Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Banksy sticks it to Paris

Some Paris Hilton fans in Britain may have got more - or less - than they bargained for when they bought her debut album.
Record chain HMV has pulled from shelves several copies of Hilton's Paris album that appeared to have been doctored by British graffiti artist and prankster Banksy.
The doctored version includes a topless image of the celebrity heiress, as well as a picture in which she sports the head of a dog. A sticker advertises the album's "hits" - Why am I Famous? What Have I Done? and What Am I For?
Instead of Hilton's perky pop, the CD inside features 40 minutes of remixed music by a musician identified only as DM.
Banksy's spokeswoman, Jo Brooks, said the artist had hidden 500 copies of the altered album in record stores across Britain.
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Nepali Boy May Be World's Smallest Person

A 14-year-old Nepali boy who is only 50 centimetres (20 inches) tall has been put forward for a Guinness world record as the world's smallest person.
"We found out that a Jordanian boy holds a record in the Guinness Book of World Records and he is 25.5 inches tall. But Khagendra is 5.5 inches smaller than the Jordanian guy, so we sent an application to the Guinness Book of World Records", said Min Bahadur Rana, president of an organization set up to collect funds for the boy.
Fourteen-year-old Khagendra Thapa Magar weighs only 4.5 kilograms and will be taken on tour round Nepal to raise money.
"We show him in exhibitions to collect fund for his education, health and future", said his father in an interview.
Court rejects suit over right to sex

A Chinese court has rejected a woman's claims for compensation for her sex life, which was ruined when her husband was injured in an accident, the Shanghai Daily reported Thursday.
Wei Suying, 31, whose husband has suffered from erectile dysfunction since a 2003 workplace accident, filed suit in a Shanghai court asking for 220,000 yuan ($27,650) in compensation from the shopping center where the accident occurred, it said.
The compensation included claims for mental anguish and for her purchases of products such as vibrators.
"I was not even 30 years old when my husband had the accident, which deprived me of my right to enjoy sexual life," the newspaper quoted Wei as saying.
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Irwin pulled stingray barb from his chest

A LIFE-long friend of Steve Irwin today told how the Crocodile Hunter pulled a deadly stingray barb from his own chest before losing consciousness and dying.
Friend John Stainton said he had viewed footage of his friend's last moments and the images were "shocking".
"It's a very hard thing to watch because you're actually witnessing somebody die ... and it's terrible," he said.
"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone. That was it. The cameraman had to shut down."
The footage of the fatal attack on the Great Barrier Reef has been handed to Queensland police as fans worldwide come to grips with the "freak" death.
Irwin, 44, was killed almost instantly when the stingray stabbed him in the heart with its poisonous 20cm barb as he snorkelled off Port Douglas, in north Queensland, yesterday morning.
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Penis breaks in lovemaking

Although the human penis has no bone, it may 'fracture' during an erection if subjected to a sudden bending force.
In western society, this catastrophic, but uncommon injury, most commonly occurs during aggressive intercourse in which the erect penis accidentally slips out of the vagina and is struck with force against the woman's pubic bone, thigh, buttocks or perineum (area between the vagina and anus).
It may occur in any coital position but happens frequently during woman- on-top intercourse in which the full weight and momentum of the female partner comes down on the penis, which has slipped out of the vagina, causing it to snap or fracture. At the time of injury, a loud cracking noise is typically heard followed by immediate pain and loss of erection then subsequent swelling and deformity of the penis.
There is often significant ignorance, embarrassment and shame surrounding this injury and, sometimes patients are not with their wives or regular partners at the time of injury, causing further stress and anxiety. As a consequence patients may delay seeking medical attention, doing so only after concluding that they are not getting better without medical help.
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The Katrina Video Congress Didn't Want You To See

We've all heard the story, in the early morning hours of Aug 29, 2005, the Category 4 Hurricane Katrina roared ashore, overwhelming the New Orleans levee system and flooding the city. If you read Wizbang, you've known since early October of 2005 this story was fatally flawed.
In the months since Katrina, we've learned that the storm was a Category 1 by the time she hit New Orleans. No "Super Hurricane," just an average storm. We've also learned that the New Orleans Hurricane Protection System was not overwhelmed by Katrina, it collapsed. Causing the Corps of Engineers admit they flooded New Orleans not Katrina... An admission that got scant little media coverage. The Great Flood of New Orleans was not a natural disaster but a man made one.
The reason the Corps finally had to admit responsibility was that the floodwall that failed -flooding 70% of the city- basically collapsed under its own weight. It was undeniable. The Corps tried for months to claim the water came over the top of the floodwall and washed it away from the backside. (Which would make it Congress's fault) Everyone who has seen the break or looked at the surge data knew this was a lie; that the wall suffered a catastrophic failure before the water reached the top. Almost a year later, the Corps admitted that the floodwall suffered from multiple fatal design flaws and failed prematurely.
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Bondage Sculpture

All sculptures are cast in Bonded Bronze, Pewter or Gun Metal Finish, are hand cast and finished in Cornwall UK by Leigh Heppell
Price includes all packaging, shipping and insurance - Worldwide.
Leigh Heppell has
completed Sakura !!
This is a fully featured Suspension Bondage Sculpture, with the finest of explicit/intimate detail.
Here the piece has been Hand Cast in the finest Pewter Finish.
Also available in Bronze and Gun Metal Finishes.
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Britney Spears the New Face of Wal-Mart

Britney Spears is the new face of Wal-Mart. The erstwhile singer recently inked a multimillion dollar contract with the retail giant, which will use her image to promote I'm Country, a new integrated line of casual fashions, cosmetics, and home accessories.
M. Susan Chambers, executive vice president of Wal-Mart's people division, announced the signing in a prepared statement yesterday.
"We are delighted to have Britney Spears become part of the Wal-Mart family," said Ms. Chambers. "We feel that Britney, more than any other celebrity, speaks to the soul of our customer base: the working mother who's maybe put on weight and let herself go, but who's still a sassy little number at heart."
Research conducted by the Retail Demographic Institute (RDI) supports Ms. Chambers' faith in Ms. Spears.
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Man breaks into woman's house, falls asleep mid-molestation

A drunken man who fell asleep while molesting a woman at her home here has been arrested for indecent assault, police said.
Kenichi Saito, 31, from Kitami, sneaked into the apartment of a woman in her 20s through an unlocked window at about 5 a.m. on Saturday, local police said.
Saito, who was drunk at the time, fell asleep while fondling her body. Alerted by the woman, police officers rushed to her home and arrested Saito.
11-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Stabs Classmate In Face With Pencil

An 11-year-old Ocala girl was facing felony charges Friday after being accused of stabbing another student with a pencil.
Police said Namreh Lyles jabbed a 12-year-old boy with a pencil in the lip and then dragged the lead across his face.
The Osceola Middle School student told police she thought the boy was going to hit her. Her mother claimed it was an accident.
Police charged her with felony aggravated battery.