Monday, August 14, 2006

“They gave themselves to Christ; AK-47s and all”

What would it take to bring the Mursi people in the Horn of Africa to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? Nazarene missionaries there have been praying for six years that God would provide the right strategy at the right time. World Mission Director Louie E. Bustle reports that God has answered that prayer.

Living in one of the most remote parts of the world, the Mursi are best recognized by the outside world by the plates the women put into their lips and ears. They are an unreached people group, belonging to what is called the Africa Traditional Religions. They are animistic, believing that gods exist in trees, stones, the sun, and the sky. They worship whatever they can see in creation.

God began putting the pieces to this challenge together several years ago when Zenabu, a young chief of his tribe’s militia, went to school in the provincial city of his region and became a Christian. When he returned to his own tribe, his experience with Christ was neglected and almost forgotten.
Full Story Here


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