Saturday, May 27, 2006
Fueled by case of beer, three men attempt Class III rapids in Wal-Mart raft, with predictable results

Two 12-packs and a raft bought at Wal-Mart by three 19 and 20-year friends were no match for Class III rapids on the upper Colorado River between Radium and Rancho Del Rio.
One man, Thomas Williams, nearly drowned when the raft overturned last Sunday. He was rescued by a nearby rafting guide.
"I was under for so long I just blacked out," Williams told the Vail Daily. "I didn't realize I was being dragged along by the river."
Class III rapids, on a scale of 1 to 6, include a large continuous set of waves with small drops, ledges or waterfalls. Scouting is suggested for all but the most experienced rafter.
End of year prank: students burn outline of giant 15-foot penis into the football field turf

Pranksters set fire to a high school football field Wednesday night or early Thursday, burning a phallic symbol into the grass.
"It was a 15-foot outline of male genitalia," said Miramar Police spokesman Bill Robertson.
A vandal burned the shape into one of the end zones at Everglades High School just in time for the last day of school. The fire was out by the time school employees arrived at work Thursday morning.
Police aren't laughing at the apparent joke, and are looking for the culprits.
"Even though they consider it an end-of-the-school-year prank, we're taking it very seriously," Robertson said.
AT&T Leaks Sensitive Info

AT&T's attorneys this week filed a 25-page legal brief striped with thick black lines that were intended to obscure portions of three pages and render them unreadable But the obscured text nevertheless can be copied and pasted inside some PDF readers, including Preview under Apple Computer's OS X and the xpdf utility used with X11.
Blacklight reactive tatoo

Tattoo artist Richie of Electric Soul Tattoo uses this blacklight-reactive ink for this tattoo. Blacklight reactive ink is a great way to have a tattoo that no one can see but under the blacklight or to add a little something special to trip out your friends.
Csepel Politicians in Mutual Penis Popsicle Disgust

A political storm has blown up in Csepel over the red penis- and vulva-shaped popsicles that were on sale for Ft 500 each at a recent kids' day run by the local MSZP mayor. In what my be a non-scandal whipped up by Index's Pufajkás Turul scandal department, MSZP and Fidesz seem to be blaming each other for the inappropriate oral stimulation - which was positioned prominently on market stalls, probably by someone who had nothing to do with either party. As the increasingly incoherent Turul tells it, the two parties are fighting it out in a verbal slanging match incorporating so many references to licking, sucking and bad tastes that it is beneath even us to translate it.