Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Great Review Of Clearks 2 By ChrsBlck

Im a big Clerks fan. I stopped counting how many times I've seen the first movie after 80. My opinion of second installment was splendid. This was the first movie that I witnessed most of the folks in the theater came to see it alone. For once I wasn't the only one.
Because I'm the Self Proclaimed e301 TV critic, not movie critic, I'll keep my review short and sweet.
Kevin made sure to please the hard core fans by peppering in lots of the first movie jokes, but I was way pleased with the new ones.
Not to ruin ANYTHING for those who haven't seen it, (WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU?!) try to keep the potty breaks to a minimum so's not to miss : the cameos like Jason Lee, the AWESOME debate over Lord Of The Rings versus Star Wars trilogys (Randal's imitation was perfection), tear jerking speeches (yes, I had to wipe a tear or two), and the very surpising Musical Number.
Like every movie on the planet, by the end of it's ninety minutes, all loose ends were tied. I was the only one left in the theater thru the end credits. They only really missed lots of cool thank yous.
Lastly, a note to the writer.
Dear Kevin, I beg for a Clerks trilogy.
Man Accidentally Drives Over Wife On The Beach

A woman was pinned under a car late Monday morning in Daytona Beach Shores and the driver was her husband. Lena Patitucci was trying to help her husband when he backed over her.
Panicked beachgoers watched in horror as 57-year-old Lena Patitucci was pinned underneath the family car.
"I saw lady yell, 'Stop! Stop!' and he couldn't hear her. She went right under the car," said 9-year-old Elizabeth Gunter.
Eyewitnesses rushed to try and help, but they couldn't get the car to budge.
"He laid down to be with her. It was just too heavy to lift," said eyewitness Greg Gunter.
With her husband lying in the sand, rescue crews managed to get the car off, but it took what seemed like forever.
"Her husband was upset, as you can imagine, having just backed over his wife," Gunter said.
Drunk birds give airport trouble

“There were these little birds that kept flying around and acting crazy. They were flying all over the entrance road and disturbing people as they drove into the airport,” said Ken Martin, environmental compliance manager for Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. He explained that the cedar waxwing birds were causing all sort of problems. “Sometimes you could walk up thinking one of these birds was dead. Then you got to it would be alive and fly off.” After some research, the airport was able to safely find out the problem. “What we found was that these birds love a certain type of berry and they would get drunk from them. So what we did is cut back on those bushes a great deal and haven’t had any trouble since.”
This is just one example of how wildlife is dealt with at the airport. Martin said, “The goal is to scare the animals away from the airport because they interfere with safety. We don’t use lethal methods, we usually look at changing the habitat in the area so animals are not attracted to the airport.”
Dutchman devises floating bed

The time of pieces of furniture which stand simply on the ground is beyond. Architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars worked the past six years for the development of Floating bed.
Floating bed lived its world first with the presentations of the scale model (1.5) on the Miljonaire fair in Kortrijk and the 100% in June 2006 design grants in Rotterdam. The concept and the different uses have been registered and have been protected by designer Janjaap Ruijssenaars.
The bed can carry magneetgebruik 900 kilos. Four thin staalkabeltjes keep the object inert at his place and form the only contact with the ground. Normally said can a magnetic field erase a bank pass, but for that is the field according to the architect negligible small.
You want there one, then you must save, however, just as. For the scale model the richtbedrag approximately 115,000 euro are and for complete can lay down you 1,200,000 euro.
Man impersonates road kill to get car help

A driver stranded on a remote stretch of Australian highway Wednesday tried to summon help by playing dead in the middle of the road, a police officer said.
A woman who was driving with her two children spotted the man and had to swerve to avoid hitting him, said Doug Backhouse, a detective with the Western Australia state police.
"She drove around the body — which didn't move at all — and got to the nearest phone," Backhouse said.
Local police arrived with an ambulance and found the man alive and well, but with car troubles.
"The best way he thought to get a vehicle to stop was to lay down in the middle of the road and pretend to be dead," Backhouse said, adding that the man didn't think anyone would stop if he were standing up.
Police said they told the man that lying in the road was "a stupid thing to do" but didn't charge him with any offense.
The incident occurred near Esperance, about 450 miles southeast of the state capital, Perth.
Machete Threat Leads To Standoff, Fire, Two Deaths

Authorities said a threat involving machetes led to a standoff that ended in house fire and the death of two people in Rochester.
One man surrendered and two bodies were found in the home.
Thurston County, Wash., sheriff's deputies said the fire was set by the homeowner, 39-year-old Thomas Mason.
Sheriff's Deputy Dan Kimball said the standoff began after deputies were told that Mason and his cousin had threatened a neighbor with machetes. They barricaded themselves in Mason's house, along with his wife, and all three refused to come out.
Kimball said the two people who died were Mason's wife and cousin, who also was wanted on an outstanding warrant.
Pepper spray was released inside the home, fire broke out and Mason stumbled outside. The bodies were found hours later, after the fire was extinguished.
Mason was taken to Providence St. Peter Hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation, and Kimball said he would be jailed for investigation of arson and an earlier warrant for unlawful imprisonment.
Autopsies to determine the cause of death were pending.
Man found with heart cut out

An old man was found dead in Mopani, near Musina, with his heart missing and other fatal wounds to his head and stomach, Limpopo police said on Monday.
"The heart was out, out, out on the floor. We assume something like an axe was used, but we are not sure because we haven't found the murder weapon yet," said spokesperson Captain Maano Sadike.
He said that 69-year-old Masedi Alpheus Pilusa's son discovered his body, with "two cut wounds on his head. His stomach was cut open and his heart was missing". He was found in his home at the Bokhutha village.
"We don't know why the old man was alone, but his son went to visit him and found him dead," Sadike said.
No motive has been established yet by the police, who appeal to the community to assist with any information they might have with the murder investigation.
California power supply pushed to limit

The death toll from a heat wave continued rising Tuesday as utilities renewed their pleas for energy conservation to avoid rolling blackouts.
Slightly cooler temperatures were expected in California, thought the misery index remained high: temperatures in the Central Valley were expected to reach 100 to 105 Fahrenheit (37.8 to 40.6 Celsius) on Tuesday, compared to as high as 115 during previous days, the National Weather Service said.
Authorities were investigating at least 34 deaths possibly caused by the heat, most in the steamy Central Valley. Officials said most of the victims were elderly.
Thousands of farm animals also were dying in the heat, officials said.
In St. Louis, Missouri, where more than 150,000 customers have been suffering through a weeklong heat wave without electricity, one utility worker was electrocuted Tuesday after stepping on a downed power line that had been obscured by branches, and another suffered electrical burns, utility Ameren Corps. said.
Artwork Blows Away Killing 2

A tragic accident at a festival in England was all caught on tape when a massive, inflatable sculpture blew away killing two and injuring others.
Two women were killed and 13 people injured when the inflatable piece of artwork blew free from its moorings in northern England. A three-year-old girl also remains in critical condition following the freak accident.
The artwork, called the Dreamscape, is a massive inflatable structure of tunnels and connected
rooms in which people can walk through. The sculpture, created by artist Maurice Agis, has appeared at venues
around the world. About 30 people were inside when it lifted into the air at Riverside Park. in Chester-le-Street and drifted about 131 feet.
About 500 people were in the park at the time of the accident and one person captured the scene on his cellphone.
Charlotte Church faces Catholic boycott over Nazi Pope jibe

One of the world’s largest Roman Catholic publishing houses has refused to sell any works by Charlotte Church after she called German-born Pope Benedict XVI a ‘Nazi’. The directors of US-based Ignatius Press were offended when the Welsh singer mocked the Church in the pilot of her forthcoming eight-part Channel 4 television chat show. Miss Church, dubbed the ‘voice of an angel’ before she turned her talents to popular music, also dressed up as a nun and pretended to hallucinate while eating communion wafers imprinted with Ecstasy smiling faces. She smashed open a statue of the Virgin Mary to reveal a can of cider inside, said she worshipped St Fortified Wine, and stuck chewing gum on a statue of the child Jesus. Now Ignatius Press, a company considered a “Catholic Amazon” because of the vast range of books, DVDs, cassettes and videos it sells online, has announced that Miss Church’s products have been withdrawn from its website and catalogue. The company said: “It is with regret that we do this. Miss Church possesses a great gift from God, and in the past she has used her talents to offer praise and glory to our Lord.
Man crashes into bedroom, then opens a beer?

A MAN who crashed his car into a sleeping couple's bedroom allegedly cracked open a beer after freeing himself from his crumpled sedan and declared: "I'm going to jail for sure."
A 36-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman, asleep in the room, cheated death when the runaway car shunted their bed sideways.
The 32-year-old driver's car had crashed through the fence of the Lindsay Ave unit in Alice Springs about 2am yesterday.
It then crashed into the unit sending chunks of concrete blockwork tumbling from the wall, grazing the sleeping man's back. The bonnet came to rest above the pair's double bed.
They escaped serious injury. The man said: "The crash was bizarre. I'm glad no-one was injured. I am very, very, very lucky."
Unit owner Danielle Loy agreed the sleeping man was lucky to be alive. "They were sleeping on the other side of the bed, cuddled up," she said.