Monday, August 14, 2006
Sexual lyrics prompt teens to have sex

Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those who prefer other songs, a study found.
Whether it's hip-hop, rap, pop or rock, much of popular music aimed at teens contains sexual overtones. Its influence on their behavior appears to depend on how the sex is portrayed, researchers found.
Songs depicting men as "sex-driven studs," women as sex objects and with explicit references to sex acts are more likely to trigger early sexual behavior than those where sexual references are more veiled and relationships appear more committed, the study found.
Teens who said they listened to lots of music with degrading sexual messages were almost twice as likely to start having intercourse or other sexual activities within the following two years as were teens who listened to little or no sexually degrading music.
Among heavy listeners, 51 percent started having sex within two years, versus 29 percent of those who said they listened to little or no sexually degrading music.
Exposure to lots of sexually degrading music "gives them a specific message about sex," said lead author Steven Martino, a researcher for Rand Corp. in Pittsburgh. Boys learn they should be relentless in pursuit of women and girls learn to view themselves as sex objects, he said.
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Breeding Germs on Your Cell Phone

Could you carry a dirty toilet seat around in your purse? Handle one several times a day? Or rub one on your face?
If you have a mobile phone you're actually doing much worse.
According to British newspaper the Daily Mail, UK researchers have determined your mobile phone houses more bacteria than a toilet seat, the sole of a shoe, or a door handle.
"I believe it," said Danielle Cooper when stopped with her cell phone at the Seattle Center. Still she said she hadn't given it much thought until now.
"Your hands touch everything, no matter where you are, then your hands touch your cell phone," Cooper added.
In fact researchers say your mobile phone collects bacteria from your hands and your face. A common germ they found: staphylococcus aureus, which causes illnesses from zits and boils, to pneumonia and meningitis.
Worse, your phone is warm and kept in cozy pockets, handbags, and briefcases. Those factors make it easier for bacteria to breed.
Firefighters Rescue Woman Who Fell Through Floor While Having Sex

A woman who fell through the floor of an old house while having sex in the Estonian capital Tallinn had to be pulled out of the basement by rescuers using a fire fighter’s ladder, officials said on Tuesday.
“A couple from the street entered the courtyard of an old house under renovation, and the woman fell through the floor while apparently having sex,” rescue department spokesperson Marek Simulson told AFP.
“Rescuers had to use a fire-fighting ladder to rescue the 22-year-old woman from the basement, which was 2.5 metres deep,” he said.
The incident happened in the early hours of Tuesday in Tallinn’s medieval Old Town.
“The woman, who was conscious and breathing after the accident, was taken to the hospital for treatment,” Simulson said.
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This East Side tree does its own watering

Lucille Pope's red oak tree has baffled tree experts, water specialists and nursery professionals.
The knotted, towering tree, more than 100 years old, has become the root of scrutiny in her East Side neighborhood. The tree has gurgled water from its trunk for the past three months.
Lucille Pope drinks the water that is mysteriously leaking out of a tree in her backyard on the East Side.
Lloyd Pope catches the water springing from a tree in his backyard on the East Side.
Pope, 65, has sought answers from several specialists, calling experts from the Texas Forest Service, the Edwards Aquifer Authority and nurseries for an explanation.
They've combed her backyard, probing the gnarled tree that leans away from a parked white 1980s Cadillac.
After snapping pictures, doing taste tests and conducting preliminary studies, they're still working to give her a definitive answer.
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14-year-old boy arrested after plowing into 11 cars

A 14-year-old boy has been arrested in Redondo Beach for drunk driving, hit-and-run and evading police after plowing into nearly a dozen cars in a mall parking structure. Cops say he tossed beer bottles out of his car as he tried to flee.
The teen, whose name was not released, was arrested Friday afternoon at the South Bay Galleria.
The string of accidents began when the boy, believed to be driving his mother's car, hit a vehicle on the top floor of a parking garage and fled.
As he tried to exit the structure police say he hit 10 more cars and began jettisoning the beer bottles.
Police Sergeant Phil Keenan said -- quote -- "He's 14. That probably accounts for why he's drunk and driving badly - he doesn't have much experience at either."
Texas School District Bans Cleavage

With a new school year about to begin, some female students in one Texas school district may have to rethink their wardrobes.
Teen fashions often leave parents a little disgruntled. Arlington Independent School District parent Frances Henson said, “I'm thinking that our daughters are growing up a little bit too fast these days.”
Arlington School Board members agree with parents and this summer, they adopted an unusual amendment to the student dress code.
The new dress code reads, in part, “The display of cleavage is unacceptable. Low cut blouses, tops, sweaters, etc. with plunging necklines are not allowed."
“It's gotten bad enough that, unfortunately, our young males are looking at more than their English book, their speech book, their science book,” says school board president Sherri Wade. “And it's kind of nice to have something left to the imagination.”
Even some teenagers agree there is a problem. “I think it's good that they're doing it,” said student, Tyler Edwards.
Others students say it makes back-to-school shopping more difficult. “I just have to be more careful with what shirts I buy. Change my style a little,” said student, Maria Lopez.
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Woman wakes up, finds tattoo on ankle

Hillary Snyder said she isn't going to let her boyfriend's antics get under her skin. Snyder, 20, awoke recently to find she had been tattooed by her boyfriend while she slept.
She said she took a painkiller with a sleeping pill before she went to bed Saturday night. When she awoke, she discovered a tattoo of a five-pointed star on her right ankle.
Snyder said she had previously told her boyfriend she didn't want a tattoo. He wanted her to get a tattoo of a five-pointed start to match one of his own, she said.
"At least he didn't flub it up," she said
The boyfriend wasn't identified. No arrests had been made. The investigation was continuing.
A police report accuses the now-former boyfriend of domestic assault. But Snyder isn't so sure.
"I mean it's not like he beat me up. There were no bruises or blood or anything. I'm just not going to see him again."
Woman suspected of murdering husband with hot cooking oil

A gruesome end for a Mississippi man, who authorities say died when his wife dumped hot cooking oil on him while he slept. Advertisement
Sherman Sanders actually was alive for a week before succumbing to the burns over more than half his body.
The search is now on for Edna May Sanders, who grabbed the couple's two kids and hightailed it out of their home. The FBI is helping look for Sanders, who faces a murder charge.
She's thought to have let about two quarts of cooking oil come to a simmer, before pouring it over her husband's head, chest and arms.
They'd only been married a short time and investigators aren't sure what led to the assault.
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Robin Williams in alcohol rehab

Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams is in rehab for alcoholism, his publicist has said.
In a statement Mara Buxbaum said Williams had been sober for 20 years, but had "found himself drinking again".
He "has decided to take proactive measures to deal with this for his own wellbeing and the wellbeing of his family", Ms Buxbaum said.
Williams, 55, won an Oscar for his supporting role in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting.
He stars in Man of the Year, due for US release in October, and voices an animated penguin in Happy Feet, set to reach cinemas in November.
"He looks forward to returning to work this fall to support his upcoming film releases," Ms Buxbaum said.
Cancer Drug Behind Cyclops Birth?

Medical staff who helped deliver a one-eyed child born here last week believe the mother may have been given an experimental anti-cancer drug, according to an internal hospital report seen by Wired News.
The report, from Kasturba Gandhi Hospital for Women and Children in Chennai, cites two potential causes for the birth defect: Either it was the result of an undetected chromosomal disorder or the mother was exposed to Cyclopamine, a drug that is being researched by a number of U.S. pharmaceutical companies as a potential cancer treatment.
There is no reference in the report on how Cyclopamine became listed as a possible cause.
The report states the child's parents turned to an unnamed fertility clinic after failing to have a child after six years of marriage. The treatment the mother received is unknown, but it appeared to work as she soon became pregnant. Then, late in her third trimester, she had her first ultrasound and it showed the child had serious problems. Too late to abort, she was rushed to the hospital for an induced labor.
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“They gave themselves to Christ; AK-47s and all”

What would it take to bring the Mursi people in the Horn of Africa to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Nazarene missionaries there have been praying for six years that God would provide the right strategy at the right time. World Mission Director Louie E. Bustle reports that God has answered that prayer.
Living in one of the most remote parts of the world, the Mursi are best recognized by the outside world by the plates the women put into their lips and ears. They are an unreached people group, belonging to what is called the Africa Traditional Religions. They are animistic, believing that gods exist in trees, stones, the sun, and the sky. They worship whatever they can see in creation.
God began putting the pieces to this challenge together several years ago when Zenabu, a young chief of his tribe’s militia, went to school in the provincial city of his region and became a Christian. When he returned to his own tribe, his experience with Christ was neglected and almost forgotten.
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3 Mexican Immigrants Found Sewn In Car Upholstry

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a U.S. man Tuesday morning after they say he tried to smuggle three migrants into the country hidden in the seats of his vehicle. CBP officers said they encountered the driver, a 33-year-old resident of Rosarito, Mexico, as he entered the port at about 5 a.m. driving a GMC Vendura van. According to authorities, the driver stated he was a citizen of the United States and presented a valid California identification and birth certificate to the officer. The primary officer said the driver has a nervous demeanor. The officer referred the vehicle and occupant to a secondary lot for a more in-depth examination. In the secondary lot, CBP officers discovered three undocumented migrants sewn into three seats of the conversion van, including the driver’s seat. CBP officers said they carefully extracted two men and a woman from inside the seats. Officers determined that the two men and woman are citizens of Mexico. They are being detained as material witnesses in the prosecution case. The driver was charged with alien smuggling and was transported to the Metropolitan Correctional Center to await arraignment. The vehicle was seized by CBP.
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Male circumcision 'lowers risk of HIV infection by 60%'

It used to be called the unkindest cut. But now the head of the one of the world's largest Aids charities believes we are on the brink of a revolution in attitudes to circumcision.
Richard Feachem, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, said research revealing the protective effect of circumcision against HIV was set to change parental expectations and medical practice across the world. Instead of viewing the operation as an assault on the male sex, it was increasingly being seen as a lifesaving procedure which every parent would want for their sons.
Good Samaritan Becomes Bad Samaritan In 12 Minutes

Sacramento Police say that last Sunday it took a Good Samaritan only 12 minutes to go bad.
When you first look at the surveillance tape of the Jade Liquor store, Michael Stoner looks like a bad guy -- and police say he is. That's because in the wee hours of the morning Stoner allegedly broke into a convenience store and stole a carton of cigarettes, say police.
But what Stoner didn't know is that when he allegedly broke in, he woke up Leandro Diaz, who was sleeping in his apartment above the liquor store. On hearing the racket, Diaz jumped out of bed, and with another neighbor, caught Stoner and turned him over to police.
Only 12minutes after the first robbery, Diaz is shown on the store's surveillance video, going into the store, opening the cash register and taking money.
"He takes out the tens and the fives and he takes some of the ones, not all of them," said Jamal Sareis, liquor store manager.
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Naked US tourist amok in Swiss town may have been high on mushrooms

An American tourist who ran naked through a peaceful Swiss town, vandalized a church and escaped from police clutches by jumping into a lake could have been on hallucinogenic mushrooms, a local magistrate said.
The 34 year-old from Massachusetts, who has since been allowed to return home, ran amok in the western town of Morges, by Lake Geneva, two weeks ago,
He started babbling incoherently in the hotel lobby, stripped and ran naked along the quayside, broke a stained glass window in the nearby protestant temple with a stool and set a precious 1898 bible alight, police in Morges said.
After being seized and handcuffed by police, he made a leap for freedom into the lake and bit two people who tried to help him while he was hanging on to a boat.
Having recovered his senses, he later appeared before investigating magistrate Gilles Riva and "coherently" explained that he had eaten 'magic mushrooms' that he had bought in the Netherlands during a trip through Europe.
"He said he had lots of regrets and said sorry at least fifty times," Riva told the Swiss news agency ATS. Riva said the mushroom theory was "possible".
The tourist, who also offered 250 dollars for each of the people he bit, was not named.
Suki OhMiBod The Musical Vibrator

There aren't that many jokes left to make about the saturation of iPod accessories. From laser points, flashlights, robotic dogs and fish, and even can-openers, there isn't much out there that hasn't been jacked into a 'Pod. While the rumors leaking out of Apple promise big things at WWDC next week, we've just seen something that's sure to blow anything Jobs has got up his sleeve, or up somewhere else (you get this joke shortly), right out of the water.
The new OhMiBod from Suki takes iPod integration to a whole new level. The device jacks into the iPod's audio-out for purposes of frequency vibration calibrated to the user's sound track. The device interprets music while it is being played and adjusts internal rpm, transmitting the good vibes to users in a highly-tactile and penetrating manner.
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Man drank cider then took goat on joyride

A MAN who drank six litres of cider at a party went on to seize a goat and embark on a joyride.
Drunken Carl Anthony Myles took a shine to 11-month-old Snowy as he walked home from a party last month.
Neath magistrates' court heard that, after leading the goat from a smallholding on Crymlyn Road, Skewen, near Swansea, Myles put it in the back of a Volvo car belonging to farmer Huw Leyshon who lived nearby.
Myles, who was apprehended by Mr Leyshon after crashing his car into a tractor, admitted one count of aggravated vehicle taking during the hearing.
The 20-year-old, of Tegfan, Trallwn, Swansea, said he could not remember anything of the incident on July 4 because of the amount he had drunk.
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Tri-Cities police waste no time finding stolen doughnut truck

A stolen truck full of doughnuts? Better believe Tri-Cities police were on that in a hurry.
Moments after the theft of the Viera's Bakery van was reported early Friday in Kennewick, police issued an all-points bulletin.
A Benton County sheriff's deputy quickly spotted the truck. After a chase at 30 to 35 mph, Richland police got it to stop and arrested the driver, Steve Swoboda, 19, for investigation of auto theft and felony escape.
Still intact was the entire load of glazed, sugar and cream doughnuts, as well as apple fritters, bear claws.
"In 24 years in law enforcement I've never had a call like that," Richland police Capt. Randy Barnes said. "To steal a bakery truck, how clever is that?"
"It kind of sticks out, a doughnut truck," Kennewick police Sgt. Ken Lattin said.
The truck was taken while the delivery driver, Gilberto Gonzales, left the engine running during a stop at the Break Place Conoco. Gonzales asked the clerk if he recalled seeing a man who had been standing in front of the store.
"The clerk said, 'Yeah, that guy's been wanting a ride to Richland for a while,"' said Mario Viera, one of the operators of the bakery.
Viera said he was happy that none of the load was lost "but I'm going to make sure Gilberto doesn't leave the keys in the truck any more."
Drunk thieves steal U-Hauls for joyrides

Thieves apparently under the influence of alcohol stole six U-Haul moving trucks and went on some destructive Mojave Desert joyrides, authorities said.
Four of the dented rental trucks were found abandoned later but the California Highway Patrol was still looking for two of the missing U-Hauls. There were no arrests.
"This is a first," U-Haul rental office owner Monica Hall said.
The thieves apparently got the vehicle keys out of large drop box used for after-hours key returns. The box was ripped off a concrete pillar in front of the office between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. Monday, Hall said.
Judging from the smell of the recovered trucks, the thieves were likely boozed up, CHP investigators said.
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Squirrels Attack People in Park

Several people attacked by a squirrel at Central Park said they had one word for the animal: nuts. On Wednesday some expressed frustration that the animal was not caught sooner, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
Alisa Cox's son Carson, 3, was bitten by a squirrel several times and had a 2-inch wound on his leg after the incident, Cox said.
James Klute said his 3-year-old son was also bitten on the calf while they were kicking a soccer ball at the park. Jim Hindman, meanwhile, said a squirrel bit and scratched both arms while he was sitting on a park bench.
Longwood resident Dylan Osborne, 19, said that after the squirrel attacked the leg and shoe of a friend he trapped it under a bucket but released it two hours later when county animal-services workers didn't arrive.
An official with animal-services said he was not aware of that incident but would check the records.
City employees captured the animal with a litter grabber Tuesday. It died and is being tested for rabies. Officers had previously tried to subdue the animal with pepper spray.
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Man dies opening grenade with sledgehammer

A Brazilian man died on Tuesday when he tried to open what police believe was a rocket-propelled grenade with a sledgehammer in a mechanical workshop on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
Another man who was in the workshop at the time of the explosion was rushed to a hospital with severe burns, a police officer told Reuters. The workshop was destroyed and several cars parked outside caught fire.
Police found several unexploded army issue rocket-propelled grenades in the workshop. They believe the ammunition had been brought there by scavengers wanting to sell them as scrap metal, but they also are investigating a possible link to Rio's heavily armed drug gangs who often raid military bases.
Teens Sang Before Homeless Beatings

One of several homeless men beaten while sleeping in Brevard County, Fla., said the attackers sang a quick song to wake them up before kicking and hitting them, according to a Local 6 News report. Investigators said Robert Magnon, 16, and Nicholas Wolkenhauer, 16, allegedly attacked and beat several homeless men as they slept near the Merritt Island Causeway in Brevard County, Fla. "The guys came up on us in the middle of the night and they started kicking on us," beating victim Clifford Lucas said. "They were saying we were homeless and they didn't like us." "The hate-filled beating was violent, vicious and vindictive," Local 6 reporter Erik von Ancken said. "(They sang) 'Homeless guys, homeless guys, time to get up,'" Lucas said. Lucas said he and his friends were kicked in the arms, legs and face during the first beating. But, the second beating was more violent. "We laid back down here, and it wasn't but a little while later and they came back a second time and started jumping on me," Lucas said. "It was the middle of the night. What were they doing out at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m? It is not right that they went around doing this. They got to get some type of punishment out of it."
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Would-be ATM robbers steal wrong machine

Three would-be thieves broke into a bank in northern Malaysia but failed to make off with any cash as they yanked out the wrong machine - a cheque deposit machine instead of an automated cash dispenser, the national news agency Bernama reported Wednesday.
The three men broke into the entrance area of the bank in the northern town of Bukit Mertajam early Wednesday, and tied a rope - attached to two vehicles - around a machine, police district investigation chief Chor Ah Sing said, according to Bernama.
They jerked the machine off its hinges, sending it crashing to the ground floor, Chor added.
The crashing sound alerted a security guard to the breach and he chased them away, it said.
The three men had already managed to open the machine but found no cash as it was a cheque deposit machine, the national news agency said. It is not immediately clear if they made off with any cheques.
Local police officials could not be immediately contacted for comment.
Man Kills Woman After Not Accepting Check For Drugs

Authorities said a Milton man fatally stabbed a woman delivering drugs because she refused to accept a check for $300.
Police said the two began fighting when 23-year-old Christopher Ard asked if he could pay for the crack cocaine with a check Friday night. Reports show the two punched each other and then Ard grabbed a knife and stabbed her.
The woman's identity hasn't been released.
Investigators said Ard was treated for cuts on his neck and wrist before being transported to Santa Rosa County jail.
Ard was charged with murder.
Muppet creators go adult

The creators of The Muppets and Sesame Street are staging a rude and lewd puppet show that is strictly for adults only. Even Miss Piggy would blush over the antics of "Jim Henson's Puppet Improv" that is spearheading a renaissance of puppet shows for grown-ups. At this year's Edinburgh Fringe arts festival, there are more puppet shows listed for adults than for children. "That really pleases me," said the late Jim Henson's son Brian, director of the Muppet Christmas and Treasure Island movies now revelling in the freedom of performing for adults only. Every afternoon at the Fringe, his anarchic troupe of puppeteers do an improvisational show for kids. Every evening the air turns blue for the show that takes off into surreal flights of fancy dictated by the audience. "It is lovely to do a show where you can go wherever your brain takes you," said Henson, winding down after a show in which the audience asked the puppeteers to play half a dozen hot dog puppets auditioning to be Ricky Martin's backup singers. But would father have approved? "I think he would have loved it because of how outrageous I get. My Dad really believed in community and sweetness but the other side of him was incredibly naughty
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