Friday, July 14, 2006
Seagulls Peck to Death Russian Swimmer

Michael Nikonov came to the village Verkhovie from the Russian city of Petrozavodsk (Russian republic of Korelia) to visit friends. The place is known for nature’s splendor — old Russian houses are awash in overgrown vegitation and River Shuya flows nearby harboring several small islands covered with seagulls’ nests. As the day was sweltering hot, Nikonov decided to cool down in the river. It is unknown to those around why he decided to swim to the small island, anxiously guarded by seagulls. Inhabitants try not to approach this small seagulls’ fortress as it is well known that when people come too close, the birds become territorial and may even peck at approaching intruders. When the seagulls became aware of Nikonov approaching the island they became alarmed. The birds soared above unlucky swimmer, swooped down on him, and with loud cries dove into the water around him. Bystanders who gathered on the bank of the river could only watch helplessly as Nikonov struggled while they called police and emergency services. Rescuers arrived immediately but it was already too late — the alarmed seagulls did not let impulsive swimmer reach their nests. They continued to attack him until he had disappeared under the water. When rescuers fished out Nikonov, he was already dead. “We think the swimmer was seriously frightened by the birds’ attack, he tried to fight tooth and nail. He had probably lost his bearings, dove into the water to hide from the seagulls, but was not able to come to the surface”, the head of the local emergency service told Trud newspaper correspondent. Rescuers claim Nikonov was sober when the incident occured.
Police investigate 'tampon maniac' in Groningen

Police in the Northern Dutch city of Groningen are investigating a man who rummages though rubbish bags in search of used tampons and sanitary towels. The 40-year-old local man is particularly interested in tampons used by students and young women, a police spokesperson said on Tuesday. The fetishist has been active for at least the last six months and has been regularly spotted searching through garbage outside student dorms. It is not known what he does with the items he collects. He has left letters for several of his 'victims'. Citing the interests of the investigation, the police spokesperson refused to disclose the contents of the letters, but said they included a play on words. Only one female student has lodged a criminal complaint so far, but it is expected that two others will come forward shortly. Police hope to be in a position to detain the man shortly for harassment and threatening behaviour. Opening and rummaging through other people's garbage only carries a fine. This is not the first time the man - dubbed the 'tampon maniac' by the Dutch media - has been active in Groningen. He regularly collected tampons a few years ago but stopped after a "good talk" with police. He took up his strange hobby again about six months ago. It is not known how often he goes out looking for tampons, but the police spokesperson said he is "very active". Police plan to send him to professionals to investigate his "extremely deviant behaviour" once they have sufficient grounds to arrest him.
Wal-Mart loosens shoplifting policy

Wal-Mart is moving away from what it called a zero-tolerance policy on prosecuting shoplifters and will now only prosecute anyone caught taking merchandise worth $25 or more, according to a published report. The New York Times reports the change in policy, citing internal documents from Wal-Mart that say it will now only press charges against those between the ages of 18 and 64 who take at least $25 worth of goods. Formerly its policy was to press charges against anyone who took at least $3 in goods. The paper said the change in policy will allow Wal-Mart to concentrate on theft by professional shoplifters and its own employees. The paper said those two groups steal the bulk of merchandise from the chain. "If I have somebody being paid $12 an hour processing a $5 theft, I have just lost money," J. P. Suarez, who is in charge of asset protection at Wal-Mart, told the paper. "I have also lost the time to catch somebody stealing $100 or an organized group stealing $3,000." Wal-Mart told the paper it would closely track shoplifters it did not have arrested, and would ask that they be prosecuted after a second incident. It will also seek the prosecution of all suspected shoplifters who threaten violence or fail to produce identification, no matter how much they are trying to steal, according to the report, which said professional shoplifters often do not carry ID in order to avoid arrest. The change will also put the company's policy in line with most of its major competitors. The paper said that the change also will answer complaints of small-town police departments across the country who have protested the previous zero-tolerance policy. At some stores police were making up to six arrests a day, according to the report, which said some departments had to hire extra officers just to handle the Wal-Mart arrests. The paper said it was given the documents detailing the new policy by, an anti-Wal-Mart group that told the paper it received the documents from a former employee at the chain who is unhappy with the new policy.
Does sitting too close to the TV really damage your eyes?

Despite the repeated warnings of your mother, sitting too close to the TV will not damage your eyes. Prior to 1968 or so some sets emitted excessive X-rays, but that problem has now been eliminated. So no damaging rays are actually given off from the set that can hurt you. However, sitting too close to the TV could strain your eyes. Some eye doctors recommend that you sit no closer than five feet from the TV screen, but this precaution is merely to prevent eye fatigue. There are some people who believe that eyestrain can lead to myopia, or nearsightedness, and a few animal studies seem to support this theory, but there is little conclusive evidence.
Several other sources confirmed that sitting smack dab in front of the TV does not damage your eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, kids, the usual culprits, can focus up close better than adults, so they often develop the habit of sitting right in front of the television. However, sitting too close to the TV may indicate that your child needs glasses.
While TV may not ruin your eyes, the jury is still out as to its effects on your brain.
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Skip the dental bling — 'grills' bad for teeth

Dental grills may bring a lot of “bling” to a smile, but wearing these devices can cause lasting damage, warns Dr. Matt Messina, consumer advisor to the American Dental Association.
Popular among the hip-hop culture, grills or “fronts” are removable dental fixtures that fit over the teeth and snap into place. They are often made of precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum with diamond inlays, although cheaper metals are also used to make these cosmetic devices. They may range in price from $20 to thousands of dollars.
Messina, who practices dentistry in the Cleveland area, said there are a lot more risks involved with a grill than most people think. “Since it’s removal, people generally think it’s safe. That’s not really true,” he said.
Police dog runs over pedestrian

A police dog that was left in a pickup with the engine running apparently knocked the vehicle into gear and ran down a woman who was walking to her mailbox.
Mary F. Stone, 41, was expected to remain hospitalized with a fractured pelvis and tailbone until at least Friday, said her husband, Paul Stone.
The dog, a German shepherd named Ranger, had been left in the truck while its handler responded to a domestic disturbance call Tuesday, police Lt. Loring Draper said. The truck’s engine was on so Ranger would have air conditioning.
Draper said Ranger must have hit the shift on the steering column, putting the automatic transmission into gear. As the truck slowly rolled forward, police officers yelled to Stone, but she couldn’t get out of the way in time, he said.
A front and rear tire ran over her. “She had tire marks on her clothes,” her husband said.
The truck then went through the Stones’ yard and struck a vehicle in the driveway.
Mouth-shaped urinal sparks complaints

A Dutch McDonald's has been forced to remove a pair of mouth-shaped urinals after a tourist complained.
The branch in the south east of the Netherlands said it was removing the bright red, mouth-shaped urinals after a disgusted US customer complained to McDonald's head office in America.
Manager of the fast-food outlet Giel Pijper said the urinals, named Kisses, were works of art which he was now going to have to sell off.
The mouth-shaped urinals, designed by Utrecht-based firm Bathroom Mania!, have already caused controversy.
Virgin Airways was forced to scrap plans in 2004 to install two of the Kisses at New York's John F Kennedy airport after complaints they looked like women's mouths.
But designer Meike van Schijndel has denied they were ever conceived as anything rude and said they were designed as a fun cartoon mouth and not as a woman's mouth.