Friday, July 07, 2006
Iran 'serious' about nuclear talks

Iran's nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said Thursday in Brussels that his country is "serious" about talks with the European Union on its nuclear program, according to the EU press office.
But the Iranian official, who spoke before attending a working dinner with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana, did not provide a response to the package of incentives offered by the permanent five members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany.
A senior State Department official said that Solana spoke with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after the dinner.
Solana told Rice his dinner with Larijani involved a "general discussion of the issue of Iran's nuclear program," the official said, adding that "no response to the P5 plus 1 proposal was given."
P5 plus 1 refers to the permanent five (Britain, China, France, Russia, U.S.) and Germany.
Solana and Larijani are expected to meet again next Tuesday before the ministers of the P5 and Germany meet the following day in Paris.
Bond set at $750K for preacher's wife

A judge set bond at $750,000 Friday for a small-town minister's wife charged with killing her husband at their Church of Christ parsonage.
"For her, that's tantamount to no bond at all," said defense lawyer Steve Farese.
Mary Winkler, 32, has been held without bond since March 23, the day after her husband, Matthew Winkler, 31, was found dead at the parsonage in Selmer, about 80 miles east of Memphis.
If unable to post bond, Mary Winkler will remain behind bars awaiting her first-degree murder trial scheduled to begin October 30.
Winkler told police she shot her husband as he lay in bed on the morning of March 22 after they argued over finances and other family matters.
She was later arrested in Alabama with the couple's three young daughters, who are now living with their paternal grandparents.
Authorities say had Mary Winkler deposited $17,500 in checks from unidentified foreign sources in family bank accounts over several months prior to the killing, and a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent accused her at a bond hearing last week of "check kiting."
Neo-Nazi sympathizers slip into U.S. military

Neo-Nazis and other white supremacists have increasingly been able to infiltrate the U.S. military due to recruitment pressures created by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a watchdog group said Friday.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks racist activities in the United States, said thousands of hate group members are now in the armed forces, especially in the Army, increasing the threat of domestic terrorism.
"There is mounting evidence that military recruiters and commanders, under intense pressure to meet manpower goals with the country at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, have relaxed standards designed to prohibit racist extremists from serving in the armed forces," the center's Chief Executive Richard Cohen told Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in a letter.
Cohen asked Rumsfeld to appoint a task force to determine the full extent of the problem and to adopt a "zero-tolerance" policy toward racist extremists in the military that could be rigorously enforced.
"The Army's dealing with that," Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said when asked to comment on the issue.
Orgasm Q & A

Orgasm is an emotional and physical experience that occurs during a normal sexual response cycle. During this cycle, pleasure peaks and is then accompanied by a sense of release from sexual tension. During orgasm, both men and women experience involuntary, rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles. The mind senses these contractions as pleasurable, but the intensity of these sensations differs from person to person. Each orgasm can also differ in intensity from one time to the next for the same person. For example, an orgasm could feel like warm, gentle throbbing in the genital area one night, and then tomorrow it could feel like an explosion that causes the whole body to become rigid and the mind to momentarily black out.
The four phases of sexual response are as follows: Arousal, Plateau, Orgasm, and Resolution. Arousal, or feeling "turned on." is a combination of mental arousal and physical changes, such as a racing heart, rapid breathing, flushing, increased sensitivity in the genital area, erection of the penis, and swelling and lubrication of the vagina. During the plateau phase, sexual and muscular tension intensifies. During orgasm, sexual pleasure peaks and sexual tension is released. The fourth stage is resolution, during which there is a gradual return of the body to its baseline state accompanied by a sense of warmth, pleasure, and relaxation. After orgasm and ejaculation, most males are unable to have another orgasm for a period of time. This refractory period depends on age (younger men can need only minutes to fully "recover" and older men may need an hour or more) and differs widely between men.
Ads on hooker's thighs?

A Dutch design student bored with conventional advertisements has set up a fake online agency offering advertising space for beer, cars and TV stations on prostitutes' thighs and cleavage.
On his website, Raoul Balai also proposed painting brand names on zoo animals and floating huge billboards off popular beaches to get vacationers' attention.
"I was getting sick and tired of advertising everywhere," Balai told reporters. "But I don't want to preach, and I thought satire would work better."
Far from taking his ideas as a joke, an Amsterdam zoo had its lawyer threaten Balai with a defamation suit after his website depicted fish from the zoo bearing the brand name of a frozen fish company.
Prospective customers phoning his fake agency are kept on hold and bombarded with sales pitches until they give up.
Bust a (Porn) Move the hardest porn moves to copy.

It's a familiar scene: You're in the boudoir with your beloved and—in a fit of creativity and an attempt to impress her with your carnal skill—you attempt to recreate a sexual position that was inspired while visiting the pretzel vendor in Yankee Stadium. But it's never as easy as it seems. Allow us to spare you some humiliation and a visit to the emergency room by breaking down some sexual acrobatics that will make you a star in the bedroom. Warning: For professional use only. We suggest the use of a stuntcock.
The Position: Piledriver
Difficulty Level: 7
The Move: It sounds like an urban legend, but it's real. Basically, put your girl in a shoulder stand and have her spread her legs, then descend from above. Did we mention that you're standing, too?
Say the Judges: "That's the one move that even I, the trained professional, refuse to attempt," says Wicked Pictures contract star Stormy Daniels. "It's the most uncomfortable thing you can get into, and people just don't look that sexy upside down. And the guy can't put any weight on the girl because he'll snap her back. But who cares about the guy in that position!"
The Position: Finger Cuffs
Difficulty Level: 7.5
The Move: This threesome position has your adventurous female partner on all fours between the two poles. It seems like a great way to alleviate that too-close-for-comfort issue with other threesome positions, but then other problems arise.
Say the Judges: "When we got started the guy behind me was moving at a different tempo than the guy in front of me, so I was getting this uneven push-pull thing that was really uncomfortable," says Shari. "And then they started moving at the same rhythm, which was almost worse. I felt like a Whack-a-Mole except I was getting it from both ends."
Lightning zeros in on teenager's tunes

Jason Bunch was listening to Metallica on his iPod while mowing the lawn outside his Castle Rock home Sunday afternoon when lightning hit him. The last thing the 17-year-old remembers was that a storm was coming from the north and he had only about 15 minutes before he should go inside. Next thing he knew, he was in his bed, bleeding from his ears and vomiting. He was barefoot and had taken off his burned T-shirt and gym shorts. He doesn't know how he got back in the house. Bunch immediately called his mother, who was in Illinois visiting family."Mom, I think I was hit by lightning," he said. Kelly Risheill told her son to call 911, and she started the 14-hour drive home. About the same time, a neighbor saw Bunch's scorched green and white Reebok tennis shoes in the street, a few feet away from the lawn mower. She also called for help. Bunch was taken to Sky Ridge Medical Center and placed in intensive care. He was sent home Tuesday. "I'm alive, and that is what I am grateful for," Bunch said as he lay in bed Wednesday. From the hospital, Bunch called a friend and told him he wasn't able to go bowling. Then, he called a girl he was supposed to meet for a date.
Family sues over 'ugly' bride

Arranged marriages are an ancient tradition in India, but when a Belchertown family went there to meet a bride-to-be and judged her too ugly for the groom, they chose a 21st-century solution. They called the wedding off, and the groom's father is now suing for damages.
Vijai B. Pandey, 60, filed a lawsuit in Hampden Superior Court last month against friends who tried to arrange a marriage between his son Pranjul K. and their niece. The Pandeys, after spending money on long-distance calls and airfare, found her much too homely.
When the Pandeys saw the bride in New Delhi last August, they were "extremely shocked to find ... she was ugly ... with protruded bad teeth, and couldn't speak English to hold a conversation," Vijai Pandey stated in the lawsuit. The woman's complexion was also cited for the broken engagement.