Thursday, July 06, 2006
Cops spot-fine Goth £80 for upsetting weapons detector

Metal detectors have feelings too, apparently. Last Friday a team of crack (are you sure about this? - Ed) coppers leapt to the defence of one being verbalised by a Goth at Highbury & Islington station, and spot-fined the miscreant £80.
According to a report of the incident, the Goth in question, Phil, had observed to the reporter in a low voice that the machine was a "piece of shit that wouldn't stop anyone". The reporter seems to regard Phil's being "a physics graduate" as lending weight to his pithy assessment of the kit's capabilities, rather than (as we'd suggest) simply indicating a stroppy determination to be right about everything, but in this case he's at least on the right track. Register mini review - walk-through metal detectors are imprecise in detecting objects that may or may not be knives or offensive weapons. This alone is sufficient to make them impractical for use on public transport systems, and because by design they 'bottleneck' subjects, the impracticality is compounded. They are therefore at best a psyops tool, and it is the policy rather than the machine that is a "piece of shit", OK?
Sony ad causes controversy

new billboard advert for Sony's white PSP has caused consternation across the US videogaming community. The ad shows a white model dressed entirely in white threateningly grasping the face of a black model. Next to them are the words, "PlayStation Portable. White is coming". The ad can also be seen on the Dutch official PSP site.
Sites such as Kotaku, Joystiq and Digital Battle have questioned whether the ads are racist. So far the debate has split comments sections with some condeming Sony and equal numbers defending the ads as a harmless personfication of the handheld console's two available colours.
Clearly, whatever the justifications, the intention is to be provocative. According to Joystiq, the adverts have been created by TBWA an agency that speciliases in 'disruptive' marketing. From the company's website:
"Disruption is the art of asking better questions, challenging conventional wisdom and overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas.
Bulls mascot charged with assault

A Chicago Bulls mascot dressed in a bright red costume was charged with attacking an off-duty officer after driving a mini-motorcycle through an outdoor festival.
Barry Anderson, the Benny the Bull mascot, was charged with misdemeanor battery and driving within a parkway. The 26-year-old man is accused of throwing a punch at the sheriff's deputy, knocking off his glasses and breaking his watch.
Anderson was riding the motorcycle through the festival without a permit Sunday, Police Capt. James Knightly said. When the off-duty officer, who was working security, tried to stop him, Anderson ran, police said. The officer chased and caught him.
Beastly mom tortures own daughter

In an unusual case, a daughter tortured by her own mother has demanded that the latter be punished and publicly humiliated for torturing own blood.
Malti's (not her real name) story is a poignant one and defies belief. She had filed a complaint with the State Women's Commission some time ago. The SWC has directed the mother to pay a fixed amount to her daughter every month for meeting her expenses.
But Malti wants that the people of the locality should take her mother, blacken her face and parade her so that no real mother could dare to ill treat their own kid.
The mother is presently living in LDA Colony, Kanpur Road and has two daughters. When her first daughter was born, she wept as she wanted a son. Later, when her second child was also a daughter, she became frustrated.
Malti is the first daughter of the cruel mother. As soon as she was born, the woman decided to throw her away but her grandparents intervened and rebuked the mother for being so beastly towards her own daughter.
Can Castration Be a Solution for Sex Offenders?

James Jenkins wanted to end it. No more fantasies. No more molesting little girls. He knew he was the only one who could stop it; he was just waiting for the right time.
The right moment arrived one night nearly three years ago when he was alone in an Accomack County, Va., jail cell. He had spent five years in a Virginia prison for sexually molesting three young girls and another 2 1/2 years for violating his parole. The next morning, a prosecutor was going to ask a judge to commit him to a state facility for high-risk sex offenders. Jenkins could think of only one way out.
He asked a jail guard for a razor. He told the guard he wanted to look nice and cleanshaven for his court hearing the next day. The guard hesitated but handed Jenkins the blade. Jenkins walked to the shower in his cell. He bit the blade out of its plastic casing and stuffed an apple in his mouth to muffle his screams. Then he castrated himself and flushed his testicles down the jail cell toilet.
Jenkins, 63, doesn't flinch when he talks about it now. "Castration has done precisely what I wanted it to do," he said. "I have not had any sexual urges or desires in over two years. My mind is finally free of the deviant sexual fantasies I used to have about young girls."
Hundreds gather to see patient holding piece of his own skull

Hundreds of people are thronging a hospital in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata to see a patient holding a piece of his own skull that fell off.
Doctors say a large, dead section of 25-year-old electrician Sambhu Roy's skull came away on Sunday after severe burns starved it of blood.
"When he came to us late last year, his scalp was completely burnt and within months it came off exposing the skull," Ratan Lal Bandyopadhyay, the surgeon who treated Roy said.
"Later, we noticed that the part of his skull was loosening due to lack of blood supply to the affected area, which can happen in such extensive burn cases."
The piece came off on Sunday and hundreds of people and dozens of doctors now crowd around his bed, where he lies holding the bone.