Sunday, June 04, 2006
Teen Arrested For Allegedly Selling Self As Sex Slave

A 16-year-old girl who was missing for more than a month was arrested Friday and charged with soliciting and engaging in sex.Police did not release the girl's name, who was taken away in handcuffs from an east side apartment, NBC 4's Elizabeth Scarborough reported. Neighbors said they had no idea what was happening inside the apartment, located at 7424 Jason Trace. "Just to think someone was soliciting sex around here was kind of outrageous to me," said neighbor Jason Riley.
Idiot couple tries to get high off of helium from giant advertising balloon, die when balloon deflates on them

21-year-old Sara Rytman and her friend Jason Ackerman were found dead Saturday morning underneath a deflated promotional balloon in front of the Lake View condos.
Major Bob Shrader of the Hillsborough County Sherrif’s Office said, “It’s my understanding that it is or was filled with some kind of gas. What it was I don’t know. We’ll have to determine that through further investigation.”
Investigators do not suspect foul play. Both victims were found fully clothed.
Christina Saunders, a neighbor, said the red balloon was put up Friday and described it as “100 feet [up] with string.”
Eight out of 10 teenagers lose their virginity when they are drunk

Eight out of 10 teenagers lose their virginity when they are drunk, feeling pressurised into having sex or are not using contraception, a survey has revealed.
The research, conducted by the Trust for the Study of Adolescence, will alarm government ministers, who are concerned that the UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in western Europe and that sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia, are found mainly in those aged 16-19.
The survey of 3,000 London secondary school pupils aged 15-18 found that:
Nipple/Breast Stimulation and Sexual Arousal in Young Men and Women

Introduction. The role of nipple/breast stimulation in influencing sexual arousal in men and women during lovemaking has only been the subject of opinion-based comment rather than evidence-based study. No attempt to question people about such sexual behavior has ever been undertaken.
Aim. The study was designed to ascertain the effects of nipple/breast manipulation in young men and women on their sexual arousal.
Methods. A short questionnaire about nipple/breast stimulation during sexual activity was administered to 301 (148 men; 153 women) sexually experienced undergraduates (age range 17–29 years, 95% between 18 and 22).
Main Outcome Measures. Replies to questions in questionnaire.
Results. The major findings in regard to the women were that 81.5% reported that stimulation of their nipples/breasts caused or enhanced their sexual arousal, 78.2% agreed that when sexually aroused such manipulation increased their arousal, 59.1% had asked to have their nipples stimulated during lovemaking, and only 7.2% found that the manipulation decreased their arousal. In regard to the men, 51.7% reported that nipple stimulation caused or enhanced their sexual arousal, 39% agreed that when sexually aroused such manipulation increased their arousal, only 17.1% had asked to have their nipples stimulated, and only 7.5% found that such stimulation decreased their arousal.
Conclusion. Manipulation of the nipples/breasts causes or enhances sexual arousal in approximately 82% of young women and 52% of young men with only 7–8% reporting that it decreased their arousal. Levin R, and Meston C. Nipple/breast stimulation and sexual arousal in young men and women. J Sex Med 2006;3:450–454.
Indian Man Claims He Found Condom in Cola

consumer court Wednesday ordered soft drink maker PepsiCo to pay financial damages after a customer found a condom inside a bottle, a news report said.
Calling the case "rare" and one that had a serious bearing on public health, the court ordered the company to pay 100,000 rupees ($2,200) to a legal aid fund for consumers, and 20,000 rupees ($450) to the complainant, Press Trust of India reported.
"This case is an eye-opener for others who are engaged in manufacturing soft drinks and are required to maintain the prescribed standards of purity in (the) public interest," the news agency quoted the three-judge panel as saying.
Clever Quotes
1. Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
2. The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.
3. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
4. War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.
5. Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them.
6. If pro is opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?
7. If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you lack sufficient imagination.
8. It's your god. They're your rules. *You* go to hell.
9. Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.
10. You can't be late until you show up.
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2. The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.
3. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
4. War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left.
5. Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them.
6. If pro is opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?
7. If you think things can't get worse it's probably only because you lack sufficient imagination.
8. It's your god. They're your rules. *You* go to hell.
9. Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up.
10. You can't be late until you show up.
Assisted Living Communities Using RFID To Keep Track of Residents

Now here’s a good idea for RFID. Trading privacy for security, seniors have been wearing badges embedded with an RFID tag. The tag constantly relays the location of the residents, which gives them more freedom to walk around since caregivers know exactly where they are at all times. Since many of the people living there have Alzheimer’s or some sort of dementia, having location tracking instead of fences keeps people safe while allowing them more access.