Sunday, July 23, 2006

Confessions of a rock 'n' roll vixen

It's a sweltering summer day and Peaches has taken refuge in her air-conditioned tour bus, which is parked behind the stage at the Tweeter Center. In a few hours the 39-year-old musician will put on a corset and perform sexually explicit electro-rock songs from her new album, ``Impeach My Bush," in her opening set at the Nine Inch Nails show. This afternoon she is laying supine on a leather banquette, chatting about gender politics and tugging at the sides of her dress in an effort to cover her hot pink bra.

Such a demure gesture from the fearless vixen who will shortly be gyrating through ``Two Guys (For Every Girl)" is confusing. But there's a book on the table -- ``The Ethical Slut" -- that seems to shed a little light. And there's a person called Merrill Nisker who attended an exclusive Hebrew academy and played folk music in Toronto coffeehouses before turning 30 and deciding there was more to life, and art, than fitting in. That's when Peaches was born.

``The world's problem," says Peaches, ``is following blindly and fearfully instead of questioning power and questioning yourself. Maybe people think I'm extreme, but what's extreme? I think [President] Bush is extreme. I think not handing out condoms and spreading AIDS because you don't want people to have sex is extreme."

  • Full Story Here

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