Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Reluctant Marine Surrenders Following Standoff

A standoff with a U.S. Marine in a cul-de-sac ended peacefully Wednesday.
Authorities said they were called just after 5 a.m. on a report of an armed man who barricaded himself in a cul-de-sac in the 3500 block of Granby Court.
The 18-year-old Marine was taken into custody just after 12 p.m.
Police said Joshua Christianson was supposed to return Wednesday to California's Camp Pendleton, but instead spent the morning in a cul-de-sac with a rifle, threatening to kill himself.
Authorities said he never indicated he'd hurt anyone else, but two SWAT teams stood by just in case.
Christianson graduated from Loveland High School in 2005. He joined the Marines at age 17, and was expected to deploy to Iraq in September. He reportedly said this morning he didn't want to go to Iraq.
Three charged with stealing Coca-Cola secrets

Three people have been arrested and charged with stealing confidential information about drink recipes from The Coca-Cola Co. and trying to sell it to rival PepsiCo Inc., federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
The suspects include an executive administrative assistant at Atlanta-based Coke, Joya Williams, who is accused of rifling through corporate files and stuffing documents and a new Coca-Cola product into a personal bag.
Williams, 41, of Norcross, Georgia; 30-year-old Ibrahim Dimson, of New York; and 43-year-old Edmund Duhaney of Decatur, Georgia, are charged with wire fraud and unlawfully stealing and selling Coke trade secrets, federal prosecutors said.
They are expected to appear before a federal magistrate judge on Thursday in Atlanta.
Pepsi spokesman Dave DeCecco said his company did what any responsible company would do in cooperating with Coke and the investigation.
Skeletal remains of boy taken from Tampa cemetery

The skeletal remains of a 6-year-old boy were removed from a sealed vault beneath a 600-pound lid, authorities said.
Caretakers at Memorial Cemetery discovered the empty coffin Thursday, police said. The vandals broke an adhesive seal on a 29-year-old marble vault, slid off the lid and peeled back a metal liner to get to the coffin, police spokesman Larry McKinnon said.
The coffin, which held the skeletal remains of Stevie Russell Dale, was found empty beside the vault, McKinnon said.
"We don't feel like it was pranksters or kids committing vandalism because it's too much work to get these remains," he said. "We are just leaning toward it being cult related or involving Santeria or some voodoo because we don't have any other reasonable explanation."
Danny Jorgensen, chairman of the religious studies department at the University of South Florida, refuted the theory by police.
Accident turns man into sex freak

A skiing accident left Alexander Laing with severe damage to the frontal lobes of his brain. He has become reckless in his sexual behaviour, losing his inhibitions. His stepmother Deryth, 72, tells BECKY SHEAVES how his family has coped:
An army skiing accident left Alexander Laing, 31, with severe damage to the frontal lobes of his brain. This area controls social and moral judgment, and Alexander, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, has become reckless in his sexual behaviour, losing his inhibitions. Here, his stepmother Deryth, 72, tells BECKY SHEAVES how his worried family has coped. When I saw Alexander after the accident, I was aghast. He was in intensive care, unconscious and covered in tubes. It was awful. But the Army doctor reassured my husband, Tony, and me that when he woke up he'd be the same as he'd always been. If only that had been true. Instead, six years later, we have learned what brain injury can do to a fit, confident young man who had his whole life ahead of him. Alexander made a fantastic physical recovery, but the damage to his brain has had an extraordinary effect on his sexual behaviour — he has completely lost his inhibitions.
Woman Gets 17 Years for Eating Dead Rival’s Tongue

A woman who strangled her rival and ate her tongue has been sentenced to 17 years in a penal colony.
In October 2005, Marina Belova, 30, fell in love with a man called Radiy Kim, and soon they moved to live together near the city of Yaroslavl in central Russia. However Marina was jealous of her boyfriend’s ex, and eventually she strangled the woman with her bare hands, website reports.
To prove her devotion to her lover, Marina then cut off the victim’s tongue and ate it. Then, she buried the body in a nearby field.
The cannibal could have gone away with the crime, had she not been so boastful. Soon she proudly told all her friends about the murder, and when nobody believed her, she took the small crowd out into the field, dug out the corpse and opened its mouth to show there was no tongue inside.
This was not the only killing committed by Marina. In a short time after the first murder, during a vodka party at the couple’s place, Radiy quarreled with Marina’s friend Tatiana. The two killed the woman, and buried the body near their house.
Older women have more sex

An Australian study shows middle-aged women are having more sex than younger ones.
The finding came from a survey of 659 women by independent researcher MarketTools.
It says Australian women between the age of 25 and 44 have less sex than those in their late 40s and early 50s.
And around one in three of the under-44s say they have no sex at all.
In contrast 73 per cent of women aged 45 to 54 say they have sex at least twice a week.
The survey found West Australians appear to be the most sexually active Australians, with 61 per cent of the state's women having sex twice or more a week.
Queenslanders and Victorians were the second most active, with 54 per cent saying they get at it more than two times a week.
They were followed by women from South Australia and New South Wales.
It's now clear what the situation is in Tasmania or the Territories as no figures were compiled for these areas.
Kevin Smith Tells You How to Go Down on a Chick

"I remember having a conversation with Mewes about eating girls out, and being shocked to learn that he only did it with the chicks he really liked or was going to spend time with beyond a one-night stand. Going down on chicks was never an option for me; it was the standard. When you grow up fat, you're never any chick's first choice for fooling around, and any nookie you get is predicated more on your personality than your looks. Since I didn't have the aesthetic advantage working for me, I decided that having the oral edge might improve my chances of getting action beyond the mercy-dry hump or third base fumblings. If a girl was gonna do me the courtesy of giving me a shot at the title, so to speak, I was gonna make an impression. So at age thirteen, I bought a gynecological textbook at a physician's book shop and read that shit cover-to-cover, absorbing all the knowledge I could about the mysteries of the dickless. By age fourteen, I was - as Sam Kinison used to say - a lick-master from the Orient. You'd be surprised how many women will look past a flabby, swingin' gutt if they know they're gonna get eaten out with nearly surgical precision. And when you add digital-to-anal manipulation to the mix, any thought of you as a fat-ass seems to fly out the window (at least until she cums)."
Instant Karma (Warning Graphic)
He tries to hit some kids on bikes with his car door and ends up getting a face full of bumper.

Video Here

Weird facts
Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale
Birds do not sleep in their nests. They may occasionally nap in them, but they actually sleep in other places.
In ancient China and certain parts of India, mouse meat was considered a great delicacy.
In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.
A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can.
During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building may sway several feet to either side.
Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
Bees have 5 eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee's head and 2 larger ones in front.
It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher
Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World.
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
More Here
Birds do not sleep in their nests. They may occasionally nap in them, but they actually sleep in other places.
In ancient China and certain parts of India, mouse meat was considered a great delicacy.
In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.
A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel can.
During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building may sway several feet to either side.
Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
Bees have 5 eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee's head and 2 larger ones in front.
It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher
Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World.
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.

Former MARILYN MANSON star JOHN 5 always takes his Penthouse Pet wife ARIA GIOVANNI on tour with him - because she makes sure he eats well. The guitarist, who is currently touring with pal ROB ZOMBIE, admits life on the road with his wife of one year is amazing -because she's a great cook. The rocker, real name JOHN LOWERY, says, "I've been so spoiled by her. I call her 'Mama' because she's beautiful and she cooks." But it isn't all sweetness and light when the Lowerys hit the road together - the guitarist can't abide his wife's messy ways. He adds, "She doesn't clean. I'm a real clean freak, but boy is she messy."
Stroke gives woman foreign accent

A Geordie woman has apparently developed foreign accents after waking up following a stroke.
Linda Walker awoke in hospital to find her distinctive Newcastle accent had been transformed into a mixture of Jamaican, Canadian and Slovakian.
The 60-year-old may have Foreign Accent Syndrome, where patients speak differently after a brain injury.
The former university administrator says she hates what has happened to her and now feels like a different person.
Mrs Walker said: "My sister-in-law said that I sounded Italian, then my brother said I sounded Slovakian and someone else said I sounded French Canadian.
"But the latest is that I sound Jamaican, I just don't know how to explain it.
"Everybody is obviously hearing me differently.