Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Movies to watch Bad Boy Bubby

Bubby is a 35-year-old man who has never set foot outside his mother's two-room slum. She kept him from the world outside, telling him that there is poisonous gas out there and without the gas mask he will instantly suffocate.
When Bubby's father ("Pop" played by Ralph Cotterill) returns home after 30 years, Bubby is driven out to head into an inhospitable world.

Cocaine The Drink

The drink's maker maintains that "doing Cocaine" - the beverage, that is - gives you a bigger and better high without the crash that other energy drinks cause.
They say a high hits you within five minutes, followed by a caffeine boost 15 minutes later. But hold on - the ride lasts five hours and the concoction is "350 percent stronger than Red Bull," they claim.
Orgy girl locked away for lying

A teenager who took part in an orgy was jailed yesterday for falsely claiming she was raped.
Cinzia Sannino, 18, had group sex with four men at a party but later regretted it.
The partygoers were locked up for 36 hours while officers investigated the case.
But one of the men had filmed Sannino 'encouraging' them to have sex with her, a court was told.
When officers played her the footage recorded on a mobile phone, she immediately withdrew her complaint.
Sannino met the men, aged between 20 and 28, at a bar before going back to one of their houses, jurors were told.
She stripped naked while performing a lap-dance for Mohammed Fajid, Leve Actie, Turfal Achter and Trevor Walters.
The next morning, she dialled 999 and asked officers for a lift home. When they turned down her request, she alleged that she had been raped.
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Man Jailed For Putting Urine In Coffee At Work

There will be no trial for an Ohio postal worker accused of urinating in his co-workers' coffee.
Thomas Shaheen admitted Monday that he put urine in the break room coffee pot at the Wolf Ledges, Ohio, post office branch earlier this year. Shaheen was sentenced to six months in a jail work release program.
He was also ordered to pay his co-workers $1,200 to reimburse them for the video camera they rented to help capture him in the act.
Shaheen told his former co-workers during his sentencing that he was sorry for what he did.
"I just wanted to tell you I'm really sorry," said Shaheen. "I don't know what came over me. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm really sorry, I just want to get my life over, get my life going again."
But before he apologized and was sentenced, some of the postal employees he worked with at the transportation maintenance shop gave Shaheen a piece of their minds.
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Animal bordellos draw Norwegians

Neither Denmark nor Norway has a prohibition on sex with animals, as long as the animals do not suffer.
On the Internet Danish animal owners advertise openly that they offer sex with animals, without intervention from police or other authorities, Danish newspaper 24timer reports.
In correspondence with the animal owners, the newspaper was told that the animals involved have many years of experience and that the animals themselves wanted sex. The cost to the client varied from DKK 500-1,000 (USD 85-170).
Legal gray area
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority's section chief for animal welfare, Torunn Knævelsrud, could not rule out that such a bordello could be legal here as well.
"It is difficult to say yes or no," Knævelsrud told
As long as basics like shelter, feed and care are in place, and injury or suffering to the animal can not be documented, there are no other ways to attack an animal bordello under existing Norwegian law.
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Central Valley teacher gives x-rated handout

"E" is for embarrassed — like the teacher who inadvertently used a kinky alphabet in a handout to parents.
"C" is for the calls alerting school officials to the sexy script. And "A" is for the apology that followed.
A veteran teacher used the font — depicting quasi-anatomically correct male and female stick figures contorting into letters of the alphabet — on the cover sheet of a spelling curriculum given to parents at a Pine Tree Elementary open house last week.
Think Kama Sutra meets Sesame Street.
But at first glance, it's difficult to make out the salaciousness of the type font.
Sources said the teacher had no idea the alphabet was offensive when she downloaded the font from the Internet. It's unclear if any disciplinary action has been or will be taken against the teacher, who sources said has been with the district for many years.
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