Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Woman accused of heroin-soaked panties

A Chinese woman has appeared in court accused of transporting panties and long johns soaked in heroin, state media said Friday.
Wang Zhiqin, 42, from Wuhan, capital of China's central province of Hubei, was charged with transporting 1.44 kg (3.2lb) of heroin soaked into 15 items of underwear, the China Daily said. "Drug tests apparently detected heroin on them and Wang was arrested after a tip-off," the China Daily said.
Wang pleaded innocent during her trial at a Shanghai court Thursday, saying the tainted underwear had been planted in her luggage, a pink trunk, after two men in Kunming, capital of the southwestern Yunnan province, offered her a job and a plane ticket to Shanghai.
Wang's lawyer queried the investigating police's methods, who derived the quantity of heroin by weighing the drug-soaked underwear, the paper said.
"There is no evidence of the exact purity and quantity of the heroin, and there is no evidence proving Wang was aware of what she was carrying," the paper quoted the lawyer as saying. If convicted, Wang could face the death penalty, the paper said.
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THE man who claims he murdered child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey was planning a sex change. Former teacher John Mark Karr, 41, was treated at a clinic weeks before his arrest in Thailand. A spokesman at the Pratunam Polyclinic in Bangkok said: "Yes, he had treatment here. He was our patient. He came a number of times "We cannot give out details on his treatment as we are ethically bound to keep these things private." But sources at the clinic confirmed they had discussed sex change surgery with him. The clinic charges £600 to transform men into so-called "ladyboys" for £600. Karr, who was flown to the US yesterday, faces charges of murder, kidnapping and child sexual assault in connection with the killing of six-year-old JonBenet on Boxing Day 1996. During the 15-hour flight to Los Angeles, Karr toasted his escorts with champagne in business class and ate lavish meals. He claims he was alone with JonBenet when she died in the basement of her home in Boulder, Colorado. She was strangled with a garrotte made from a stick and cord and her skull was fractured.
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Mumbai's "Sweet" Sea Water Sparks Mass Hysteria

It all began on Friday night when some fishermen who washed their hands in the sea off Mumbai found that the water was sweet.
Word began to spread like wild fire with thousands of people from near and far flocking to the Mumbai seafront to witness what they believe is yet another "miracle" in a country prone to such phenomena.
Within an hour, the television cameras had descended on the beach and by midnight, according to some newspaper reports, there was mayhem.
TV newcasts showed people scooping up handfuls to drink the water on the spot while others bathed apparently to wash away their sins.
The Sunday Times of India calls it "18 Hours of Mass Hysteria" as it was only by Saturday morning that the human tide began to recede after word got around that the water had become "less sweet".
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6-foot-8 13 year old towers over foes

Aaron Durley towers over the competition at the Little League World Series. The 13-year-old first baseman for Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, stands an imposing 6-foot-8 and weighs 256 pounds.
"I was standing next to him and I was up to his elbows," Scott Kingery, a 12-year-old, 4-foot-9 Phoenix shortstop, said after meeting Durley.
At the secluded dorms where teams stay during the tournament, Durley has become as much of an attraction as the pool, the pingpong table and the video arcade.
The soft-spoken Durley doesn't mind the attention. He even lets opponents snap pictures with him during down time.
But Durley, who played at the series last year, too — when he was a mere 6-foot-4 — is crystal-clear about his top priority in South Williamsport.
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Dentist Puts Gold Teeth on Pet Cat

This cool cat has traded in his catnip for some bling. Sebastian, a one-year-old Persian with long black hair, sports gold crowns on his two bottom canines, which grew sticking out from his lips in an underbite similar to a bulldog's.
His owner, dentist David Steele, said he gave Sebastian gold crowns to help strengthen the fanged feline's teeth. Steele said he was worried the unique canines would break off or become a problem.
"It's possible to work on animals the same way we do humans," he said. "I did it to strengthen (Sebastian's) teeth, but it had an excellent cosmetic result. The cat gets a lot of attention now. Everyone is tickled to death when they see him."
Sebastian's two gold teeth protruding from his furry face make him seem a little menacing, like a hip-hop star's guard-cat or a movie villain's pet. The feline didn't seem too happy with his new look at first.
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Hard Core Porn During Swedish News Show

Public broadcaster SVT has said it plans on investing more on drama programs to lure in the younger audience, but the station’s news program last night has left some sceptical.
Last night, as responsible late night TV viewers in Sweden were watching an informative presentation of the latest political poll numbers on the country’s public service SVT station, hard core group sex could be seen playing on one of the numerous video screens over the presenter's shoulder.
“I am shocked and upset,” said Magnus Åkerlund, a boss at SVT. “It is crazy.”
Everything was going as planned on the midnight news broadcast, until the Czech hard porn film “Sex Tails,” came on the pay channel Canal Plus on the screen in the back. Those trying to catch the latest poll figures got to see group anal and oral sex.
Per Yng, a boss of the news program, was incensed over the incident.
“I found out that sort of crap happened when I called the editorial staff,” Yng said, according to Expressen. “This is unbelievable. If you decide to watch Rapport (the news) you shouldn’t have to watch some stupid hard core porn film. This will never happen again.”
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Mother fed girls dirty toilet paper

Police arrest a Broken Arrow woman accused of repeatedly abusing her daughters, ages 14 and 5.
Witnesses say a woman repeatedly abused her 14-year-old and 5-year-old daughters, tying them to a bed without food or water, forcing them to eat toilet tissue with dog feces on it, and making the youngest sleep in a dog crate, authorities said Friday.
Penny Lea Holloway, 42, of Broken Arrow also allegedly forced one of her children to take anti-psychotic medication and left the pair alone for days on end, according to reports.
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Women Accused Of Satanic Ritual Scam

Police have arrested two Stratford women accusing them of scamming a woman out of $145,000 through some bizarre rituals including drinking rooster blood.
Maria dos Santos, 52, and her daughter, Shirley Iannucci, 30, were arrested by police Tuesday on charges of first-degree larceny and conspiracy.
Police said the two women had become friendly with the alleged victim who was going through a divorce last year.
According to court documents, the alleged victim feared for her life after dos Santos told her that "God was going to kill her." The city woman called police in January, the day after dos Santos performed a satanic ritual in her West River Street home that included drinking blood from a dead rooster, according to the arrest warrant affidavit.
Dos Santos persuaded the victim to let her handle all of her financial affairs while the divorce was pending, according to court documents.
Both women were released after posting bond and are expected to be arraigned Sept. 5.
Top Ten Characters From Hell

The Omen remake hits theaters nationwide today (6/6/06... get it?). The latest incarnation of hell's spawn on screen got IGN FilmForce to thinkin' about the best characters from the netherworld.
Here is what we came up with. Criteria-wise, we tried to stick to characters related to hell or hellish themes (i.e. not back from the dead killers like Jason, -though he did once go to hell, he didn't make the cut - Freddy, Michael Meyers, Chucky, etc.).
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Gel-filled bras OK on planes, despite security

Don't try to bring a tiny tube of lip-moisturizing gel on board an airliner these days, or wear thin gel inserts to make your shoes more comfortable. And leave your cold and cough gel-caps at home.
But, ladies and cross-dressing gents, no one will check if you wear your gel-filled bras right onto the plane.
Despite the fact that these hugely popular undergarments are owned by millions worldwide and have the capacity to carry enough liquid or gel explosives to make a terrorist smile, the Transportation Security Administration has not included them on the new list of items forbidden from carry-on baggage.
In the travel tips listed on the agency's Web site — www.tsa.gov — mention is made of "gel-filled bras," but mostly in the context of those worn as prosthetics by breast-cancer survivors who have undergone mastectomies.
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