Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wife wakes sleeping husband in driveway

A man who fell asleep in his driveway woke up when his wife came home and turned into the driveway to park the car.
Kristine Bolson of Rogers said she drove into her driveway shortly after midnight Tuesday and heard a loud cracking sound, a Benton County Sheriff's Office report said.
When she got out of her vehicle, she heard moaning and found her husband, Richard Gonzalez, on the ground near her vehicle. Bolson said she did not initially see her husband in the driveway.
According to the report, Gonzalez said he had been drinking and he must have passed out. He was taken to St. Mary's Hospital where he was treatment for abrasions and contusions.
Women strip to appease rain gods

Dozens of Nepali women stripped naked and ploughed their fields in west Nepal, hoping to appease the gods and get some much needed rain.
About 50 women in two villages in Kapilvastu district, 190 km (120 miles) west of Kathmandu, resorted to the desperate move at night on Friday as days of prayers and Hindu ceremonies failed to bring rains for the parched paddy crop, it said.
"This is our last weapon, we used it, and there was light rainfall," Nepali daily Rajdhani quoted one of the women as saying.
Although there is no clear religious basis for the practice, some locals believe such a move could appease the rain gods.
Officials said there was insufficient rain during the June-September monsoon season this year and vast stretches of land along the southern plains, Nepal's bread basket, were parched.
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Man Charged After Telling Chicago Airport Security His Penis Pump Was a Bomb

Prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately did not want her to know he had packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey.
So he told security it was a bomb, officials said.
Madin Azad Amin was stopped by officials on Aug. 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said.
When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto.
He later told officials he lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he did not want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said.
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Say it Ain't So, Don Vito

Bam's Fat Uncle Arrested for Sexual Assault on a Child
The AP and local news are reporting that MTV star Don Vito, the bigass lazy-eyed uncle of skater/tool Bam Margera, is being held in Colorado without bond for sexual assault on a child.
Vincent "Don Vito" Margera, the cartoonishly rotund 50 year-old co-star of "Viva La Bam", was at the Lakewood Mall Friday afternoon for a skateboarding event when he allegedly inappropriately touched a minor.
One can only hope that this is just another in a long line of pranks that Bam is pulling on his loveable uncle (who seems to do well with the young ladies). Remember that time that he left him for dead on that island? Oh, man. Riveting television.
Check out the last time Don Vito was in handcuffs after the jump, as well as his mugshot...
Boy Charged For Meowing At Neighbor Lady

Meow. A Pennsylvania judge is being asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Police have charged a 14-year-old boy with that crime. Michael Loughner is accused of meowing whenever he sees his 78-year-old neighbor, Alexandria Carasia.
The boy's family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained that it was using her flower garden as a litter box. Now, she said, the boy makes meowing sounds every time he sees her. He said he's only meowed at her twice.
"I've had to put up with this for three years," Carasia said. "As I walk by, I see Michael and his mother. He got on the porch and hid behind the bamboo screen and starts meowing. If I don't make this stop now, they're going to keep doing this to me. I shouldn't have to worry about walking out of the house and being harassed by this young kid."
Loughner said that on July 23 he went out to hold his dog so it wouldn't leave the yard as Carasia walked by. "She was walking through and she kept looking at us," he testified. "I grabbed the dog so it wouldn't leave the yard. When I put my head down, I meowed."
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Robber mistakes town hall for a bank

A would-be robber was arrested after he tried to hold up his local town hall, mistaking it for a bank, Austrian police said Wednesday.
Wearing a mask and waving a toy pistol, the unemployed man burst into the town hall in the village of Poggersdorf, southern Austria, and shouted: "Hold-up, hold-up!"
The building has a sign signaling there is a cash point on the outside wall, police said.
He realized his mistake when an employee explained to him where he was, police said in a statement, adding he fled to a nearby wood.
The 34-year-old man was arrested when he came back later to pick up his motorbike which he had parked outside the town hall.
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Polar bear genitals shrinking due to pollution

The icecap may not be the only thing shrinking in the Arctic. The genitals of polar bears in east Greenland are apparently dwindling in size due to industrial pollutants.
Scientists report this shrinkage could, in the worst case scenario, endanger polar bears there and elsewhere by spoiling their love lives and causing their numbers to diminish.
In fact, all marine mammals could get affected by these pollutants, "especially the Arctic fox, killer whale and pilot whales," wildlife veterinarian and toxicologist Christian Sonne at the National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark in Roskilde told LiveScience. These animals bodies also carry extremely high levels of these contaminants.
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Is the Next Step a Draft?

An Iraq War veterans group says the call-up of thousands of Marines from the Individual Ready Reserve, announced by the Pentagon today, is "one of the last steps before resorting to a draft."
"This move should serve as a wake-up call to America," said Jon Soltz, an Army captain who served in Iraq and heads the group, which raises funds for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans running for Congress. "Today's announcement that thousands of Marines in the Individual Ready Reserve will be called back to go to Iraq is proof that our military is overextended, and there is no plan for victory in Iraq."
While the Pentagon has repeatedly maintained the armed forces have met their recruiting and retention goals, Soltz says, "Today's actions speak louder than words."
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Teacher reassigned after burning two flags in class

A middle school teacher in Louisville has been removed from the classroom after burning two American flags in class as part of a civics lesson.
Dan Holden, a seventh-grade social studies teacher at Stuart Middle School, burned two flags Friday as part of a lesson on freedom of speech, said Jefferson County schools spokeswoman Lauren Roberts said.
The students were asked to write an opinion paper on the flag burning, Roberts said.
Holden, a teacher in the school district since 1979, has been reassigned to non-instructional duties while the incident is under investigation.
Roberts said the flag burning did not appear to be politically motivated, based on an interview with Holden.
The district also alerted city fire officials. "Certainly we're concerned about the safety aspect," Roberts said, along with "the judgment of using that type of demonstration in a class."
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Movies To Watch May

A lonely and mentally disturbed young woman is slowly pushed into insanity in her quest to find a friend and she eventually decides, "if you can't have a friend, make one"... which she proceeds to do using the body parts of other people.
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