Sunday, June 11, 2006
50 Things guys wish girls knew

1. If you want to cuddle after sex go buy a teddy bear.
2. Swallow. Don't start the race if you ain't gonna finish it.
3. While giving a hand job please remove all rings from your fingers, they hurt really bad.
4. Shave your shit. Seriously, shave it bald.
5. Remember that a little blood never hurt nobody.
6. There is no such thing as a fat, ugly, blow job.
7. If you ask us to any sort of dance that requires that we wear a tie, we expect a sexual favor in return.
8. If you used a vibrator and let us watch it might be the greatest moment of our life.
9. If you wonder why we will not eat you out it is most likely because; it stinks, its hairy, or it stinks and its hairy.
10. You masturbate and we know it. When you do it just let us watch.
11. Birth control is the best invention ever. Start poppin those bitches.
12. Just cause we call you when we are drunk does not mean that we like you. It means that we need some ass.
`13. Guys night out means guys night out. It doesn't mean that you and your friends meet us at the bar later.
14. If you wonder why your ass looks fat in those tight pants its because you have a fat ass.
15. If you are with us and you start to cry for any reason just get up and leave.
Brothers hurt in barbecue fireball

Two brothers are seriously ill in a Southampton hospital after a family barbecue exploded when it was doused with petrol.
A 13-year-old boy was burned on his face, arms, hands and stomach, and a six-year-old boy was burned on his legs and body. A 30-year-old man who burned his hands trying to extinguish the flames was stable in hospital, said a fire service spokesman.
The boys' 35-year-old mother also burned her hands and another young boy received slight burns to his throat in the incident.
Hampshire fire service said the tragedy happened when petrol was added to a barbecue in Priory Road, Southampton on Saturday night.
Pastor Shoots Disabled Boy With Pellet Gun

David Reasby, a pastor at the Iowa based Lighthouse Full Gospel Baptist Church, is facing criminal charges after allegedly using a pellet gun to shoot a 14-year-old mentally disabled boy in the buttocks.
Apparently the boy knocked repeatedly on the front door of the pastor's residence when the pastor, who was sleeping, asked the boy to leave. According to the police, the boy not only stayed, but continued knocking on the door.
The pastor warned the boy he would shoot if he continued knocking, at which point the boy knocked again. The 51 year old kept to his word, discharging the weapon several times. The boy's injuries did not require medical treatment.
Morality police turn witch hunters

Saudi Arabia's powerful morality police is launching a witch hunt in the birthplace of Islam.
The Authority for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice is setting up special centers in all cities to "register complaints on sorcerers and charlatans, track them and terminate them," the authority's chief Sheikh Ibrahim bin Abdallah al-Ghaith told al-Madinah newspaper.
Islam forbids magic and practicing it is considered blasphemy.
Rainbow that set the sky on fire

In a breathtaking blaze of glory, Nature puts on one of its most spectacular sky shows.
Reds, oranges, blues and greens create a flaming rainbow that stretches above the clouds.
But this circumhorizon arc, as it is known, owes more to ice than fire. It occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in high cirrus clouds. It is one of 15 types of ice halos formed only when the most specific of factors dovetail precisely together.
This blanket of fire, covering hundreds of square miles, is the rarest phenomenon of them all. It was spotted in the US on the Washington-Idaho border around midday last Saturday.
Gardener facing prosecution - for releasing squirrels into the wood

When grey squirrels began preying on birds nesting in his garden, Roy Hill thought he had the humane solution. The 68-year-old former Welsh Guardsman set up a cage, captured the troublesome pests, then released them into the wild.
So Mr Hill was astonished to receive a visit from an RSPCA inspector who he said scolded him for breaking the law and threatened to haul him into court.
He was even more outraged to learn that, thanks to a bizarre quirk in the law, he would not be in any bother at all if he had simply shot the squirrels dead, rather than letting them go.
Mr Hill said yesterday: "I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What is this country coming to? It simply defies belief that I could have got into trouble for putting the squirrels back into the wild."
He acted after getting fed up with the grey squirrels damaging bird nests and stealing eggs, so bought a £19.99 humane cage in which to catch them.
Mr Hill, of Sprowston, Norwich, used nuts to entice the squirrels in and then put a sheet over the top to keep them calm. He then took them one by one to nearby Mousehold Heath, and over three weeks released a total of 21 into the woods.
Tupac Shakur auditened for the role of bubba in forrest gump

I know what your thinking Tupac Shakur wanted to play bubba in Forrest Gump what the fuck? Well its true according to his ex-wife, Tupac auditioned for the role of Bubba.
9/11 widows 'enjoying' their husbands' deaths

HILLARY Clinton has assailed the conservative commentator Ann Coulter for engaging in a "vicious, mean-spirited attack" on a group of 9/11 widows.
In a new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, Coulter accuses the women — who pushed the Bush White House to create a commission to investigate the Government's failures before the 9/11 attacks — of being self-obsessed and acting "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them".
"I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," Coulter writes. "And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they better hurry up and appear in Playboy."
Bush is a murderer

this is not the usual collage , this was made using the pictures of the thousands of american serviceman killed in the line of duty in Iraq.
4 charged with hate crimes in attack on singer

A singer whose songs have topped the Billboard dance chart was attacked by a group yelling anti-gay slurs Saturday, and four people were arrested on hate-crime charges, police and his publicist said.
Kevin Aviance, 38, underwent surgery for a broken jaw after the attack, said his publicist, Len Evans.
Police said the singer, whose song "Alive" hit the top of the chart in 2002, was in stable condition.
A group of six or seven men attacked Aviance early Saturday, and passers-by did not stop to help as they threw objects at him, Evans said.
The New York Times, quoting Evans, reported that the attack took place in New York's East Village about 1 a.m. Saturday, as Aviance was walking home from a bar.
Witness horror as cop tried to saw off ex-wife's head in car

STUNNED onlookers watched in horror as a police sergeant tried to saw off his ex-wife's head, a court heard yesterday.
Frenzied John Kelly rammed Audrey McDowall's car head-on before he pinned her down and began sawing her throat.
Witnesses said Kelly was hacking away for five minutes before help arrived.
Audrey, who was left with a gaping 15cm-long wound in her neck, later recalled hearing someone say: "Jesus Christ, look at the size of that hole in her neck. I could get my hand in that."
Earlier this week, Kelly admitted attempting to murder his ex-wife last September.
Yesterday, the High Court in Dumfries heard horrific details about the attack.

A MAN killed himself using a suicide kit assembled from instructions on the internet, an inquest heard yesterday. Glen Hughes, 40, used a website to make the device from a plastic bag, elastic bands and a £20 canister of helium gas. He then bought a video that showed how to use it. Jobless Glen was found dead at home in Bridgend. A suicide note said he could not go on after his mum's death and splitting with his girlfriend. His brother Tyrone said: "If it wasn't for the internet then my brother would still be alive."
Mother arrested for cutting off child's ear

An 11-month-old is awaiting surgery at MetroHealth Medical Center after having her ear cut off.
Thursday evening, Cleveland police received a call from a woman saying her child's father beat her up, and then ran off with the baby.
Soon after, the man showed up at the Huron Road hospital, saying that the mother cut the child's ear off.
Investigators say the mother took a large kitchen knife and cut a large part of the 11-month-old's ear off.
Tonya Edwards, 35, was arrested for felonious assault, child endangering and domestic violence.
The child was taken to MetroHealth Medical Center by lifeflight helicopter where he is awaiting plastic surgery.
Judge Allows Public to View Alleged R. Kelly Underage Sex Tape

A judge will allow the public and the media to view a videotape in court that prosecutors allege shows singer R. Kelly having sex with an underage girl.
In his ruling Thursday, Judge Vincent Gaughan said he saw no "overarching interest" in banning the tape from public view.
"This is the whole crux and linchpin of the case," Gaughan said. "If there was no tape, we wouldn't have a case."
Kelly has pleaded not guilty to 14 counts of child pornography. Prosecutors claim the videotape was made sometime during a nearly three-year span between January 1998 and October 2000, when the girl may have been as young as 13.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys had asked Gaughan to limit the viewing of the video to only jurors, attorneys and the judge himself. They argued that the video is so lewd it would embarrass the girl, who is now 21.
Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Shauna Boliker said prosecutors do not plan to call the girl as a witness.
A trial date has not been set.
Sex Toy Or Baby Toy
In practice, sex toys and baby toys have nothing in common. However, looked at from a different perspective, these molded plastic creations can seem all too similar. Take our quiz and see if you can tell the difference.

Take Quiz Here

Moving Color tiles

The Moving Color glass tile is designed to dynamically change its color as the heat exposure changes.
It uses special dye to achieve the color changing effect.
The heat can come from warm water or radiant heat source.
The Moving Color tiles can be used with any kind of water application and require common tile tools to install.
When temperature is applied, color will move from black or other standard colors through the color spectrum, and then reverse to the original upon cooling.The uses of these tiles are limited only by your imagination.
Eating pizza 'cuts cancer risk'

Researchers claim eating pizza regularly reduced the risk of developing oesophageal cancer by 59%.
The risk of developing colon cancer also fell by 26% and mouth cancer by 34%, they claimed.