equate old age with unhappiness for other people, individuals tend to think they'll be happier than most in their old age.
In other words, the young Pete Townshend may have thought others of his generation would be miserable in old age. And now that he's 61, he might look back and think he himself was happier back then. But the opposite is likely to be true: Older people "mis-remember" how happy they were as youths, just as youths "mis-predict" how happy (or unhappy) they will be as they age.
Montclair Man Digs For Gold In His Front Yard

Workplace safety officials say they're planning a visit today to the Montclair home of a man who dug a 60-foot-deep hole in his front yard while digging for gold.
They're coming to determine how to shore up and fill the hole that 63-year-old Norm Enrique says he began digging ten days ago after his gold detector reported a positive hit near his front patio.
He says he only planned to go down three or four feet but got "carried away."
Fire officials called to the scene yesterday found two men that Enrique hired inside the unreinforced hole, using a bucket and rope to remove dirt.
Montclair fire Captain Rich Baldwin says officials made him stop and fenced off his property. He says Enrique will be required to hire and pay for a licensed engineer to secure the hole.
It was only a joke

A Marine Corps corporal seen in a video singing about killing members of an Iraqi family says the song was only a joke and not tied in any way to allegations that Marines killed as many as two dozen unarmed civilians in Haditha last year.
"It's a song that I made up and it was nothing more than something supposed to be funny, based off a catchy line of a movie," Cpl Joshua Belile told The Daily News of Jacksonville.
"I apologise for any feelings that may have been hurt in the Muslim community. This song was written in good humour and not aimed at any party, foreign or domestic."
In a four-minute video called Hadji Girl, a singer who appears to be a Marine tells a cheering audience about gunning down members of an Iraqi woman's family after they confront him with automatic weapons.
President Bush Ask's Legally Blind Reporter: ‘Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?’

At a press conference this morning, President Bush needled Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten after he stood up to ask a question wearing sunglasses. “Are you going to ask that question with shades on?” Bush said, telling Wallsten, “I’m interested in the shade look, seriously.”
But as Wonkette first noted, and which ThinkProgress subsquently confirmed, Wallsten is legally blind. Wallsten tells us he has a rare genetic disorder called Stargardt’s Disease. The disease is a form of macular degeneration that can be slowed “by wearing UV-protective sunglasses and avoiding exposure to bright light.”

English teacher from West High School was arrested Tuesday, after authorities say he attempted to pay to watch two teenage girls fight.
A Douglas County Sheriff's Investigator, posing as a 14-year-old girl, started chatting on-line with 45-year-old Mark Asimus of Denver.
According to investigators, Asimus told the investigator that he wanted to pay the girl to aggressively beat up another teenage girl.
"He did tell investigators that he didn't want to videotape it, but wanted to actually physically see the assault take place," said Lieutenant Alan Stanton with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office.
John Cleese is retiring

Comedy legend John Cleese has said he is retiring from writing and performing sitcoms because he will never manage to top the success of Fawlty Towers. The Monty Python star will concentrate instead on publishing a book on the history of comedy and will hold classes explaining how to make people laugh.
John Cleese has been both a literal and figurative giant of British comedy for four decades. Together with Graam Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin they created Monty Python's Flying Circus, the hugely influential sketch show that ran from 1969 to 1974.
Unseen danger in bagged salads

Amber was a healthy child until last September, when she had a frightening brush with death. Her mother Lori Olson says suddenly and out of the blue, Amber became violently ill. Amber was gravely ill. She couldn’t eat solid foods, had to be fed intravenously, and needed four blood transfusions. Lori said the doctors told her there was a real chance amber could die. The same week Amber was fighting for her life, across town in Minneapolis, 54 year-old-old Roi Dahl was also having serious medical problems. Because of the symptoms, Swanson thought it might be an outbreak of E.coli 0157 bacteria. E.coli comes from animal or, sometimes, human feces and is usually associated with undercooked ground beef. But health officials found the victims hadn’t eaten ground beef --- but they all had eaten something that you might never suspect of giving you food poisoning—bag salad.