Friday, June 02, 2006
400+ Funny Titles For Porno Movies
1) Sperms of Endearment
2) Saving Ryan's Privates
3) Romancing The Bone
4) For Your Thighs Only
5) Three Men And A Barbie
6) Passenger 69
7) On Golden Blonde
8) Intercourse With The Vampire
9) Mr. Hollund's Phallus
10) Forrest Hump
12) Pocahotass
13) Sleeping Booty
14) The Loin King
15) The Sperminator
16) Cum And Cummer
17) Presumed Impotent
18) A Clear And Present Stranger
19) White Men Can't Hump
20) You've Got Male
21) I'll Do Anyone
22) Crocodile Done Me
23) Snatch Adams
24) Edward Penishands
25) How Stella Got Her Tube Packed
Full List Here
2) Saving Ryan's Privates
3) Romancing The Bone
4) For Your Thighs Only
5) Three Men And A Barbie
6) Passenger 69
7) On Golden Blonde
8) Intercourse With The Vampire
9) Mr. Hollund's Phallus
10) Forrest Hump
12) Pocahotass
13) Sleeping Booty
14) The Loin King
15) The Sperminator
16) Cum And Cummer
17) Presumed Impotent
18) A Clear And Present Stranger
19) White Men Can't Hump
20) You've Got Male
21) I'll Do Anyone
22) Crocodile Done Me
23) Snatch Adams
24) Edward Penishands
25) How Stella Got Her Tube Packed
Battered spouse acquitted of murder

Surrounded by family members wearing bright yellow T-shirts emblazoned with her picture, Cheryl Orange was teary-eyed and beaming Thursday, talking about the joy of holding the 10 grandchildren born during the 21 years she spent in prison for killing her abusive husband.
She walked out of Stanislaus County Public Safety Center on Thursday, a day after she was acquitted by a jury that was able to rehear her murder case under a law that grants new trials to battered women.
''I'm finally, truly free,'' Orange said, adding that one of the first things she was looking forward to was a big French toast breakfast. ''Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.''
Orange, 52, was the first woman to receive an acquittal during a second trial granted by the 2001 law, which allows victims who kill their partners to present evidence of the abuse in court, lawyers said.
Indian woman weds cobra

A woman who fell in love with a snake has reportedly married the reptile at a traditional Hindu wedding celebrated by 2,000 guests in India.
The Press Trust of India says priests have chanted mantras to seal the union but the cobra failed to come out of a nearby ant hill where it lives.
A brass replica snake stood in for the hesitant groom.
The cobra is the world's largest venomous snake, which can grow up to five metres long.
The 30-year-old bride, Bimbala Das, said: "Though snakes cannot speak nor understand, we communicate in a peculiar way".
"Whenever I put milk near the ant hill where the cobra lives, it always comes out to drink.
Top ten celebrity sex quotes!

10) Rodney Dangerfield - "Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night."
9) Elmo Phillips - "You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by an attractive middle-aged woman. Stuff you pay good money for, later in life."
8) Robert De Niro - "According to a new survey, women say they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of other women. They say that women are too judgmental, where, of course, men are just grateful"
7) Steve Martin - "Sex is one of the most wholesome, beautiful and natural experiences money can buy."
6) George Burns - "It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married."
5) Jack Nicholson - "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch."
4) Robin Williams - "Ah, yes, divorce. From the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet."
3) Billy Crystal - "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
2) Sharon Stone - "Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship."
1) Woody Allen - "Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand!"
Man injured after truck strikes portable toilet

Nature called at an unfortunate moment for a construction worker in Oak Point on Thursday.
While working on a new subdivision in the small Denton County town just south of Highway 380, the unnamed man ducked into a portable toilet outside a home under construction along Niles Court.
Within moments, the wide load of a tractor trailer turning onto Niles from Woodridge Drive struck the portable toilet and knocked it over.
The victim was taken to Denton Regional Medical Center, but his name and the extent of his injuries have not been released. The portable toilet sustained moderate damage.
Police said they don’t anticipate filing any charges against the driver of the tractor trailer.
Priest dies in plunge after prayers

Prayers proved fatal for an Italian priest who plunged through a chapel floor after asking God to help his ailing mother.
The well-known Roman priest travelled to pray with his mother in their country chapel at Palestrina near Rome Wednesday night.
He broke off to change the flowers and the floor suddenly gave way as a previously undetected Roman well collapsed.
Father Claudio Rossi, 61, a Jesuit who was vice-rector at Rome University, plunged 100 feet (35 metres) to his death.
Woman pleads no contest for dirty Shih Tzu

Like most dogs, Anita Tolentino's Shih Tzu got into his share of dirt. But that resulted in criminal charges against the owner when the high-maintenance breed was found wandering the streets with its long hair so filthy that it couldn't move properly.
Tolentino pleaded no contest Tuesday to neglecting the dog and was sentenced to one year of probation.
"This is one breed that you need to groom, but she just didn't care," said Peninsula Humane Society investigator Debi DeNardi. "The owners of most of these little breeds buy cute little jackets and fancy collars for them. They don't just throw them out in the backyard."
Teenage boy blows up the house with deodorant

A teenager left at home while his parents were on holiday decided to do some washing - and ended up blowing the roof off and causing £35,000 of damage.
In a freak string of mishaps, Sean Davey, 18, left a washing basket full of clothes on top of the electric cooker. He then accidentally knocked one of the hob controls, turning on one of the rings, before going out to meet friends.
The heated ring set fire to the basket of clothes which, in turn, heated a nearby bag of shopping that his sister Nicky, 20, had left for her brother earlier in the day.
And that caused a can of Sure deodorant to explode with such force that it not only blew out windows but cracked a wall and even, briefly, lifted the roof off the bungalow.
Victim of stabbing stabbed again

A reputed Ontario gang member has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly stabbing a man – for the second time.
Prosecutors said the victim approached Anthony Baguindo on March 12 to ask why Baguindo had stabbed him two months prior. Instead of offering an explanation, Baguindo, 28, pulled out a silver switchblade and stabbed the victim again, Deputy District Attorney Thomas Colclough said.
The victim, whom prosecutors declined to identify, was hospitalized, but survived.
Sisters charged in fight over parade candy

A contest to see who could catch the most sweets turned sour when police said a fistfight broke out between two sisters during Monday’s Memorial Day parade in Wood Dale. Pamela Majdan, 23, of 385 N. Wood Dale Road, was charged with domestic battery Monday afternoon after police say she repeatedly beat her sister Joyce Majdan during a fight over who caught the most pieces of candy during the parade.
Joyce Majdan, 31, of the same address, was charged with attempted obstruction of justice after police said she refused to give them her identity or any other information during their investigation.
Wood Dale Deputy Police Chief Greg Vesta said officers securing the parade route were told of the fight and separated the women, in front of their apartment building, just after noon Monday.