Friday, August 25, 2006

Man receives four years for necrophilia

Parker Ward had no answers for why he had sex with the corpse of a woman he found dead inside a camper home.

In a hearing Wednesday in Forsyth County Superior Court, Ward paused before acknowledging to Judge Jeffrey Bagley that he had committed necrophilia.

Bagley sentenced Ward, 54, to four years in prison to be followed by four years of probation, a sentence recommended by District Attorney Penny Penn.

Necrophilia, one of the rarest felony crimes in Georgia, carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

Asked by Bagley what happened on that night of Dec. 27, Ward began by saying he was "pretty much drunk" that night, having had about six rum drinks.

He said the 43-year-old woman's boyfriend asked him to check on her at her camper in the 2300 block of Canton Highway.
Full Story Here


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