Thursday, June 22, 2006

A study of N.Y. women finds it's virtue - not vice - you'll regret.

Have that extra cookie. Sleep with him on the first date. Call in sick, even if it's for a sample sale. ou won't regret any of it, says a new study; rather it's salads, celibacy and soldiering through the flu that will bring you down. The report by Ivy League professors claims that when you hit 80 and look back on life, it's your virtues, not your vices, that you'll resent. Good girls are full of regret; bad girls have nothing but great memories. Penelope (not her real name), 27, would agree; the Manhattan artist is a true good-bad girl. "I am the only person I know that doesn't have any regrets. I lost my virginity when I was 12, I buzzed my head with clippers when I was 16." She has had dozens of scandalous love affairs and even managed to get a tattoo at 14. Her most outrageous escapade? "My mom is my best friend, and we've gone hot-tubbing with mutual acquaintances together," she says, giggling. Penelope's live-out-loud mantra is endorsed by the study, to be published this September in the Journal of Consumer Research (University of Chicago Press). Co-authored by Dr. Ran Kivetz from the Columbia Business School and grad student Anat Keinan, it explains that while conventional wisdom says we all have a hard time doing the right thing, the reverse is actually true.

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