Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Don’t Pump Gas At Noon: “Hot Gasoline” Costs US Drivers Over $2.3 Billion a Year

You know gasoline prices are getting bad when it takes a physics lesson to make a point. So today class, we are going to learn why gasoline served “hot” ends up costing motorists as much as $155 milion a year in Arizona and almost $2.5 BILLION nationwide. First some facts:

–The state with the lowest gas temperature, according to federal data, is Minnesota. It has an average fuel temperature of 53 degrees, and its consumers pay $37 million less annually for gas. Source:

It would cost each gas station between $2,000 and $3,000 to retrofit pumps, and as you can guess station owners are not interested in the expense. In fact, in some states like roasting hot Arizona, the practice is perfectly legal. Because gas expands in the heat, most pumps do not adjust for that and serve up hot fuel that ends up being costly hot air to the motorist who pumps it. In Arizona, if you buy in increments of 5,000 gallons you will get an adjusted pump, but that leaves the average motorist out of luck.
Full Story Here


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