Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Doogie Houser Is Gay

Neil Patrick Harris, 33, currently starring in the CBS comedy How I Met Your Mother, acknowledged that he is a gay and wants to quell any rumors to the contrary.
"I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest," Harris tells People magazine's Web site.
The possibility Harris might be gay is one that has floated around the gay community for a number of years. However, no one had ever publicly published what amounted to only rumor.
Things changed since a report on canada.com by acknowledging that he is gay late last month. The reports said that Harris had helped his longtime boyfriend David Burtka land a role on his sitcom, How I Met Your Mother.
As a response, Harris admits that he is a gay.
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Woman wanted sex change 'to become Christ'

A former patient of the UK's best-known expert on transsexualism wanted a sex change in order to fulfil her delusion that she was Jesus, an inquiry heard today.
The woman, identified only as patient D, told the General Medical Council disciplinary panel that consultant psychiatrist Dr Russell Reid had failed to recognise that she was suffering from manic depression when he gave her sex changing hormones and referred her for surgery to remove both her breasts.
Patient D told the hearing she had never been transsexual and considered it "lucky" that she was detained in a psychiatric hospital just before the operation was due to go ahead.
She said: "I think I should have been offered counselling and the possibility that it [my problem] was something else [other than transsexualism] should have been considered further."
The inquiry heard that she first saw Dr Reid in March 1996 after watching a TV programme about transsexualism, which convinced her this was the reason for her history of depression.
Dr Reid has admitted that he prescribed her with male hormones on her second appointment despite a second opinion from another psychiatrist warning that treatment should be delayed, pending further psychiatric assessment.
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Teen Charged With Burglary After Residents Notice Big Porn Bill

A 16-year-old boy was arrested on charges he repeatedly broke into a home and ordered more than $250 worth of pay-per-view porn movies, authorities said.
The owners of the Lehigh Acres home asked a neighbor to watch their house after noticing $267.43 worth of pornographic movies charged to their DirecTV account. The neighbor called police after seeing the teen inside the home, the News-Press reported.
The teen told police he stole a key the homeowner dropped and used it to enter the house nine times. The arrest report said he watched 17 pornographic programs at the home while skipping school.
Man Uses His Sex Offender Photo On MySpace

A man who posted his own sex offender registry photo on the social networking Web site MySpace.com is back behind bars.
Christian Paul Dutton, 47, was arrested in September for trespassing at an elementary school but was later released. He was arrested again Wednesday on charges of failing to register his MySpace account with State Police.
Dutton, who served more than six years after a 1984 conviction in Ohio for attempting to rape a woman he did not know, had registered on the Web site under the name "Bubba."
He is required to register as a sex offender for life.
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How Wal-Mart Banned a Terrorist Look-Alike

Wal-Mart is making life difficult for Oscar Brufani, a 52-year-old man who makes his living delivering potato chips in Buenos Aires. One of the corporation's store managers thinks he looks like Osama bin Laden -- and won't let him come near her store.
Oscar Brufani has only shaved three times in his life -- the first time when he was 18 and needed to have his picture taken for his passport. He felt naked.
The second time came when he was given a medical examination. He felt humiliated. And to this day he still regrets the third time: He was 24 years old and wanted to do his wife a favor. She was pleased, but their three little daughters ran away -- frightened by the man with the bare chin. It was then that Brufani swore to himself he would never shave off his beard again.
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Naked man arrested for concealed weapon

A man was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon after police found him outdoors - naked - and he told them he had a tool in his rectum, authorities said.
The man was lying on a tree stump, masturbating beside a nature path, near a Bay Area Rapid Transit station Thursday, police said.
John Sheehan, 33, of Pittsburg, was initially arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure. But when asked whether he was carrying anything police should know about, Sheehan mentioned the tool, said El Cerrito Detective Cpl. Don Horgan.
"You can't get much more concealed than that," Horgan said.
Officers drew their weapons and firefighters were called to the scene. Sheehan removed a 6-inch metal awl wrapped in black electrical tape without incident.
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Man ordered to wear ‘sex offender’ T-shirt

A DELAWARE judge on Friday ordered a man who twice exposed himself to a 10-year-old girl at his workplace to wear a T-shirt with the words: ‘I am a registered sex offender"’in bold letters, a prosecutor said.
Russell Teeter, 69, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent exposure, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail by Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden in Wilmington.
Deputy Attorney General Donald Roberts said he requested the unusual T-shirt punishment because he was concerned about Teeter exposing himself to children at the gardening business he runs with his wife.
‘This is a unique way to let his customers know that he is a sex offender,’ Roberts told Reuters.
Roberts said Teeter had at least 10 prior convictions dating back to 1976 for exposing himself to children and had been diagnosed as a compulsive exhibitionist.
Teeter, who has 30 days to appeal the sentence, will have to wear the T-shirt at work for 22 months after he gets out of jail.
Why is Poop Brown?

Feces are fascinating. Flush down your initial grade-school scatological silliness and you'll discover a world of energy efficiency and unparalleled waste management. If machines, industries and nations ran as well as your stomach, intestines and colon, we could say goodbye to a lot of landfills.
The complex digestion process ensures that almost no useful energy goes unused. The average bowel movement is three parts water to one part solid matter. Bacteria make up 30 percent of the solid stuff. The same goes for indigestible foods like cellulose and extra fiber. The remaining 40 percent contains various inorganic wastes, fats and used-up body substances like red blood cells, which are released from the liver in an orange-brown compound called bilirubin.
Bilirubin mixes with another liver product, yellowish bile, to give poo its distinctive hue.
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Turn your iPod into a Ouija board

When we first heard that occultists were using the new iPod to channel spirits, we had our doubts. Why would ancient spirits choose to manifest themselves in consumer electronics -- don't they prefer the dusty seclusion of basement seances? Apparently not.
The introduction of the Click Wheel alphabet-search system in the new iPod range has opened the floodgates to a new breed of occultist. Not only can the Click Wheel emulate the traditional Ouija board and planchette, but it does so in a small, portable format. Leading Ouija boardists have discovered that the iPod can not only provide the traditional letters and numbers of the board, but spirits are now able to pick songs, or playlists, to convey their messages.
It being Halloween today, we decided to give it a go. Our iOuija board is a new electric pink iPod nano. We placed our fingers on the iPod and our PC Editor invoked ancient chants to open a gate to the world beyond. Once we were fairly sure a spirit had possessed the iPod, we asked it, "What is your name?"
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The NEW Video By Guns N' Roses - There Was A Time From The Soon To Be Released Album Chinese Democracy
We're All Prisoners, Now: US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA

Forget no-fly lists. If Uncle Sam gets its way, beginning on Jan. 14,
2007, we'll all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us
permission to leave-or re-enter-the United States.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (HSA) has proposed that all
airlines, cruise lines-even fishing boats-be required to obtain
clearance for each passenger they propose taking into or out of the
United States.
It doesn't matter if you have a U.S. Passport - a "travel document"
that now, absent a court order to the contrary, gives you a virtually
unqualified right to enter or leave the United States, any time you
want. When the DHS system comes into effect next January, if the
agency says "no" to a clearance request, or doesn't answer the
request at all, you won't be permitted to enter-or leave-the United
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EBay building bombed: Exclusive IMs from an eBayer inside the building

Firefighters rushed to eBay's San Jose headquarters last night after an explosion in a four-story eBay building. First thought to be a transformer, the cause is now being reported as a bomb.
A live TV report from last night is available at KRON 4. If you have any information, photos, or first-hand accounts, e-mail tips@valleywag.com. A reader sends the following IM conversation they had with an eBay employee in the building
My friend was working late at eBay tonight when there was a large explosion within the building.
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British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il

America is now seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighbours and allies, according to an international survey of public opinion published today that reveals just how far the country's reputation has fallen among former supporters since the invasion of Iraq.
Carried out as US voters prepare to go to the polls next week in an election dominated by the war, the research also shows that British voters see George Bush as a greater danger to world peace than either the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, or the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Both countries were once cited by the US president as part of an "axis of evil", but it is Mr Bush who now alarms voters in countries with traditionally strong links to the US.
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Utah's public enemy captured

After Curtis Allgier's photo aired on TV Thursday tips came in he was seen in the Midvale area. Swat teams went secretly to Candlewood Suites, located at 6990 South Park Centre Dr., where witnesses said they saw Allgier's girlfriend.
Swat teams evacuated motel residents staying on the same floor as Mr. Allgier after his girlfriend told officials he was armed. Swat teams sent K-9 units in when they heard Allgier trying to break into the hotels' wall or attic.
According to police, Allgiers was quickly disarmed and taken into custody. He now faces federal charges in addition to parole violation.
Allgier was wanted for parole violations. According to police he has a history of burglary, forgery and carrying weapons.
Fortunately, no one was injured during his capture.