Thursday, August 17, 2006
Breast implants saves woman after Hezbollah attack

One Israeli woman has received an unexpected boost from her breast implants during the Lebanon war -- the silicone embeds saved her life during a Hezbollah rocket attack, a doctor said.
"This is an extraordinary case, but it's a fact that the silicone implants prevented her from a more serious and deeper wound," Jacky Govrin, of the hospital in Nahariya that treated the woman, told army radio Tuesday.
"The young woman went through surgery two years ago to have a larger chest," he said. "During the war she was wounded in the chest by shrapnel" that got stuck in the implants instead of penetrating further.
The woman did not emerge from her ordeal completely unscathed, however.
"The shrapnel was removed but the implant had to be replaced," Govrin said.
Hot dogs may cause genetic mutations

Everyone knows hot dogs aren't exactly healthy for you, but in a new study chemists find they may contain DNA-mutating compounds that might boost one's risk for cancer.
Scientists note there is an up to 240-fold variation in levels of these chemicals across different brands.
"One could try and find out what the difference in manufacturing techniques are between the brands, and if it's decided these things are a hazard, one could change the manufacturing methods," researcher Sidney Mirvish, a chemist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, told LiveScience.
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Homeless man accused of raping brother's dog

A homeless man could spend 15 years in prison on a sodomy charge after police say he had sex with his brother's dog.
Police say 33-year-old Delbert Holliday raped the dog in his brother's garage in Eastpointe.
Holliday was arraigned Friday in 38th District Court.
A preliminary examination is set for August 22nd.
Police say the dog may not survive.
Additional information on the dog was not available.
Madonna Headed for Das Big House?

If Madonna doesn't change her ways, she could be going from "Hung Up" to locked up.
German prosecutors have announced plans to monitor the erstwhile Material Girl's Sunday concert in Duesseldorf to see if she goes ahead with the mock-crucifixion routine that has been drawing religious ire since her Confessions tour kicked off in May.
Should the pop star, who turns 48 Wednesday, perform the shock shtick, Johannes Mocken, a spokesman for the local authorities, told the Associated Press it could be construed as insulting religious beliefs, an offense that's considered not only insensitive, but illegal in Germany.
If Madonna goes through with the Jesus-channeling act and the locals find it insulting, she could face a maximum sentence of three years in prison. Meaning, Madonna's next reinvention could be as an inmate.
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Nick Lachey Has A Small Penis

Jessica Simpson has gone public saying that her ex husband, Nick Lachey, has a very small penis. It's so small that she hardly felt anything while having sex, and even had to fake orgasms.
Jess was recently quoted as saying: "Nick's small package was a problem sometimes, like the first time we had sex, to tell you the truth, I didn't really feel much, I faked the whole thing, I really felt sorry for him, I still loved him though."
Redheads 'have more sex than blondes or brunettes'

Blondes may have more fun but redheads have more sex, according to new research in Germany.
The study by Hamburg Sex Researcher Professor Dr Werner Habermehl looked at the sex lives of hundreds of German women and compared them with their hair colour.
He said: "The sex lives of women with red hair were clearly more active than those with other hair colour, with more partners and having sex more often than the average. The research shows that the fiery redhead certainly lives up to her reputation."
He added that women who dyed their hair red from another colour were signalling they were looking for a partner, and added: "Even women in a fixed relationship are letting their partners know they are unhappy if they dye their hair red. They are saying that they are looking for something better."
Psychologist Christine Baumanns said however that it may not be the women who were to blame for the better sex lives of redheads.
She said: "Red stands for passion and when a man sees a redhead he will think he is dealing with a woman who won't mess around, and gets straight to the point when it comes to sex."
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DEA Busts Nationwide Home Delivery Drug Ring

Federal agents arrested more than 130 alleged drug traffickers from coast to coast Tuesday who U.S. officials said smuggled heroin from Mexico and offered phone-up home delivery like a takeout pizza shop.
Beginning before dawn, Drug Enforcement Administration agents conducted arrest raids and searches, seeking up to 150 people, about half of them illegal immigrants, according to senior drug enforcement officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity before the official announcement.
By early afternoon, the investigation had produced 131 arrests in 15 cities, from Charleston, S.C., to Los Angeles, based on 10 federal indictments and state charges, the officials said.
Known as Operation Black Gold Rush, the investigation was being described at an afternoon news conference here by Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher and deputy DEA administrator Michele Leonhart. Officials gave this account of how the ring operated:
The ring grew its own poppies and refined them in Mexico and smuggled an unusually pure variety of black tar heroin across the U.S.-Mexican border, mostly in Arizona, with couriers on foot or in vehicles. Mexican black tar heroin, a dark and sticky substance, is usually only about 30-40 percent pure, well below the purity of Colombian heroin. But among the more than 37 pounds of heroin seized in this case, some was 85 percent pure," officials said.
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Urban Dictionary

1. (verb) the act of digging up a recently deceased woman and putting your mouth up to her vaginal orfice while someone else stomps on her stomach forcing all of the fluids (from the vagina) into your mouth.
2. (noun) the literal vaginal secretions from the dead female once in your mouth
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Church guard arrested for sex with corpse

A man working at a church northwest of Stockholm has been remanded in custody for a very, very unsavoury deed.
The man, who is in his 40s and who was working at the church as a security guard, was arrested by police on suspicion of opening a coffin and having sex with a female corpse.
"I am shocked," said a priest in the parish, according to Expressen.
A week ago, police detained the man after they found an open coffin awaiting burial in the church's crypt. Near the unlocked coffin police found empty beer cans.
"The lock was off and the body was lying in a position it should not be in," said an unnamed police officer to Expressen. "We suspect that the guard has assaulted the dead woman."
The man is being held for breaking burial laws and could face to up to two years in jail.
Mom Jailed After Cocaine Found in Child

A woman who authorities said has a 1-year-old daughter who tested positive for cocaine remained in jail Monday night on a child endangerment charge.
Amber Jackson, 18, of Paint Township, was arrested Aug. 10 after a medical test determined the child tested positive for cocaine, the Highland County Sheriff's Office said.
Jackson claimed at the hospital that the child accidentally ingested a relative's pain medication, the sheriff's office said. The child spent three days in a hospital and was placed in the custody of Highland County Children's Services.
A judge set Jackson's bond at $25,000 at a hearing Friday. Jail officials and court records did not list an attorney for Jackson. Hillsboro is 48 miles east of Cincinnati.
9/11 Detainee Released After Nearly Five Years

The date was Sept. 12, 2001, but Benemar "Ben" Benatta was clueless about the death and destruction one day earlier.
About a week before, Canadian officials had stopped Benatta as he entered the country from Buffalo to seek political asylum. On that Sept. 11, he was quietly transferred to a U.S. immigration lockup where a day passed before sullen FBI agents told him what the rest of the world already knew: terrorists had attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
It slowly dawned on Benatta that his pedigree - a Muslim man with a military background - made him a target in the frenzied national dragnet that soon followed. The FBI didn't accuse him of being a terrorist, at least not outright. But agents kept asking if he could fly an airplane.
He told them he couldn't. It made no difference.
"They gave me a feeling that I was Suspect No. 1," he said in a recent interview.
The veiled accusations and vehement denials would continue for nearly five years - despite official findings in 2001 that he had no terrorist links and in 2003 that authorities had violated his rights by colluding to keep him in custody.
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Q & A

Q: I have just begun to experiment with bondage and light S&M. As I write this, I have jute twine tied tightly around my balls and cock, and a cast-iron frying pan (quite heavy) dangling from the rim of my cock's head, attached with twine. The head of my cock is getting a little blueish after 15 minutes of this fun, and I'm wondering if I'm going to pay for this pleasure later. That is, could I permanently damage the blood vessels down there and mess up my sex life?
I've placed an online ad looking for a dom female to teach me what there is to know and hopefully go to a party with me, tie me up, pour hot wax on me and all that. But I'm wondering, since dom women probably don't care if they fuck up the guys they torture, should I be concerned about permanent damage? Are injuries common in this scene? —Cock Blue Today
A: A frying pan hanging from twine tied around the head of your cock is a lot of things, CBT, but "light S&M" isn't one of them. And while your enthusiasm for kink is palpable, your ignorance about the "scene" appears to be bottomless.
First things first: Stop hanging frying pans from the head of your dick. I'm not going to go all Dr. Drew on you here — lots of healthy, sane men enjoy cock-and-ball torture (CBT), because they find it crazy hot to have their junk slapped around — but you have got to knock that shit off before you permanently damage your cock. Before you engage in any more self-administered CBT, I would advise you to read Hardy Haberman's Family Jewels: A Guide to Male Genital Play and Torment. And when you're done with that fine book, please read — from cover to cover — Jay Wiseman's SM 101: A Realistic Introduction. The former will improve your CBT technique, CBT, and the latter will disabuse you of the ridiculous misconceptions you hold about the BDSM scene.
Finally, and for the record: Dom women do care about the men they "torture" — any woman who thoughtlessly or intentionally "fucks up" guys isn't going to be welcome in any organized BDSM scene. And any wannabe S&M bottom who thinks finding a dom woman is as easy as placing an ad or showing up at a play party is in for a rude awakening.