Monday, August 28, 2006
Catch A Perv Dot Com

A website for both comedy and for getting a serious point across.
You may have heard of the stories about how the internet isn'’t safe for your children with all those nasty monsters just lurking in a room with a PC, preying on naive youngsters. But think of all the good things the internet has, like this site, which will be alerting you to these nasty monsters as and when we capture them.
How I hear you say, well its simple. We take on the role of a young girl and log into a chat room, we make it clear of our age in our chat profile and then we wait. Within minutes we will be receiving messages from all different types of men. The key is to never make the first move and to let the Pervs show their true colours and lead you away.
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Apartment drinking water tainted by corpse

More than 500 residents in an apartment building in Yungho City, suburban Taipei, were reportedly drinking water from a communal roof-top tank containing a corpse for three days until yesterday.
The residents had been puzzling over their water having a strange smell. When they checked the tank they found the body of a 27-year-old drug addict identified only as "Kuo" who lived in the building.
Yesterday, television reports said doctors were checking residents and also people involved with a restaurant on the ground floor which had used the polluted water to wash rice, meat and vegetables.
After the body was found yesterday, health workers disinfected the water tank, but residents have shied from drinking the running water, hauling water in buckets from a nearby building instead.
Today on eBay

Today on eBay you can buy a half-eaten egg salad sandwich consumed by Britney Spears. If that wasn't enough excitment, it comes with a corn dog nibbled on by both Britney and K-Fed.
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Footballers using babies as 'repair kits'

Premiership footballers are storing stem cells from their newborn babies to use in case of their own career-threatening sports injuries.
They are freezing cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of their babies as a possible future cure for cartilage and ligament problems, the Sunday Times newspaper reported.
Five professional footballers have frozen their children's stem cells with Liverpool-based CryoGenesis International (CGI), and London-based Smart Cells, has done the same for three Premiership players in the past year.
One Premier League footballer, playing in the northwest of England, explained: "We decided to store our new baby's stem cells for possible future therapeutic reasons, both for our children and possibly for myself.
"As a footballer, if you're prone to injury it can mean the end of your career, so having your stem cells - a repair kit if you like - on hand makes sense," added the player, who declined to be named.
Paul Griffiths, managing director of CGI, said: "This has been carried out experimentally. The stem cells are injected directly into the knee and because they have the same genetic code they start rebuilding."
Full Story Here