Monday, July 17, 2006
Police sergeant by day, rapist at night

The rape reports were scattered over more than two years, but the four women's accounts were similar — a man entered their home while they were alone and threatened them with a weapon, either a gun or a knife. In one case, the attacker told the woman he had been watching her. In another, he threatened the woman's family and recited their address to her. FBI profilers agreed there were enough similarities to suspect a single person might be responsible. On Friday, a Bloomington Police Department sergeant with 17 years of service was charged in the crimes. Jeffrey Scott Pelo faces two counts of home invasion and four counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault just two days after he was indicted on charges of stalking a woman who said she found him lurking outside her home late at night. Pelo was in court for a hearing on the indictment Friday when he was arrested on the new, more serious charges. He did not speak during the brief hearing before Associate Judge Rebecca Foley, who set bond at $2 million. His wife left without comment, escorted by courthouse security. But reached late Friday, Pelo's mother-in-law said family members are standing by him. "I don't have anything to say — except that he's innocent," said Sandra Benecke.
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Princess Diana death photo

The publication of a photo in an Italian magazine which shows Princess Diana in the wreckage of the car crash that killed her has sparked widespread outrage, including a response from Diana’s sons, Princes William and Harry. The princes protested the move by Chi, and its publisher Umberto Brindani, by stating "publishing such material causes great hurt to us, our father, our mother's family and all those who so loved and respected her." The photo shows the Princess being attended to by a doctor at the crash site in Paris in August 1997. The photo will be included in a new book entitled Lady Diana: The Criminal Investigation by Jean-Michel Caradec'h.
The photo is black and white, grainy in quality, and while upsetting, is not disturbingly graphic.
Sex Offender Kills Teen

A registered sex offender fatally shot a 17-year-old girl he had been harassing, then killed himself after an hourlong standoff with police Saturday, authorities said. Police had been investigating 42-year-old Scott David Uslan's relationship with Brittany Carleo for several months, but did not have probable cause to arrest him until Wednesday after he started making harassing phone calls to the teen, police spokesman Rob Vega said. Uslan posted bond and was released from jail Thursday. He entered the smoothie cafe where Carleo worked with a gun around 9:15 a.m. Saturday, police said. "Unfortunately this mad man was not kept behind bars where apparently he should have been kept, and unfortunately we have a young girl who is now dead," Vega said. Two other cafe employees escaped out the back. Uslan had been obsessed with Carleo since she started dating his son two years ago, and the teen eventually sought a restraining order against him, family members said. "If he couldn't have her, no one else could have her," her aunt, Barbara Martin, told The Tribune for today's editions.Uslan was registered as a sexual offender in Florida because of a previous conviction of providing obscene material to a minor.
Rich Hillen Jr

Take The Cramps, G.G. Allen, Tom Waits, EARLY Misfits And Johnny Cash Throw them in a blender add a bottle of wisky and the blood of John Wayne Gacy and youll get Rich Hillen Jr. His music is a dark twisted blend of folk/country mixed with disturbingly funny lyrics about mass murders and cerial killers. Basicly good wholesome family entertainment.
Falling TVs pose a growing danger

The 37-inch television sits in the dirt of the backyard, wet from the rain and dented and cracked from the fury of Alejandro Peña. His hands are swollen and the knuckles scabbed after he attacked the set as if it were a blood enemy.In a way, it is. On Wednesday, the television fell on his 3-year-old daughter, Lizzette, after she tried to climb it to retrieve a toy. The set split her skull, Peña said. "She was such a happy girl," said Peña, his eyes red from a sleepless night spent in tears. While at the hospital, Peña remembered the staff recalling other such similar accidents. "I didn't know this happened so much," he said. In the past year, at Memorial Hermann Hospital alone, there have been 11 injuries from falling televisions. In the past four months, five of those have resulted in death. The extent of the problem at other Houston-area hospitals could not be determined at press time. The previous incident occurred July 6, when 2-year-old Diego Martinez knocked a large television set onto himself and was pinned beneath it for several minutes. He died later that day. There are no national numbers for fatalities, but in 2005, U.S. emergency-room doctors treated 2,600 children younger than 5 injured by falling televisions, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
H.H. Holmes

The discovery of a murder in Philadelphia in October 1894 opened the door to a case that few could believe. Marion Hedgepeth, a one-time cellmate of a man who went by the name H.M. Howard, informed police about a recent scam. It involved insuring a man named Benjamin Pitezel for $10,000 with the Fidelity Mutual Life Association in 1893 in Chicago, and then faking his death in a laboratory explosion by substituting a cadaver. All participants were then to split the insurance payment, but Howard had reneged and run off with the money. Hedgepeth was informing on him as payback, and his detailed letter about the scheme was passed along to the company. In short order, they realized that H.M. Howard was actually H. H. Holmes, clearly a swindler.
A company representative who had already expressed suspicions about the death scene re-examined the circumstances surrounding the discovery of a body at 1316 Callowhill Street in Philadelphia. It had been found in a state of rigor mortis and so badly burned in the face from chemicals and sun exposure that identity of the person could not be judged. Nevertheless, Holmes, accompanied by one of Benjamin Pitezel's children, had indeed identified this body from certain characteristics as the remains of Pitezel. After he'd collected the money, he'd disappeared with that child and two more of Pitezel's children.
Bill Hicks Live - Chicago 1989

Who Are The Gideons?

Whether you check into the EconoLodge or the Ritz Carlton there is one amenity you are bound to find in your nightstand or dresser drawer: a Bible. It usually comes courtesy of the Gideons. "The Gideons are not a denomination or a religion," said Dr. Ardel Caneday, a theology professor at Northwestern College in St. Paul. Rather, the Gideons are an association with nearly 250,000 members in 181 countries. "They are laymen who devote themselves to the spreading of the Bible,” said Dr. Caneday. They take their name from Gideon in the Book of Judges who was strictly obedient to the word of God. The Gideons began their work 100 years ago as a group of traveling salesmen and Christians who left behind a Bible in each hotel for road weary travelers. Gideons now place 63 million Bibles each year in prisons, hospitals, military bases and, of course, hotel rooms. That's 120 Bibles every minute. Most Gideons are still common folks with day jobs. "You bump into Gideons more or less by chance,” said Dr. Caneday. "They are businessmen and farmers and many of them are individuals you would never ever see preaching a sermon. This is their way of participating in worldwide evangelism." The Gideons typically replace the Bibles in hotel rooms every three years so they always look spiffy. That requires more than 120,000 copies for Las Vegas alone.