Monday, September 18, 2006
Pope sparks fury among Muslims

POPE Benedict was condemned by Islamic leaders across the world yesterday for remarks they said encouraged the belief that early Muslims spread their religion by violence.
Some said the Pontiff was trying to revive the spirit of the Crusades in a speech he gave during his tour of Germany on Tuesday, when he quoted a conversation between the 14th-century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and an educated Persian on the truths of Christianity and Islam.
“The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,” the Pope said.
“He said, I quote, ‘Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached’.”
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Fire Leads Police to Marijuana Bust

Neighbors were shocked on Thursday when they discovered that a house in their quiet neighborhood was discovered to have had commercial marijuana inside of it.
The discovery came about due to an electrical fire at the residence. Fire officials say that the electrical box used to route extra power to the hydroponic system overheated and caused the fire.
Investigators found more then 700 marijuana plants inside the residence that they estimated to be worth $1.7 million.
Derrol Nail has more on neighborhood reaction to the bust.
Explore Banned Books

To Kill a Mockingbird. Of Mice and Men. The Great Gatsby. 1984. It's hard to imagine a world without these extraordinary literary classics, but every year there are hundreds of attempts to remove great books from libraries and schools. In fact, according to the American Library Association, 42 of 100 books recognized by the Radcliffe Publishing Course as the best novels of the 20th century have been challenged or banned.
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I'm pregnant with Arnold Schwarzeneggers kid

This thing told me im pregnant its a girl and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the father. I'm haveing a c'section no way in hell am i trying to give birth out my dick hole and i dont think they do abortions on guys.
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Teen girl sues band Buckcherry, claiming she was coerced into making porn

Rock band Buckcherry is being sued by a 16-year-old girl who says she was lured to a nightclub under the guise of appearing in a music video, but was coerced into drinking heavily and making a lesbian porn video.
The girl, identified as "Jane Doe" in a suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Sept. 7, claims she suffered "embarrassment, humiliation, emotional distress, mental anguish and severe shock to her nervous system" because of the video's posting on the band's Web site and widespread Internet availability.
"You can imagine the panic this girl felt when this video started getting aired," her attorney Douglas Silverstein of Kesluk & Silverstein told the Los Angeles Times. "She's been called a lesbian at school. She's had to switch schools because of that video."
The teen's complaint includes allegations of sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual harassment, invasion of privacy, infliction of emotional distress and conspiracy. She is suing Buckcherry, Warner Music Group, Atlantic Recording Corp., and other individuals and companies involved in the production of the videos for more than $25,000.
The band and its label have since pulled the video off the Internet.
Buckcherry - CRAZY BITCH (Edited Version)
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NYCLU Threatens To Sue Toys ‘R' Us Over Treatment of a Breastfeeding Shopper

The New York Civil Liberties Union claims that Toys "R" Us employees harassed a shopper who was breastfeeding her infant this week at the 42nd Street store.
In a letter sent to company headquarters in Wayne, N.J., yesterday, a lawyer with the NYCLU claims the company violated the state's basic civil rights law and demanded a public apology and compensation for the mother.
A lawsuit could follow if the demands are not met, the lawyer, Elisabeth Benjamin, said, in an interview yesterday.
The NYCLU claims that when the mother, Chelsi Meyerson of Brooklyn, began to breastfeed, five different saleswomen confronted her, according to the letter. At least one saleswoman told Ms. Meyerson that breastfeeding on the store floor was "inappropriate" because of all the nearby children, the letter stated.
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Dumbass needed surgery after sex with hedgehog

A Serbian man needed emergency surgery after he had sex with a hedgehog on a witchdoctor's advice.
Zoran Nikolovic, 35, from Belgrade, says the witchdoctor told him it would cure his premature ejaculation.
But he ended up in an operating theatre after the hedgehog's needles left his penis severely lacerated.
A hospital spokesman said: "The animal was apparently unhurt and the patient came off much worse from the encounter. We have managed to repair the damage to his penis."
EMO cult warning for parents (This Is So Fucking Stupid)

Flicking through the autumn glossy fashion magazines, I noticed that some of the models did not look very well.
A few of them appeared to be dead. This is because one of the key looks, especially at the younger end of the fashion spectrum, is Goth.
Faces are chalky white, eyes and lips black. You can wear any colour you like so long as it's black.
To achieve that just-got-out-of-acoffin look, you need corsets, capes, Celtic crosses, an unseeing stare and a prop such as a slightly mutilated china doll dragged along in one hand.
For those of us who have lived through Siouxsie And The Banshees and the Rocky Horror Show, the look is depressingly retro.
Fashion acknowledges those of us who lived through it first time round - Elder Goths, as opposed to Baby Bats, who are the under-30s.
It even nods to a working population, permitting Corporate Goths, who wear black trouser suits.
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Did he kill a magical goat, or his brother?

A murder suspect accused of killing his brother with an ax told investigators he actually attacked a goat, which was only later magically transformed into his sibling's corpse, officials said.
The man, whose name was not released, offered police his explanation after being arrested Tuesday in the death of his brother the previous day at Isseluku village in southern Nigeria.
"He said that the goats were on his farm and he tried to chase them away. When one wouldn't move, he attacked it with an ax. He said it then turned into his brother," Police Commissioner Udom Ekpoudom told The Associated Press.
Murder suspects in Nigeria, where many people believe in black magic, sometimes claim spirits tricked them into killing.