Evil Bong The Movie

To me the most amazing thing isn't that someone is making a horror comedy called Evil Bong; it’s that the someone making a horror comedy called Evil Bong is not Troma. No, the honor of bringing to the world a horror comedy called Evil Bong goes to Full Moon mastermind Charles Band, who officially announced to the world the coming of Evil Bong this past weekend on his blog. What can we expect from a movie called Evil Bong beside the obvious notion that it will involve a bong that is somehow evil? Charles Band posted the following:
The script is really funny and there will be many surprise guest celebs and surprise puppet and doll appearances! Plus we have the absolutely beautiful and amazing Robin Sydney (Gingerdeadman!) and hotty Kristyn Green (Doll Graveyard!) as leads! I am sure that Evil Bong will be THE cult hit of the summer and in years from now it will be looked upon as our Little Shop Of Horrors!
So will the Evil Bong just be a cursed or possessed bong that unleashes evil spirits when fired up or takes possession of the pothead smoking from it? Or will it have arms and legs and be a foul-mouthed homicidal puppet creation voiced by the likes of Cheech Marin? As of now, Band isn’t telling. I guess we’ll all just have to stay tuned as opposed to "turn on, tune in, drop out."