Thursday, September 07, 2006
Fort Worth pastor indicted on rape under guise of casting out demons

A pastor accused of raping a church member at his house last year under the guise of casting out demons has been indicted.
Leonard Ray Owens, 63, who is free on $25,000 bail, is now awaiting trial on a charge of sexual assault, a second-degree felony punishable by two to 20 years in prison. He was arrested in November.
Police began investigating Owens last year after a 22-year-old woman reported that Owens raped her twice at his Fort Worth home. The woman told police that in July, several months after she began attending the Prayer House of Faith, she went to Owens' home for counseling following a miscarriage.
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Doctor 'hosted deadly drugs party'

A PSYCHIATRIST specialising in addiction therapy hosted a three-day drink and drugs binge which ended in a guest fatally overdosing on ecstasy, a hearing was told yesterday.
Dr Clint Tatchell discovered David Steel dead in his living room and then hurriedly cleaned his Glasgow flat before police arrived, it is claimed.
Detectives later discovered Mr Steel had also taken 19 diazepam tablets as well as ecstasy, heroin and cocaine during the party.
Tatchell, who worked for Greater Glasgow NHS, had allegedly prescribed sedative diazepam pills for his flatmate Brian Hoolichan while drunk.
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Jackson hits turbulence over doggy name

Peter Jackson is already being dogged by one tricky aspect of the Dambusters story that he will turn into a $76 million film next year – a racial slur.
Wing Commander Guy Gibson, head of the British mission that destroyed German dams in World War II, had a dog called Nigger. The dog features in the 1951 book The Dam Busters and the 1954 film of the same name – both sources for Jackson's Dambusters to be shot in Wellington and Britain next year.
Jackson said his team would tread carefully over the name but had yet to decide what to do.
"It is not our intention to offend people. But really you are in a no-win, damned-if-you-do-and-damned-if-you-don't scenario. If you change it, everyone's going to whinge and whine about political correctness. And if you don't change it, obviously you are offending a lot of people inadvertently.
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3 Men Charged With Attempted Sex Assault On Corpse

The three men arrested for allegedly digging up the grave of a woman who died last week in Grant County are also charged with attempted sexual assault.
The three men appeared in Grant County Circuit Court on Tuesday. According to a criminal complaint, the three men were charged with digging up the grave at the St. Charles Catholic Cemetery in Cassville with the intent to have sex with the victim's body, WISC-TV reported.
Alexander Grunke, his twin brother Nicholas Grunke and their friend Dustin Radke -- all 20 years old -- have been in a Grant County jail since Saturday.
The grave that the men are accused of trying to dig up belonged to Laura Tennessen, 20, of Cassville, who was buried last week after being killed in a motorcycle crash on Aug. 27.
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Deep-Fried Coca-Cola

There are fried Twinkies and even fried candy bars.
Now, vendor Abel Gonzales Jr. has come up with a new artery-clogging concoction for the State Fair of Texas. It's fried Coke.
Gonzales deep-fries Coca-Cola-flavored batter. He then drizzles Coke fountain syrup on it. The fried Coke is topped with whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry. Gonzales said the fried Coke came about just from thinking aloud.
Gonzales' diet-buster wins the creativity honor at the second-annual Big Tex Choice Awards Contest.
Judges for the contest chose Shirley London's Fried Praline Perfection as the tastiest fried delicacy.
The two won out among 26 entries such as fried macaroni and cheese and a deep-fried cosmopolitan.
London said she came up with the fried pralines idea after buying pralines at the fair last year. She plans to sell the pralines alongside fried marshmallows.
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The image you see is the first page of what is supposedly the most important document in the world. At least according to Scientologists. The going rate for reaching the level of idiocy in the church to be able to view this document (and the 20 other pages that follow it) is close to 300,000$. It is said in their doctrine that simply by viewing this page, you might not be able to handle it and could possibly die. If anyone does happen to have their head explode because the knowledge contained within these chicken scratchings was just too much for their feeble mind, I take full responsibility.
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Munch Works Damaged, but Can Be Fixed

The Edvard Munch masterpieces "The Scream" and "Madonna" suffered minor damage after being stolen by masked gunmen in August 2004, but it can be repaired, museum officials said Friday.
Police remained tightlipped over how they recovered the national treasures Thursday.
Munch Museum director Ingebjoerg Ydstie said "The Scream" had been banged hard in one corner and "Madonna" had a roughly one-inch hole and some loose paint.
"Our skilled conservators will be able to repair the damage," she said.
"The Scream" is probably the best known of Munch's emotionally charged works and was a major influence on the Expressionist movement. In four versions of the painting, a waif-like figure is apparently screaming or hearing a scream. The image has become a modern icon of human anxiety.
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New Jack The Ripper Slaughters 6 Prostitutes

Within the past three weeks, a mysterious maniac already nicknamed the new Jack the Ripper has killed six prostitutes in the city of Karshi in Uzbekistan.
The killer follows his victims at work in night hours and cuts their throats with a knife, a source in the law-enforcement agencies told Rosbalt agency.
Police units search undercover brothels and troubled city districts on a daily basis, but no traces of the maniac have been found.
Most of the prostitutes in town are girls coming from surrounding smaller villages to earn money. The names of the victims are kept secret, and the media has been advised to keep quiet to avoid mass panic.
The police have warned local sex workers to halt activities.
British hospitals introduce Muslim gown

Two hospitals in northwestern England will be offering head-to-toe gowns for Muslim women who request them, officials said Tuesday.
The burqa-style blue gown will be available from Nov. 1 for patients served by the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The trust operates two hospitals, the Royal Preston, and the Chorley and South Ribble.
"I noticed a gap in the market and thought that it would be great if there was a gown that helped to preserve a patient's modesty," said Karen Jacob, linen services manager for the trust, who designed the product.
Jacob said the gown could be adapted to show a user's whole face, or to expose only a strip across the eyeline.
Suspect Flings Feces in Courtroom

Vandale Amos Willis, 28, a Chicago man convicted of importing cocaine into Duluth, Minnesota, fired his public defender in the courtroom and elected to represent himself. That happens.
What happened next has never before been seen in the St. Louis County Courthouse or perhaps any courthouse.
Willis smeared his own feces across the top of the table where he and St. Louis County prosecutor Vern Swanum were sitting and also spread it on a chair. He threw some more on the carpeted floor before displaying even more bizarre behavior.
"He was literally smearing feces on his face and into his mouth," Swanum said. "He was putting it into his mouth. That's when he kind of advanced toward me. As I explained to one of my compatriots, that's when I decided to redeploy to a more secure position."
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Soccer moms smoked pot during practice

Two soccer moms were hauled to the police station with children in tow Wednesday evening after allegedly smoking marijuana in a van while waiting for practice to end.
Deborah Spangler, 40, 25 Rochester Hills, the driver of the van, was charged with drug abuse and passenger Jessica Riddell, 39, 992 Pom Court, was charged with drug abuse and possession of drug paraphernalia, both minor misdemeanors, at about 9 p.m., according to Trenton police reports.
An officer was called to the soccer fields on Pierson Road on a complaint of two women sitting in a maroon van smoking marijuana.
Officer Scot Johnson said he could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the van when he talked with Spangler, who said they were waiting for their children to get done with soccer practice.
Spangler denied having anything to do with smoking marijuana, even after the officer said he could smell it.
A search of the van turned up nothing, but when Johnson looked in Riddell's purse he allegedly found a half-smoked marijuana cigarette inside a box of Marlboro cigarettes. She was placed under arrest and then admitted to officers that both she and Spangler had been smoking marijuana, according to police.
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What Hippies are good for:

Parking your car on them.
Sending them to war so they get killed instead of real people.
Medical testing (they're stupid like animals; just knock them out and give them a shot.. they won't know what happened)
Using them for ammo. We should pack them into missiles and launch them over towards Iraq. The smell is potent enough to make any enemy surrender.
Target practice.
Hamburgers (They want to be in touch with nature, so what better way than to be digested and used as fertilizer? Hippy burgers anyone?)
Hippies make great janitors (after all, they have the smell down).
Decorations. Add color to your yard with a few hippies impaled on your fence (Dracula style).
Hippies make great scapegoats. Bad day at work? Famine? Plague? Cancer? Blame it on hippies.
Hippies are always good for kicking
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Cell phones found inside four prisoners

Cellular telephones were found inside four prisoners in El Salvador's maximum-security prison, authorities said Wednesday.
The discovery was made Tuesday at the prison in Zacatecoluca, in central El Salvador, after suspicious officials took X-rays of each of the inmates, federal corrections chief Jaime Villanova said.
The names of the prisoners, all members of the dangerous Mara Salvatrucha gang, were not released in order to avoid jeopardizing an ongoing investigation that began a month ago, he said.
Capt. Juan Ramon Arevalo, director of the prison known as Zacatras, said the gang members had introduced the cell phones, wrapped in plastic bags, into their bodies through their anuses. Authorities also found nine cell phone chips and one charger.
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Police Chief May Lose Job Over Wife's Nude Pics

An Oklahoma police chief's job is in jeopardy and his town is in an uproar because of his wife's profession.
Snyder Police Chief Tod Ozmun and his wife, Doris, live in Snyder, just west of Lawton. However, the chief's wife is known worldwide for her work as a plus-sized model on a pornographic Web site.
Officials said the Snyder mayor is requesting an investigation by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Technically, the mayor cannot request an OSBI investigation. However, the district attorney's office can, and officials said the focus of any such investigation would be to determine whether city computers were used for the pictures and if that violates the city's charter.
"This came to light because some of the people in town went onto the Internet to download pictures of her and started passing them out around the citizens here in town," said Mayor Dale Moore.
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Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job'

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics.
Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.
The claims have caused outrage and anger in the US which marks the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Monday.
But leading scientists say the facts of their investigations cannot be ignored and say they have evidence that points to one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated.
Professor Steven Jones, who lectures in physics at the Brigham Young University in Utah, says the official version of events is the biggest and most evil cover up in history.
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This Survey was held in October '97 over a period of about six days. A total of 1,208 responses were collected. Of the multiple-choice questions, fewer than 1% were not answered. If fewer than 1,200 people answered a given question, a "no answer" percentage is included with the results; otherwise, the percentages reflect only those who chose to answer the question.
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Lake Havasu City police looking for real-life Hamburglar

Lake Havasu City police are looking for a real-life Hamburglar.
A man broke into a McDonald's early Sunday morning through a roof vent.
Surveillance video shows the man turning on the grill, cooking and eating a couple of burgers before fleeing.
When he fled, the burger bandit triggered a door alarm that a morning shift manager heard when she pulled into work nearly two hours later.
She found a piece of drywall on the kitchen floor, and another employee noticed the grill was greasy.
Damage to the McDonald's is estimated at 150 dollars.