Friday, June 09, 2006

Woman Beats Dog Breeder With Dead Chihuahua

Having your new puppy die can be tough. But it may have pushed one Missouri woman over the edge.

Investigators said she went back to the breeder's home and forced her way in. A fight broke out, and eventually the two women ended up on the porch. That's where police say the angry owner used the dead Chihuahua puppy to repeatedly whack the breeder over the head.

According to the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, the breeder told a neighbor to call police. That led the dog owner to get in her car -- taking the dead puppy with her, which she waved from the sunroof as she drove off.

Police aren't identifying the woman, but said she could face burglary and assault charges. The breeder wasn't seriously hurt.
  • Full Story Here

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