Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Columbine documents released

More than 900 pages of documents seized from the homes of the Columbine killers were made public Thursday.
The writings, scribblings and drawings were taken, along with audio and videotapes, from the homes of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold after the 1999 shooting.
The 946 pages include diaries, violent drawings and messages the two boys wrote to each other in their year books and a journal kept by Eric Harris' father Wayne.
Eric Harris' writings include reports written for school about Charles Manson and Nazism. Another selection included in the papers is a prediction for Harris' then upcoming senior year. There is also a short story written by Dylan Klebold about a man in a black trenchcoat who is taunted by and kills "preps".
Jefferson County Sheriff Ted Mink said he wants these documents to help mental health professionals by helping them identify warning signs by troubled teens today. Mink hopes to prevent another Columbine-type incident.
"I think these boys are a tragic example of kids that got lost," said Barbara McCombs. McCombs is a research psychologist at Denver University who studies school violence. She said these documents provide a picture of general hatred without specific reasons. "Was there something that triggered that? Was there an incident in school? Was there something that happened at home? I didn't see that," McCombs said.
How To Fuck A Bean Bag Chair
Make a bean bag chair with a removable, storable artificial vagina that hides away right inside the chair itself. And the Velcro that keeps the fake pussy in place becomes the self-closing seal on the storage compartment when the unit is removed. While there’s no award (that we know of) for excellence in sex-toy furniture design, if there was, we think this chair deserves a nomination.

Full Story Here

Fired employee charged after car rams store

An employee of the Chalet Nursery and Garden Shop reacted to being fired June 27 by driving his car through the display area of the store, police said.
Eric D. Moore, 27, had been shouting and cursing at managers of the store, at 3132 W. Lake Ave., that afternoon after a boss confronted him about repeatedly leaving without telling them, police said. Moore, of 1714 Leland Ave., Evanston, hurled a radio at a wall and was fired on the spot, police said.
Moments later, a manager heard a crash and saw concrete flying through the air, and Moore's 1994 Buick LeSabre plowing through the outdoor display area, according to reports.
The manager ran out of the store to see the LeSabre leaving a trail of broken stone benches, fountains, statues and pots, before thumping out of the Skokie Boulevard exit on a flat tire, then turning west on Lake Avenue.
Police, called by the Chalet, said they arrested Moore about a half a mile away, at the service station at Lake and Laramie avenues.
Moore was charged with criminal damage to property, reckless driving and driving without a license or insurance. He is scheduled to appear today (July 6) in Cook County 2nd District Criminal Court, 5600 Old Orchard Road, Skokie.
Damage to the Chalet property was estimated at $4,281.
School Web Site Sends Readers To Porn Page

School administrators were shocked to discover that a DeKalb County middle school's Web site included a link to a porn site, Atlanta TV station WSB reported. Readers using the Stone Mountain Middle School's Web site could find the link on the site's student resources section. The section includes links to educational sites such as the DeKalb Public Library, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and NASA. Among the 36 links was a link to a porn site called Black Girl Magazine. Black Girl Magazine was a legitimate magazine aimed at middle- and high-school girls, according to founder and publisher Kenya Jordana James. James said it never contained any pornography. James is a senior at a local high school who has won numerous awards for her magazine. But she allowed the rights to the domain name to lapse.
Police Say 10 Men Raped 11 Year Old Girl
Police officers in Fresno, Calif. say as many as 10 men sexually raped an 11-year-old girl. Most of the suspects play football for area colleges, according to police reports.
Two of the men, Mackey Lee Davis, 20, and Eddie Scott, 19, were arrested last Saturday night at a west-central Fresno apartment where the assault allegedly occurred. They face two felony sex charges, including child molestation. Scott is listed on Reedley College's Web site as a 6-foot-3 wide receiver.
The following day seven other players voluntarily went to Fresno Police headquarters on to meet with the investigating detectives. It's believed that them men gave statements about the incident, according to a local attorney.
Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the current or former players are from Reedley College and Fresno City College, according to the Bakersfield News. He said the alleged sexual assault was reported at 9 PM that night.
Full Story Here
Two of the men, Mackey Lee Davis, 20, and Eddie Scott, 19, were arrested last Saturday night at a west-central Fresno apartment where the assault allegedly occurred. They face two felony sex charges, including child molestation. Scott is listed on Reedley College's Web site as a 6-foot-3 wide receiver.
The following day seven other players voluntarily went to Fresno Police headquarters on to meet with the investigating detectives. It's believed that them men gave statements about the incident, according to a local attorney.
Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the current or former players are from Reedley College and Fresno City College, according to the Bakersfield News. He said the alleged sexual assault was reported at 9 PM that night.
Depression tied to risky teen sex

Sexually experienced middle- and high-school teenagers with higher levels of depressive symptoms are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior, a new study shows.
"The study findings underscore that it is important for parents to be familiar with signs of depression among adolescent boys and girls," Dr. Jocelyn A. Lehrer of the University of California, San Francisco, the study's lead author, told Reuters. "In addition to providing strong and consistent emotional support to their teens, it is important for parents to encourage and actively support their teens in seeking mental health care when needed."
As many as 20 percent of adolescents may experience major depression, Lehrer and her team note in the July issue of the medical journal Pediatrics. Half of new cases of sexually transmitted infections occur in adolescents; teens also face a disproportionate risk of contracting HIV.
To investigate whether symptoms of depression might be linked to sexual risk taking, Lehrer and her colleagues analyzed results of a large national study of adolescent health that included 4,152 boys and girls who were interviewed at home in 1995 and once again a year later. Interviewers assessed study participants' levels of depressive symptoms using a 19-item questionnaire.
Dog Running For Governor In Alaska

One Alaskan gubernatorial candidate is an extreme long shot to win. But he'll keep barking up every tree to turn out the vote.
Brinkley is a two year-old golden retriever who is the center of a write-in campaign for Alaska's highest office.
The dog's campaign started as a joke between his owner Ruth Sisk and her friends.
His campaign has already sold about $4,000 worth of "Brinkley for Governor" t-shirts.
Sisk says if the dog isn't elected governor he may consider running for another office.
"He might not be able to do as well as (humans in Alaska), but if he doesn't, can we please run him for President?"
Most of the money from the campaign will go to the American Society For Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals.
Traffic Stop Drug Rocket

Two men were smart enough to design a home-made rocket that would shoot their drugs into space if they were caught by police ... but they were not smart enough to remember to plug it in while traveling through Missouri.
That little detail led two Kentucky men to prison, after they were stopped last summer with a cigarette-lighter-powered, drug-hiding rocket in the trunk of the car on I-70 near Columbia.
Joseph Seidl pleaded guilty Wednesday to federal charges of conspiring to deal methamphetamine. Michael Sullivan pleaded guilty last month to his role in the conspiracy.
Investigators said the duo planned to activate the rocket from the driver's seat, sending the two pounds of meth it contained from the trunk before officers could seize it. But the device wasn't plugged in, so it didn't go anywhere.
1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He
thought he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
4.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill
5.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
6.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
7.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
8.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
9.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
10.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are missing
Full List Here
thought he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
4.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill
5.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
6.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
7.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
8.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
9.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
10.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are missing
'Barbra Streisand' Porno on Ebay

Pervy Defamer sibling site Fleshbot points us to a particularly intriguing lot on eBay: An 8mm print of a vintage porn entitled "Barbra Streisand": In Hardcore, in which the winning bidder is promised an unobstructed view of the legend as only James Brolin (and Elliott Gould, and Ryan O'Neal, and Warren Beatty, and Jon Peters, and Don Johnson, and Andre Agassi, and Peter Jennings, etc...) has seen her before. And what will the privilege of owning such a piece of rare, full frontal Babsmobilia cost? Bidding starts at $250,000--pricey, yes, but as ticket buyers to Streisand's Farewell Comeback Tour already know, Streisand worship comes at a premium. The singer, meanwhile, has reportedly seen the film--rumors of its existence have dogged her for years--and flatly denies the generously beschnozed performer is her, once telling Playboy the proof is "when the camera zoomed in on her hands around the guy's you-know-what. There they were: short, stubby fingers!" Her evidence is indeed compelling--Streisand's digits are anything but short and stubby, as anyone who has ever witnessed the damage reaped by a single flick of her french manicured eagle talons already knows.
Woman Accused of Witchcraft in 1706 Cleared

It took 300 years, but Virginia's only convicted witch has finally been pardoned.
State Gov. Timothy M. Kaine was asked to exonerate Grace Sherwood, who was tried by water and accused of using her powers to cause a woman to miscarry. On Monday, the 300th anniversary of Sherwood's "ducking" trial, Kaine obliged.
"I am pleased to officially restore the good name of Grace Sherwood," Kaine said in a letter that was read aloud by Virginia Beach Mayor Meyera Oberndorf before a local re-enactment of the ducking.
"With 300 years of hindsight, we all certainly can agree that trial by water is an injustice," Kaine wrote.
On July 10, 1706, Sherwood's thumbs were tied to her toes and she was dropped into a river. She floated, proof that she was guilty because the pure water cast out her evil spirit, according to the belief system of the time.
Each year, a small group remembers Sherwood with a re-enactment. Monday's re-enactment took place on land in front of the Ferry Plantation House, a historic home.