Tuesday, June 13, 2006
School bus driver charged with selling marijuana to students

A school bus driver has been charged with selling marijuana to a teenager who was a passenger and was enrolled in drug counseling at a special needs school in Joliet, police said.
Margaret Fittante, 26, of Oak Lawn, was arrested June 8 and charged with selling marijuana on school grounds as well as contributing to the delinquency of a minor for selling cigarettes to the girl, police said. Orland Park police said both charges are misdemeanors because the marijuana was less than 2.5 grams.
Fittante drove a few students daily from Orland Park to the Hopewell School for adolescents with emotional problems.
"We received a complaint on May 3, and after investigating, we found that the driver was selling small amounts of marijuana to this student," Orland Park Cmdr. Chuck Doll said.
Hawking to write children's book

Physicist Stephen Hawking and his daughter are to write a science book for children which will be "a bit like Harry Potter", but without the magic.
They aim to explain theoretical physics in an accessible way to youngsters.
Professor Hawking became famous for his bestseller A Brief History of Time, which attempted to simplify cosmology, the Big Bang and black holes.
His daughter Lucy said their forthcoming project would be aimed at people like her own eight-year-old son.
"It is a story for children, which explains the wonders of the universe," she said.
She did not provide any further details, nor a likely publication date.
Professor Hawking - a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge - has sold more than 10 million copies of A Brief History of Time since it was first published in 1988
Nun Carjacked And Raped

A San Francisco man kidnapped a Roman Catholic nun while she was driving in the Mission District, held her for eight hours and sexually assaulted her before letting her go at 5 a.m., police said Thursday.
Leroy Racklin, 31, turned up at the Mission District police station Wednesday afternoon, hours after the alleged attack. Police say he was driving the 50-year-old nun's car and told officers he was simply trying to return it to its owner.
Racklin, who police said frequents the Mission District, was charged Thursday with several crimes, including two counts of rape, one count of assault with great bodily injury as well as charges of kidnapping, carjacking and crack cocaine possession.
In a jailhouse interview, Racklin denied the allegations and said he had simply borrowed the woman's car. He said he hadn't known she was a nun.
Racklin has served time in state prison for trying to burn down a building where his girlfriend was staying, authorities said. San Francisco police arrested him two weeks ago for failing to register as an arsonist, a crime punishable by 90 days in jail, investigators said
16-year-old special education student raped and impregnated what is this world comeing to

A 16-year-old special education student was raped and impregnated in a high school gymnasium, an attorney for the girl's family alleges.
Attorney Jerry L. Peteet said he is preparing a lawsuit against the Gary Public School Corp., which he alleges failed to supervise the girl who was a student at Lew Wallace High School.
"She is supposed to always have supervision," Peteet said.
The girl was not scheduled for physical education class on April 5, but her teacher arrived late and she was sent the gym, Peteet said. He said a 14-year-old boy with a history of assault forced the girl into a secluded area where the boy allegedly ordered her to perform two sexual acts
Bus driver leaves kids on random dirt road

A Michigan school bus driver was suspended after allegedly abandoning some students on a dirt road last month.
Officials from Gaylord Community Schools said bus driver Sena Black forced some students from her bus on May 22.
On a video recording from the bus that included sound, Gaylord Superintendent Carl Hilling said the students can be heard telling the driver that they did not know where they were. Hilling told the Traverse City Record-Eagle that the driver responded by saying: "I don't care."
The video did not show any bad behavior by the students, Hilling told the newspaper. The students called their parents from a nearby home. The Traverse City Record-Eagle reported that Black was suspended with pay until the Gaylord Board of Education meets Monday night.
Police officers patrolling beach run over and kill sunbather

Two police officers patrolling the beach in an SUV ran over and killed a sunbather Monday, authorities said.
The officers did not immediately realize they ran over the woman and continued driving, police Cmdr. Tom Chronister said in a statement.
The officers, who were not immediately identified, had stopped on a small berm of sand to watch a swimmer whom they believed to be in distress. When they saw the swimmer was fine, they drove over the berm and apparently over the woman's head, authorities said.
A witness called the Oxnard Fire Department to report the woman was bleeding on the beach just south of the Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Resort. The woman appeared to be in her 30s and carried no identification, said Ventura County senior deputy medical examiner Mike Feiler.
Courthouse Pot Plants

If it looks like a weed and smells like a weed, it must be a weed, right? Someone spotted suspicious buds growing outside the Federal Courthouse and new Federal Building in downtown Sioux Falls. Someday the beds will be flowers or grass, but somehow we don't think developers had this kind of grass in mind. Just to be sure it wasn't some other weed posing as marijuana, we had it tested, and sure enough, it's ditch weed, or low grade pot, right outside the very building where people are put away for dealing it.
No one wanted to stir the pot by going on camera and talking about the mishap, but city officials and a developer KSFY spoke with say it's most certainly an accident. Crews bring in dirt for major construction projects like this one and more than likely, the seeds were sitting in the soil, just waiting to sprout.