Monday, August 07, 2006
Kiss fans protest outside Rock Hall

About 200 Kiss fans protested in front of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to demand that the band be inducted into the hall.
Fans, some from as far away as California, carried signs Saturday and had painted their faces in black-and-white to resemble Kiss band members.
Those participating in the half-hour demonstration were upset that the band, formed more than 30 years ago, has not been admitted, even though it has been eligible since the late 1990s.
Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record, according to the museum's Web site.
"Criteria include the influence and significance of the artist's contributions to the development and perpetuation of rock and roll," the site says.
A museum spokesman said it was the first demonstration by fans seeking to have a group inducted.
The foundation that selects inductees is based in New York City, not at the museum.
Police Offered Prizes For Writing the Most Tickets

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police supervisors offered prizes to officers who wrote the most traffic tickets during an eight-day period over the July Fourth holiday.
Five officers from the department's North Division earned $10 gift certificates to Dick's Sporting Goods, although officials Wednesday couldn't say how many tickets were issued between July 1-8.
Police Chief Darrel Stephens and Maj. John Diggs, who oversees the division, said they were not aware of the contest until they were contacted Wednesday by The Charlotte Observer.
"I don't think there is anything inherently evil or bad about rewarding officers for putting in extra effort for a good cause," Diggs said. "I don't want anybody getting a ticket when they shouldn't get one. But I think they were all valid. I don't think anybody is overly inspired by a $10 gift certificate."
In a memo obtained by The Observer, Sgt. Mark Faulkenberry told other officers that the goal of the campaign was to make roads safer.
"I am asking each of you to issue as many citations as possible during that week in an effort to increase visibility, slow down speeders, and keep our streets more safe through traffic enforcement," Faulkenberry wrote. "The highest producer from each shift will receive a gift certificate from Dick's."
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Monday Mugshot Chris Tucker

Yep, that's Chris Tucker, comedian and co-star of the "Rush Hour" movies - we think he's maybe taking his starring role a little too seriously. This mug shot was taken on April 17, 2005 by Georgia cops after they busted him for allegedly driving his Bentley 109 MPH on Interstate 20. They also popped him for eluding after he didn't immediately pull over when they shined the lights on him. Dude, what's your hurry?
Boy Burned for Not Selling Drugs

A man has been charged with burning a 10-year-old boy more than 50 times with cigarettes because the child was playing with friends instead of selling drugs,
authorities said.
Robert Bligen, 46, recruited the child to sell drugs near his home, but when the boy would walk away, Bligen burned him on his face, shoulders and back, police said. The unidentified child was
treated at a hospital and released.
Bligen was charged Wednesday with aggravated child abuse. Authorities believe other children may have been involved.
"I don't think I've ever seen one 10 years old before," police spokesman William Proffitt said.
The boy's grandmother noticed the burns and called police. The child initially told authorities he received the injuries during a
fight with other children.
Bligen was being held at the Pinellas County jail on $50,000 bond.
New Yorkers shy away from Stone's September 11 film

For many New Yorkers it is too soon. For others the very idea of reliving the September 11 tragedy through the eyes of Oliver Stone in his new film "World Trade Center" is too traumatic to think about.
"I have no interest whatsoever. I think it's horrible. Just the idea of having a movie about 9/11 bothers me," said Jessica Amato in summarizing the mood of many New Yorkers about Stone's new project, released nationally August 9.
Amato worked on Wall Street for Goldman Sachs when first one plane and then another smashed into the twin World Trade Center towers, eventually bringing down the landmarks in a deadly heap in 2001.
"It was enough to live it once as a New Yorker. I don't think I want to pay money to see it again on the screen," Amato said. "To me it's sacred ground, it's a grave site, and it should be (left) alone as such."
The movie, inspired by the true story of two police officers who were miraculously rescued from the debris, sparked wide-ranging debate before its release.
Mary Schneidman, a mother who lives in one of the city's upscale suburbs, said she trusted Stone to do an honorable job.
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How human the up-and-coming business of space tourism will be! Early space tourists will marvel at the view, but as orbital vacations become more affordable, space tourists will include couples who want to experience space and weightlessness together. Sex in Space is the "killer app" that will transform space tourism into a mega business. Making love with a view of the Earth below may be the ultimate aphrodisiac for space buffs. But, let's think about the implications of space-based sex for a moment. The sex-in-space revolution is about to begin!
Many have wondered what it might be like to make love in space. The passionate couples who book flights to the very first space hotel will be more than excited to try zero-g sex. From what I've learned while working on my soon-to-be-released book, Sex in Space, I've come to the conclusion that honeymoons in space and out-of-this-world sex will be a reality within a decade.
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Wolf Man

Who hasn't heard about the legend of the werewolf, the creature whose monstrosity is fueled by the light of the moon. Who lurks around in the darkness of night thirsty for blood? Well, scientists now believe some of those wolf-like characteristics were themselves fueled, not by the moon but by genetics.
Case in point: A young man in Mexico Danny Ramos Gomez looks like any other circus performer. Look a little closer and you'll quickly realize why Danny is known as "the wolf man". Danny has a condition called hypertrichosis, in which the body produces an abnormal amount of hair. Danny Ramos Gomez, Werewolf Guy: "Sometimes people who touch me say that the hair on my face is finer than the hair on my head. That's what they say." Twenty-two-year-old Danny and his 25-year-old brother Larry are known for their daredevil feats in a Mexican circus. But when they were little, it was different. They were part of a freak show, and they were known as "los ninos lobos", the "wolf children", and exhibited like animals. Besides his excessive hair, Danny is by all other accounts "normal". But there are still people who view him as a freak.
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Girl, 16, Charged With Trying To Poison Family

A 16-year-old girl has been charged with trying to kill her family by feeding them a dessert she made with floor cleaner, authorities said.
"(The father) told the wife while he was eating it that it tasted like Spic and Span (floor cleaner), but he went ahead and ate it anyway," Grant said.
The girl told a friend what she did and that friend alerted authorities. When police arrived at the home about 10:30 p.m., they found the family not feeling well and resting in bed.
A brother who did not eat the dessert took his family to get medical attention. Their condition was not known.
"Obviously, she wanted to hurt them," Grant said.
A motive was not known.
The girl has been charged with three counts of attempted murder. She was being held at the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice detention facility in Crestview.
Cyclopian child born in Chennai, India

A one-eyed child suffering from a rare chromosomal disorder known as cyclopia was born in a hospital in Chennai earlier this week. The disorder occurs during pregnancy when the cells that constitute the forebrain fail to develop properly and fuse into a single eye. Instances of cyclopia are generally attributed to outside factors like ambient pollution, radiation, drugs and the introduction of other agents that can alter fetal development.
The pictures bare an eerie resemblance to images of Love Canal, a suburban community built on top of the most notorious toxic waste dump in New York State. While the small town was still populated, several children were born without eyes and cancer was hundreds of times the normal rate.