Friday, September 22, 2006
Teens 'fatally torture' their dad

Two boys appeared in the Ga-Rankuwa magistrate's court on Wednesday for allegedly bludgeoning their father to death with an axe and a pick.
The brothers, aged 16 and 18, apparently had an argument with their father, 45, at their home in Itsoseng in Mabopane. Later that evening, when their parents had gone to bed in their separate rooms, the youths are believed to have boiled cooking oil on the stove.
Police Inspector Erica Roos said they poured the boiling oil over their sleeping father.
"They then took an axe and hacked him on his head and upper arms.
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Man wanted to eat raped corpse!

A man accused of killing a 10-year-old girl and nearly severing her head as part of a cannibalistic plot was arraigned on a first-degree murder charge in which prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty.
Kevin Ray Underwood, 26, showed no reaction as District Judge Candace Blalock read the charge and set a tentative trial date of May 7 next year.
After Underwood's arrest, police and prosecutors revealed grisly details of the crime, saying Underwood raped the girl's corpse and planned to eat her flesh.
Underwood is accused of smothering Jamie Rose Bolin, his upstairs neighbor in an apartment complex in Purcell, a suburb 40 miles (64 kilometers) south of Oklahoma City.
Prosecutors intend to seek the death penalty.
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Huggable Urns

Huggable Urns have a zippered compartment and comes with a tightly sealed pouch that holds your loved one's ashes or a special keepsake. Huggable Urns are made of extremely plush material and the pouches are made out of velvet with plastic lining to keep the ashes contained.
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i-glasses PC... A New Direction for Computer Monitors!

Recommended for any multi-user application, ideal for use as an alternate desktop or laptop monitor. i-glasses PC™ is a portable, affordable, high resolution, computer monitor in a compact, 7 oz package that fits comfortably on your head. Big stereo sound through built-in private speakers completes the experience. The all-new i-glasses PC is plug and play compatible with virtually all computer systems including PC's, laptops and even some popular PDAs. Images are sharp, clear, rich and vibrant. This one incredible product provides a single viewing solution for a whole new generation of computing and PDA devices. i-glasses PC, for working on the road or relaxation, it's a great experience you have got to try.
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The Duty of the People to Burn the Flag

There comes a point when the citizens, Acting as the Fourth Branch of Government, have a duty to their country to rise up and slap the government down when it gets out of line. We must never forget that the government exists for only one purpose, and that is to serve the people. That the government and the courts derive their powers by the consent of the people, and that the government has a duty to put the Will of the People above it's own self interests. When the government fails, it is the duty and the responsibility of the people to put the government in it's place and let the government know that it is, in fact subservient to the people.
Our forefathers did not fight and die to preserve the flag, but rather they fought and died to protect our right to burn it, just as our founding fathers did to the British flag. The burning of the flag is an act that asserts the right of the people over the government. The denial of the right to burn the flag is the assertion of the government to rule the people. America is ruled by the people, not the government, and it is in fact our patriotic duty, at this juncture to assert that duty.
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Teacher Who Burned Flags Won't Face Criminal Charges

A middle school teacher who burned two American flags as part of a civics lesson won't be charged, but may still face discipline from the school board, officials said Wednesday.
Dan Holden, who teaches seventh-grade social studies at Stuart Middle School, burned the flags last month during a lesson on freedom of speech. The students were asked to write an opinion paper about how they felt about it.
Bill Patteson, a spokesman for the Jefferson County Attorney's Office, said the evidence doesn't warrant filing a charge of criminal wanton endangerment charge -- causing significant risk of serious injury or death.
Holden was temporarily reassigned to a non-teaching role while the school district and police investigated the incident.
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Channel 4 crucifies human corpse

Channel 4 is to broadcast a documentary showing a human corpse being hung on a cross to depict Christ's suffering.
Anatomist Gunther von Hagens will use a real body to show how people died when crucified in the 90-minute film.
The programme, Crucifixion, is already causing controversy, with Christians condemning it as blasphemous and one group threatening prosecution.
Although Channel 4 insists the body will not represent Christ specifically, a memo leaked to the Evening Standard states that it would indeed portray Jesus.
Von Hagens, who created the Body Worlds exhibits using his preservation technique of plastination, has been widely criticised for his work, which included an autopsy on TV in 2002. This is the first time he has touched on religion.
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President Bush To Placate Kazakhstan's Leader Over 'Borat' Outrage

British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen's comic creation Borat Sagdiyev has caused so much outrage in Kazakhstan with his new movie, President George W. Bush will address the issue when he meets the Kazakh leader. Bush is set to hold talks with Nursultan Nazarbayev over oil supply - and disgusted Kazakhs have demanded action over Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Roman Vassilenko says, "We have made it clear that we are unhappy with the character's representation. He does not represent the true people of Kazakhstan."
In the film Cohen plays spoof Kasakh TV presenter Borat, who portrays his homeland as a backward country, and the opening scene shows him sharing a passionate kiss with his sister before he departs for the United States.
The trouble started when Borat hosted the MTV Video Music Awards last year and publicly ridiculed Kazakhstan. The country's foreign ministry threatened to sue, and Cohen - in character - said it was a good idea, and praised his homeland's recent progress. He joked, "Women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats and age of consent has been raised to eight years old."
Vibrators were medical inventions to cure women's 'hysteria'

Vibrators began in thew 1880s as a common medical device popular with doctors who had been spending up to several hours with female patients to help them achieve "hysterical paroxysm," today known as orgasm.
Vibrators were created to treat female hysteria, a disorder doctors and midwives treated by massaging the genitals. Before vibrators, doctors did the "pelvic massage" by hand, which some doctors complained was difficult and time-consuming, said Rachel Maines, author of "Technology of Orgasm: 'Hysteria,' the Vibrator and Women's Sexual Satisfaction" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999).
Hysteria, which has been treated with massage since at least 450 B.C., is no longer acknowledged by the medical community, Maines said. (Greeks used the handle end of water-powered saws as massagers, Maines said.)
Hysteria was always a rather loosely defined chronic and incurable ailment that came with extremely vague symptoms such as headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, irritability, heaviness in the abdomen, sexual fantasy and vaginal lubrication, Maines said in a telephone interview.
"It was thought to be caused by a neglected uterus," Maines said. "You treated it by getting fragrant oils and massaging until a discharge of fluid."
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'Spaceballs' to become TV cartoon

Mel Brooks is developing an animated TV series based on his comedy feature "Spaceballs."
Like the 1987 movie, which parodied well-known science-fiction movies, "Spaceballs: The Animated Series" will spoof current blockbusters as well as every genre of entertainment from movies and reality TV to culture and politics.
It is set to debut on cable network G4 in fall 2007. Production has already started on an initial batch of 13 episodes.
Brooks, who will voice two characters in the show, co-wrote the pilot with longtime collaborator Thomas Meehan, who will oversee all writing for the series.